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A/N: Hi everyone here's the next chapter! I hope you like it. Please request for the next chapters.

Thanks, @tom_haz for helping me.

Dawn's POV

I wake at 6:00 am for school, the first day without Lexi. I roll out of bed and make my way to the closet. It's getting chilly, so I grab some warm clothes.

 It's getting chilly, so I grab some warm clothes

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I grab some shorts, I don't care if I freeze. I straighten my hair and put the beanie on. I do my makeup and head downstairs, grabbing my crutches.

"Morning!" I walk into the kitchen.

"Hey. How's your ankle?" Isabel asks. I answer Isabel's question with a thumbs up.

"Hello darling." Tom hugs me. I sit down and begin to eat some waffles. I finish eating and hobble upstairs to grab my backpack, I grab an extra wedding invitation just in case I missed someone. Tom drives me to the bus stop since I can't walk. I get out of the car and go over to Paddy.

"Hey," I greet.

"Hi. How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Better," I answer. We get on the bus and head to school. We finally reach the school and I hop out of the bus. I walk over to my locker. I put my stuff in my locker and head to class. 

Time skip: Lunchtime.

It's lunchtime and I'm sitting with everyone, except for Alan. I look over and see him sitting alone. 

"As much as I hate it, we should invite Alan over," I state. Everyone looks at me with confused looks. "I mean it. He's alone and sad. Look." They all look over to his only table. 

"I agree. He's been mean, but no one deserves to sit alone." Briana states. 

"Yeah. Let's invite him over." Josh agrees.

"Hey Alan! Wanna sit with us?" I exclaim. He looks up and smiles. Picking up his stuff, he walks over and sits down next to Josh. We all nod, satisfied.

"I'm sorry guys. I've been a huge jerk and a horrible friend. Do you forgive me?" Alan asks. Everyone says yes, but I stay quiet. We talk and eat just like the old times. The bell rings and we leave the cafeteria. I walk to my locker and meet up with Shawn.

"Hey. How are you and Jack?" I ask.

"Good. We went to dinner yesterday." He answers, helping me out by grabbing my binders and books. We head to class. I look over to Lexi's old seat.

"Mrs. John? What happened to Lexi?" A classmate asks.

"She moved to Russia, because of some issues." The teacher answers. I choke on the water I'm drinking. Russia! What?! Why!?  I take in what the teacher just said. The class continues as normal, but I can't stop thinking about Lexi. The bell rings and I rush out of the classroom. I open my locker quickly and grab my stuff. 

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