Proposal part 2

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A/N: Part 2! I hope you enjoy it! Please comment and vote!

Tom's POV

We get to the restaurant and sit down. My nerves have settled a little. Isabel and I order our food and make conversation. 

"How was The Day the World Ended premiere?" Isabel asks.

"Good. The premiere was fun. Dawn had a blast." I respond. I grab Isabel's hand across the small, square table and kiss it. Isabel smiles. 

"You know. I just realized this recently. Your whole family has nicknames. Like your dad's name is Domonic and his nickname is Dom. Your mum's is Nikki, Your name is Thomas and your nickname is Tom, Harry's name is Harold (I think), Sam is Samuel,(I think.Somone clarify me plz) and Paddy is Patrick.

"Wow. I never realized that. Guess we have a lot of nicknames." I state. Isabel laughs. 

"Hey so, I called my mum yesterday and she said you came over the other day. What's that about." Isabel asks, eating a pasta piece.

"Oh, heh. I just wanted to know how they are doing, because I care about them." I chuckle. "And I also care about you. I love you." 

"I love you too," Isabel says. We finish eating and pay. We get in the car and I begin to drive the opposite way.

"Tom, sweety. The house is the other way." Isabel states. 

"I know. Our date isn't over yet." I say, keeping my eyes on the road. I drive to the famous London bridge. I park right in front of it. There are nice fairy lights hanging from pole to pole. There are rose peddles on the floor making a clear path. I got the police to close the bridge for this. We get out of the car and I grab Isabel's hand and we begin to walk across the bridge. 

"Isabel, remember the first time we met?" I ask, walking along the bridge. She nods. "I still remember the type of coffee I bought you that day." 

"What was it?" She asks looking into my chocolate, brown eyes. 

"It was an iced coffee with 1/2 a cup of milk and for some odd reason, a pinch of cinnamon," I explain. "Isabel, I have to tell you something." I turn towards her.

"What is it?" 

"I actually didn't go over to your parent's house just to see how they were doing, I went to ask if I could do this..." I kneel down on one knee, take a deep breath and take out the ring.
 "Isabel, you are so amazing, and brave. I couldn't have asked for a better person to get coffee for. You light up my world and make it so much brighter. It may have just been a coincidence that we met before the meeting, or maybe fate. But whatever it was, I'm glad it happened. Isabel, I want you to be the last person I say good night to, and I want your face to be the first face I see when I wake up. Isabel, will you marry me?"

"Yes, Tom! A million times yes!" She exclaims. I smile and put the ring on her ring finger. I get up and kiss her. 

"Welcome to the Holland family," I whisper. She smiles so wide. I kiss her passionately. Isabel looks down at her hand.

"It's beautiful. I love you." She says.

"I love you too." I give her a peck on the cheek. "Come on, let's get back in the car. It's freezing." We run back to the car and drive home. I text the group chat with Haz, Sam, and Harry.

Tom: She said yes

Haz: Yes! Go, Tom!

Sam: Good job mate!

Harry: First Holland boy to get married!

Tom: Haz! Don't tell Dawn! We want to tell her!

Haz: Ok

We get home and watch some movies. It's 12:47 so we head off to bed.

"Goodnight Mrs. Holland," I say.

"Goodnight Mr. Holland," Isabel whispers. She gives me a kiss and we go to sleep, starting a new chapter of our lives.

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