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A/N: I am so, so, sorry I didn't update yesterday. I had a lot of school, and was very stressed. I will try to update 3 times during this weekend. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

 It was requested by @tom_haz a LONG time ago and I just remembered about it.

Dawn's POV

I wake up thanks to the sun coming through my window. I groan and move the sheets away from my face. Doctor appointment today. Yay. (Note the sarcasm). I manage to get up and walk to the shower. I turn it on and the water wakes me up. I get dressed into this.

I do my makeup light and do my hair

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I do my makeup light and do my hair. (Like the one in the picture). I run downstairs for breakfast and see Tom cooking something.

"Morning!" I say as I sit down the breakfast bar.

"Good morning Darling." Tom kisses my forehead. He hands me a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Do we have to go to the doctor?" I ask.

"As much as you hate it, we do." Tom states. I groan in response. 

"Why don't you want to go to the doctor?

"Because I don't like it. They inject you with these huge needles. Those needles could be swords for mice." Dawn exclaims.

"Tom laughs. "You got a point, but we still have to go. I'll be with you when they do the flu shot and stuff." 

"Ok. Fine let's go." I put the dish in the sink and Tom grabs the car keys. I run upstairs to put shoes on and realize I don't have my phone.

"Can I grab my phone?" I yell from upstairs.

"No," Tom replies. "Grab a book or something to read while we wait."

"I don't read books. I don't have any books." Dawn exclaims running down the stairs.

"Come on let's go," Tom says closing the door behind me.

Tom's POV

Dawn and I get in the car and drive over to the hospital. I park the car and look up to see a big, white building. My mind flashes back to the night we first brought Dawn here when she got shot. 


We hear a gunshot, and Dawn is on the floor. We all look over at Dawn, her shirt is red and blood is dripping everywhere. I pick Dawn up, she fainted.

"Dawn just got shot." Harry states.

"How bad is it?" Sam asks, tears coming down her face.

"She'll be ok," I reassure them. "Hospital now!" We all run and get in the car. I lay Dawn on top of Harry and I, who are sitting in the back, her head resting on my lap. 'Please be ok' I think. Harrison is driving and Sam's in the front, calling the hospital so they know we are going to arrive. We finally make it to the hospital and doctors and nurses come. We all get out of the car and they put Dawn in those beds and wheel her to the emergency room. Before I thought Dawn was gonna be ok, but now I'm not so sure. The for of us sit down in the waiting room, taking in everything that happened. A tear falls down my face. Harrison looks over at me.

"She's gonna be ok. She's strong." He reassures me.

"How do you know?" I ask, losing hope.

"I just know. She'll be ok Tom. Don't worry." Harrison hugs me and I cry into his shoulder. 

"Dad. Dad!" I hear. I snap out of my memory and see Dawn shaking my arm.

"W-what? Oh sorry?" I apologize.

"Are you ok?" 

"Ya, sorry. Just nostalgia."

"From what?" 

"When you got shot and we drove you to the hospital," I answer honestly. Dawn nods. 

"You'll be ok." Dawn comforts me. I smile at her. We hop out of the car and walk into the hospital. Dawn sits down in the waiting room while I check-in with the front desk. They hand me a bunch of papers to sign. I sit back down next to Dawn and begin to fill out the papers. I finally finish and hand them back to the front desk. Now we wait. I pull my phone out and go on Instagram. 

Dawn's POV

I am bored waiting to get called. I look over to a pile of magazines. There's a GQ magazine. I grab it and my eyes grow wide. It's Tom on the cover. I start flipping through the magazine to find a bunch of pictures of him. 

"Dad. When did you shoot this photoshoot?" I ask.

Tom looks over at the magazine. "Oh ya. That was a while ago. The pictures turned out really nice." 

"Dawn Holland." A nurse calls. I look up and see a nice-looking nurse with ginger hair and teal eyes. I stand up and leave the magazine on the pile. I follow the nurse. She takes my height, and weight. Then, she leads me to a room where she checks my vision and sees if my body is functioning correctly. "Ok everything seems good. I'll go get your father and the doctor will be here momentarily." 

"Thank you," I say as she heads out. Tom walks in and sits down.

"You still nervous?" Tom asks?

"More than ever. Now the doctors coming and he's gonna give me the shots." I answer.

"I'll be here with you." 


"You know who the doctor is?" I ask. Dawn shakes her head. "It's Dr. Owen." 

"Really?" I ask surprised. That's when Dr. Owen walks in. 

"Hi Dawn, Mr. Holland." Dr. Owen shakes Tom's hand. "Good to see you up and going, Dawn." I smile. "Shall we get started?" I look back at Tom. He nods. 

"Ok. I got this." I whisper to myself. I sit down on the 'bed' in the room.

"You don't like needles, do you Dawn." 

"How did you know?" 

"Just a hunch. A little advice. When I count to three, on three take a deep breath and think about the people in your life that you love." Dr. Owen orders. I nod. He counts to 3, I take a deep breath and start to think about everyone in my life, imagining their faces. Tom, Harry, Sam, Paddy, Harrison, Tessa, Nikki, Dom, Alan, Claire, Addison, Briana, Dallas, Brad, Adam, Josh, Isabel. 

"All done." Dr. Owen states. I look over and see him put a Spider-Man band-aid on my arm. Ironic. "Now, Dawn. What happened to your nose?"

"Oh, I was doing gymnastics and fell on my face," I answer. 

"Ok. We can do this quickly. We can numb your nose and realine it, how does that sound?" Dr. Owen asks Tom.

"That sounds good," Tom answers nodding. 

"Alright, so if you two would follow me, we will do the surgery here, even though it isn't really a surgery."  We walk into a room and I lay down on a chair. Dr. Owen numbs my nose and uses his fingers to realine it. Once he's done, I hop up and my nose still hurts a little but it's better.

"Thank you," Tom says to Dr.Owen. Tom and I head out of the hospital. We get in the car and drive home. Thinking about the people in my life that I love made me realize how grateful I am. Without Tom I wouldn't be here right now. It's all thanks to him. 

"Thank you," I say, grabbing Tom's hand. 

"For what?" Tom asks. 

"For everything. You're the best dad. I love you." 

"I love you too darling." He smiles at me. "Do you wanna grab Greggs for dinner?" 

"Heck ya! Drive faster!" 

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you liked the chapter! Please message me some requests I'm running out of ideas! Love you all xx

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