Last Relative

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A/N: Hi everyone! Here's the next chapter! 

The votes got complicated. I am making a round 2 because there are a lot of ties.

But, onto the story. Btw, it's Saturday in the story.

Max's POV

After months of being in jail, my buddies and I escape again. We planned for months and now, we're driving far away. We reach Ireland and just keep on driving. Unfortunately, the cops are on us. I tell Storm to drive faster. We reach a highway and weave through the cars. The cops keep following us.

"Step on it!" I yell. We go from 100 MPH to 120. We drive down this ally and make a left and keep going. We're about to turn, but a big truck comes towards us. I realize that if we hit that truck, the car will explode because we're going so fast.

This is it. This is how I die. Without family or friends, just a bunch of lowlives and criminals. I will never get to say goodbye to Dawn, but I'll meet my parents in heaven. No I won't. I've done more bad than good in this world. I'll go to hell alone, without my family. The last words I said to my parents were 'I hope you die!'  I'll never get to apologize to Dawn for being the brother she never wanted but always had. The last words I said to her were 'Call me monster one more time.' I guess she was right. I am a monster, I hurt the people I loved because I was hurting. Now, I'm gonna leave. Goodbye Dawn, you were the best sister. I'm sorry.

 Crashing against the truck, I see the glass from the window fly towards my face. And then the car goes up in flames, the world goes black. 

Dawn's POV

It was nice Saturday and I was outside playing with Milo and Tessa. I am playing fetch with Milo when I hear my phone ring. I get up and see who's calling me. The police. What did I do? Did I steal something? Or did someone steal my identity? 
My mind starts thinking of anything and everything I could've done wrong. I answer the call.

"Hello?" I greet.

"Hi. Is this Dawn Holland?" The police ask.


"We regret to inform you that your brother, Max, has died from a car explosion."

A tear falls down my eye. "W-what."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you f-for telling me." I hang up and fall to my knees. I sob a lot. He was my last blood relative. He may have been evil, but I loved him. He didn't have to die. Why? Max why did you have to die!? I never got to say goodbye.

I feel someone's arms wrap around me from behind.  

"What's wrong Dawn," Tom asks, moving me to face him. He looks into my red, teary eyes.

"M-max is dead," I say, my voice cracking.

Tom hugs me tighter. "What? How?"

"H-his car exploded." 

"It's ok, it's ok," Tom whispers. I sob into his chest.

"I lost my last blood relative," I whisper, my voice breaking again. Isabel comes over and hugs me. "I never got to say goodbye." I feel a raindrop fall on my shoulder.

Tom sighs. "Come on, let's go inside." I get up and follow him inside. Once, everyone, including the dogs, is inside, I go up to my room with Milo. I close the door and fall on my bed, crying into my pillow. Milo hoops up on my bed and licks my face. I ignore him, but he keeps bugging me. 

"Stop it Milo." I gently push him away. I'm all alone now. I'm the last living member of the Murphy family. Now I'm a Holland not a Murphy, there are no more Murphys.

I hear the door open and look up from my wet pillow. I see Tom come in.

"Hey." He greets softly. I hum in response and smash my face back into the pillow. Tom sits on my bed and rubs circles on my back. "Hey, Dawn, look at me please." He asks. I turn around and look up at him.

"I'm all alone." I sigh.

"No. That's not true. That will never be true because you have your family here. You have Harry, Sam, Harrison, Paddy, Isabel. You have your friends: Addison, Briana, Claire, Dallas Josh, Brad, Adam, Shawn, and Alan (kind of). And you have me. We are not going anywhere. We'll always be by your side, I'll always be by your side. We're your family." A tear falls out of Tom's eye.

I get up abruptly and hug him. "Thank you." 

"You're welcome darling. I love you." Tom hugs me back.

"I love you too."

A/N: I hope you liked the chapter. Please comment on what you want to happen in the next chapter. I will announce the next round of votes soon.

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