Midterm Scores

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A/N: Hi everyone! Here's the next chapter! Please lemme know in the comments what you want to happen in the next chapter!!


Thanks, @tom_haz for helping me.

Dawn's POV

 It's Friday and we're getting out midterm scores back in the 8th period. It's 8th period and I'm so nervous.

"Dawn Holland," The teacher calls. I stand up and go grab my paper. She hands me the paper and I don't look at it. I go back to my seat and take a peek.

History: 190/200
English: 181/200
Science: 196/200
Math: 163/200
Physics: 168/200

Welp. This sucks. I failed maths and physics. I barely passed on English. 

The bell rings and I get up. I bolt out of the classroom, opening my locker  I grab everything and stuff it into my backpack. 

"What's the rush?" Shawn asks.

"I just want to get out of here," I state.


"I got my scores back and they suck."

"Oof." He states. I grab my backpack and head out. I see Tom's car and get in with Paddy. 

"Hey, how was school?" Tom asks.

"Good!" I act all happy. Even though I'm dead inside.

"Did you get your tests?"

"Yeah. I did pretty well."Paddy states.

"Same." I lie. Tom drops Paddy off and we head home. We get out of the car and I go to my room. I'm greeted by Milo's little bark. He runs over to me, tripping a little bit.

Hey buddy, it's always good to see your cute face," I say, picking him up. I set my backpack down and take out the sheet of paper with my scores. I lay it on my desk, face down. I do my homework and a project I have for history.

Tom's POV

I am going through emails and I find one from Dawn's school. I open it up and read it. It's the scores from her tests. 

History: 190/200
English: 181/200
Math: 163/200
Physics: 168/200

What? What happened? I thought she studied? Did she lie? I get up and walk over to her room. I open the door and find Dawn training Milo. At least she's doing something productive. 

"Dawn, I got an email from the school," I state.

Dawn gulps. "Really? About what?"

"Your midterm scores. That you failed 2 of the tests and barely passed on another one."

"I-I can explain."

"Please do. Because I want to know what you had been doing for the past 2 weeks instead of studying."

"I did study." She says. I lift an eyebrow up. "Well, a little. I was on TikTok."

I nod, finally understanding the whole story. "But why did you lie to me when I asked you if you had studied?"

"Technically, I didn't lie. I pulled an all-nighter the night before and studied."

"Oh, so that's why you didn't fail all 5 tests," I state sarcastically. "TikTok can't be your first priority. School comes first, every time. Unless, someone you know is dying."

"I'm sorry. I won't be on TikTok so much."

"It's ok. I suck at taking tests too." I laugh and she hugs me.

"Do I need to give you my phone?" Dawn asks.

"Only if you promise to actually study next time. Take this as your warning." I reply.

"Ok. I love you dad!" Dawn states. 

"I love you too." I kiss her on the forehead.

A/N: Kinda short chapter. I hope you liked it! PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!


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