Puppy Love

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A/N: Hi everyone! Here's the next chapter. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU GO VOTE FOR THE NAMES IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER!! You can vote as many times as you want. BUT DON'T VOTE FOR THE SAME NAMES TWICE.

Thanks, @tom_haz and @123ccaeagles for helping and requesting.

Dawn's POV

I wake up for school and slowly get out of bed. I head to the bathroom and shower. I get dressed in some cute clothes.

I head downstairs and see Isabel on the couch, eating ice cream

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I head downstairs and see Isabel on the couch, eating ice cream. Cravings, can't live without 'em. I walk into the kitchen and eat some cereal for breakfast. 

"You excited for school?" Tom asks.

"Meh, not really. We have our first midterms test tomorrow." I answer.

"Did you study?" He asks. I nod. If studying counts as reading 3 pages of the textbook, then spending an hour on TikTok. Then, yes. I did study.

I finish eating and grab my backpack. I say bye to my parents and head to the bus stop.

"Hey Paddy! What are you looking at?" I ask.

He looks up from his phone. "Oh, hi. I'm just looking at puppies for Dallas."

"Aww. You're getting a puppy for her? That's so cute."

"Yeah. Do you mind coming with me?" He asks.

"Sure. I'll just text Tom."

Dawn: Hey dad. I'm going to the pet store with Paddy after school. You don't need to drive me home.

Dad 🎥: Ok. Just don't bring a pet home, not even a fish. We already have Tessa, plus the baby. 

Dawn: Ok

We get on the bus and go to school. I get to my locker and chat with Shawn about the midterms. We have one in Math, History, Science, and English, and Physics. 

"Did you study Quantum Physics for the midterm?" Shawn asks.

"No, were we supposed to?" I ask, worriedly.

"Yeah, Mr. Bark said it's a big part of the test." 

"Oh god. I am so unprepared. I barely studied for each subject."

"You'll be fine. Just pull an all-nighter tonight and study."

We head to class and for the rest of the day I am stressed out. Lunch rolls around and I eat my lunch, still stressed. We eat in peace and soon, school's over. Paddy and I walk to the pet shop nearby. We walk in and go to the dog section. Dallas' favorite breed is a Boston terrier.

 Dallas' favorite breed is a Boston terrier

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