You are not Alone

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A/N: Hi! I hope you like this chapter! Lemme know!

Thanks, @tom_haz and @MajesticWriter1 for helping with this chapter.

Dawn's POV

Tom's driving back home, and he isn't very happy. If only he knew what Lexi says, but he doesn't and I'm not gonna tell him. There is a tense, awkward silence in the air. I see Tom shaking his head in disapproval.

"What!?" I snap.

"I just can't believe you gave in and retaliated. I never thought I would have to get my daughter from school because she got into a fight! " He states.

"Look, Dad, I'm really sorry." 

"Sorry doesn't always fix everything Dawn! What did Lexi ever do to you?!" Tom kept his eyes on the road.

I didn't answer, thinking if I should tell him or not. After some moments, I finally spoke softly. "She told me to kill myself."

Tom looks over at me, not knowing what to say. Until he says. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I look into his eyes. "Because I was scared ok?! I was scared that if I told you, you would have gone to the school, talked to the principal, and everything would have been worse!"

"Dawn, it was wrong of you to tell me or your mum. We care about you and love you."

"I just didn't know what to do. Paddy knew and he tried to tell you but I didn't let him. If you had known, everything would have been a lot worse than it is."

"How? How could it get worse?" He exclaims. I don't answer, I just think my answer. I would have actually gone through with Lexi's statement. "What else has she done?" Tom asks.

"She bullies me, leaves notes in my locker, she dumped a smoothie on me, fat-shames me, and hurts me," I mumble.

Tom huffs. "How long has she been doing this?"

"About a week."

"All that in one week?" He asks. I nod. "You should've told me. Or your mum, or Harry, Sam, Harrison, or literally anyone!"

"I handled it though!"

"By doing what? Fighting her and getting suspended? How did that work out!?" Tom exclaims. I stay silent. "That wasn't a rhetorical question, young lady!"

"Not well," I mumble.

"That's a bit of an understatement."

"Why do you even care that Lexi is being mean to me?"

"Because I know what it feels like to be bullied, and I don't want anyone to feel how I felt, especially my daughter."

"I'm sorry, Dad. I never meant for this to go this far."

"It's alright darling. But I want to know what thing."

"What's that?"

"Did you win the fight?"

"I think it was a tie. Even though she tackled me,"

"She what?"

"Yeah. She tackled me, twice. I need some ice."

We finally get home. I go upstairs to shower.

Tom's POV

 I walk into my room and find Isabel looking at things for the wedding. 


"What happened?"

"Dawn got into a fight with Lexi because she was bullying her."

"What? Really? Why didn't Dawn tell us?" Isabel sighs in disappointment.

"She was scared that we would make it worse by telling the principal."

"Is she ok?"

"Well, besides her nose, all the bruises, her bleeding lip, and the black eye. She's fine."

"That doesn't sound fine, Tom." Isabel gets up and goes to the kitchen to get ice.

Dawn's POV

Isabel comes in with an ice pack, bandaids, and some tissues.

"How are you feeling?"

"Eh, fine I guess."

"Ok, Dawn you need to talk to us about things like this. You are not alone."

I hug her. "I love you mum." She hugs me back. Isabel gets up and heads out. Tom comes in. 

"Hey we need to talk." He states.


"What you'll be doing while you're suspended."

"What? I thought I could relax for a bit."

"Nope. You're cleaning the house from top to bottom."

What? Why?!"

"You punched someone in the face, Dawn!"

"It's called self-defense!"

"No. Self-defense is putting your arms up to block a hit. What you did was retaliate and punch her."


"This isn't up for discussion, Dawn! It won't take you that long."

"Fine. I'll do then later."

"Ok, just make sure it's done by the weekend." Tom closes the door and my phone rings. It's a text from an unknown number.

101******: Hi chicken 🐔

Dawn: Who are you? How did you get my number?

101******: It's Lexi u fat idiot! And Alan-boo gave me your number, duh. Alan-boo? EW!

101****** changed to Lexi 😈

Dawn: What do you want?

Lexi😈: Nothing just telling you that you are worthless.

Dawn: If you could eff off that would be great.

Lexi😈: Fine! See you next Thursday.

I shut my phone off and plop onto my bed. Ugh stupid Lexi!

A/N: I hope you liked the chapter! Please comment and vote! Have a great day/night!

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