One More Member in the Family

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A/N: Hi! Here's the next chapter! I hope you like it!! Please go comment on the previous chapter so I can know what you guys want the baby to be named.

Thanks, @tom_haz and 

Dawn's POV

It's Sunday and noon, I'm getting ready to go on a 'girls day' with Isabel, Elysia, and Nikki. We all decided to keep the baby a secret from Nikki, she can find out when we tell everyone tonight. I shower and get dressed with this.

I do my hair like always and head out with Isabel

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I do my hair like always and head out with Isabel. We drive to the mall and meet up with everyone else. We all walk to the nail salon and get our finger and toenails done. I paint mine purple to match my dress for tonight. We're all relaxed and talking while the lovely ladies do our nails.

"So, Elysia, have you started planning for the wedding?" Nikki asks.

"A little bit. Sam and I have been talking about where and when it's gonna be." Elysia answers. 

"Nice. How's your Senior year going Dawn?" Nikki asks.

"It's alright. I mean, after the whole Lexi drama it's been better. We've also started studying for midterms." I answer.

"What Lexi drama?" Elysia asks.

"Oh right! You don't know. So basically in the begging of the year, I was bullied by this girl named Lexi and basically, she threatened to kill me, and told me to kill myself. All that stuff. I got into a fistfight with her once, and one day, ambushed me in the bathroom and hurt me. After all that, she moved to Russia." I summarize.

"What?! Why are you explaining that so calmly? Where were your parents during all this." 

"Oh, they didn't know about this until Tom picked me up from school after the fight. I refused to tell them." I answer.

"Isabel, you've been quiet. Anything new?" Nikki asks

"Not really, I'm not feeling too good." She answers. Elysia and I smirk at each other. "I'll be right back." She gets up and heads for the bathroom.

Isabel's POV

I go to the bathroom. Coming out, I see Nikki. 

"Hi," I state.

"Isabel, are you pregnant?" She asks.

"Yeah I am," 

"I'm gonna have a grandchild! When did you find out?"

"Yesterday. We're gonna tell everyone tonight."

"Ooo! Fun! I can't wait to see everyone's reactions."

"How did you know I'm pregnant?" 

"I have a superpower." She jokes.

"Do you think the boys will suspect anything tonight?"

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