Calls and Dances

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It's Tuesday and I am in my last period Drama class. There is an announcement over the loud speaker. 
"Please remember to get your Prom tickets for the dance next week. Tickets go for 5 dollars each." 

After hearing the announcement I get really excited. Ooh I hope Alan asks me out. The bell rings and I leave to go to locker. I grab all my things and go outside with Alan. I don't ask him anything about prom. We just peacefully walk to the front doors. Once we reach our destination I kiss him goodbye and tell him I'll be ok. He's been so worried about me all day. I have been sad about the movie and nothing would cheer me up. I get into the car and go home. I get home and do my homework. I finish that up, take a shower and change but change into pjs. I grab my phone and scroll through Instagram. I see that Watercolors (I made it up)(the production company of The Day the World Ended) posted something new. There is a website to go to find out who will be playing Ariana. I grab my laptop and go to the website. It says this.

The search for the role of Ariana Hewitt is over. After countless of auditions and discussions we are happy to announce that Dawn Holland will be playing Ariana. 

I immediately shut my laptop. This can't be happening. "What?" I say to myself. I open my computer back up again. And there it is my name. My name. I close my computer and toss it across the bed. I jump off my bed and sprint down the hall. I run down the stairs yelling

"Dad! Dad! Dad! I got the part. I'm gonna play Ariana!" 

"That's amazing! Did you get the call?" 

"No, but check out their Instagram." I hand him my phone. He's reading the paragraph and all of a sudden my phone goes off. Tom hands it back to me.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi. This is Andrew Dust from Watercolors. I've got some exciting news for you, you're going to be Ariana."

"Sorry to burst your bubble Andrew, but I already know." I say.

"Really? How?" 

"You put it on Instagram. Well, thanks anyways for the call."

"Excited to work with you and your dad. Bye."

He hangs up and I burst into tears. Tom hugs me, even though he doesn't know why I am melting down. 

"I got the part." I say through sniffles.

"That's great! I'm so proud of you. Why are you crying then." 

"Because, I have wanted to get a phone call like that since I was 4."  (I have also wanted a phone call like that since I was 4).

"So these are tears of joy?" Tom asks. I nod. 

"Well I remember the first time I got a call saying that I got the role, I was at one of your uncles football (soccer) games. And they called my dad saying that I had gotten it and I ran around the field cuz I was so happy."

I laugh. I go back upstairs and text Alan. 

Dawn: I got the part!

Alan: That's amazing! I'm so proud of you!

Dawn: Thanks Bear!

Alan: My little ducky has her first job!

Dawn: And my little bear won the little ducky's heart <3

Alan: Awww babe! I gtg. Sweet dreams goodnight ducky.

Dawn: Goodnight bear.

I then call my agent. 

"Hi Isabel!" I say.

"Hi Dawn! What's up?" She replies.

"I have some great news.....I got the part!"

"That's amazing. I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks! I have an idea, you can come over for dinner on Thursday. Therefore, Dad and I can get to formally know you and we can celebrate." 

"That sounds lovely. Thursday it is." 

I say goodbye and hang up. I'm too lazy to walk to Tom's room so I just shoot him a text saying Isabel is coming over on Thursday. He replies with a thumbs up. I scroll through TikTok and snap some people. My phone is blowing up with texts from everyone congratulating me. I get texts from Harry, Sam, Paddy, Haz, Nikki, and Dom. The group chat with all my friends blew up. My phone kept going off every second. Eventually everything died down and I went to sleep feeling amazing and wondering what the next day will bring. Tomorrow school is going to be insane.

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