Growing Your Family

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A/N: Sorry for the late update. I usually update in the morning but I had online school. Nevertheless, here is your next chapter! Hope you enjoy. 

Harrison's POV (a couple days after Dawn's first day at the pool.)

I'm waiting outside the pool for Dawn. Tom said she was supposed to be out at 6:00. It's currently 6:15. I huff softly, texting Dawn for the fifth time. I hear laughter and look up. I see Dawn walking towards the parking lot with Alan. His arm is around her waist and her arm is around his shoulder. Dawn is wearing her lifeguard uniform with some running shorts on, her sunglasses covering her hazel eyes. I honk the horn irritated. Dawn looks away from Alan and towards me. She realizes that I'm here, kisses Alan goodbye and speed walks towards me. 

"Sorry. I lost track of time." Dawn apologizes sitting down. 

"Yeah." I simply reply.

"How long have you been waiting here?" She asks as I begin to drive away.

"15 minutes." 

"Oh sorry." 

"It's fine. Just be more punctual next time."

"Are we going to your place?" She asks excitedly.

"No, we're going to yours," I answer, knowing what Dawn is going to say.

"Ugh. Can't we head to your house?"

"No. Dawn, you can't keep avoiding your dad. I know you're still mad at him, but I mean, come on! It's been almost a week."

"He's just so overprotective."

"Darlin' you got drunk. He had every right to ground you. I don't think he's being overprotective, he's just being a parent."

"But I asked all my friends what happened to them after the party and they all said they sneaked back into their house and didn't get in trouble."

"Well, your friends didn't host a party when their parents said specifically not to."

Dawn doesn't respond she just crosses her arms and looks out the window. 

"Plus, your dad said he needs to talk to you about something important," I state.

"What? W-what does he need to talk about?" Dawn asks worriedly.

I shrug. "I don't know. Guess you'll have to find out."

"Uncle Haz! Now I really want to go to your place. Turn the car around."

"No can do young lady."

"Why?" Dawn asks.

"Cuz we're here."I park the car and Dawn looks at me with puppy dog eyes. "Dawn, open the door." She opens the door and waves bye. I see her walk into the house.

Dawn's POV

I walk in and see Tom and Isabel having tea together in the kitchen. Tom hears me close the door and looks up. I don't make eye contact with him. I just head up the stairs and to my room. I hear Tom get up and follow me. I turn around, glaring at him.

"Come say hi to Isabel," Tom says with little patience.

"Gladly," I say, moving past him. I come back down the stairs and say hi to Isabel. 

"Hi Dawn! It's so nice to see you. What have you been up to?"

"I'm a lifeguard at the pool."

"Nice." I see Tom come back downstairs and smile. 

"Dawn, we have something to tell you," Tom says, motioning for me to sit down. He takes a deep breath and begins. "Isabel and I are-"

"Dating." I interrupt.

"How did you know?"

"Dad you suck at keeping secrets. I heard you on facetime the other day." I chuckle.

"How do you feel about it though?" Tom asks.

"I'm cool with it. Isabel's cool. But why didn't you tell me before?"

"Well we didn't know how you would feel," Tom explains. I nod heading towards the pantry and grab some Doritos. 

"So are we cool?" Tom asks. 

"We're cool," I say heading upstairs with the bag of Doritos. 

Time skip to later that night. 7:45 precisely. Brought to you by Tessa.

I put my phone in Tom's room. Better not make him mad again. Before putting it away. I text Alan.

Dawn🌄 Hey babe. Wanna go night swimming?

Alan😍: Sure what time? 

Dawn 🌄How about 8:00? 

Alan😍: See u then love.

I run downstairs and see that Isabel was gone. I have an idea.

"Where's Isabel?" I ask running towards him.

"Bathroom." Tom answers.

"Can I go night swimming with Alan?" I ask.

"Dawn you're grounded." Tom states.

"Please. If I go then you can spend the night here with Isabel." 

"Fine. Just this once." Tom answers.

"Ok thanks! I'm gonna go change."

"Dawn wait!" Tom calls.

I turn around. "What is it?"

"Are you still mad at me?"

"Not really no," I answer honestly.

"Ok. I love you," 

"I love you too." We hug and I run upstairs. Now what am I gonna wear?

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