Stupid Ideas

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A/N: It's the same day. Oh and reread chapter 2 for reference on a new character.

Dawn's POV

It's Saturday night,and my friends asked if I could go to the mall. We are planning to shop and grab something to eat. All that's left is to ask Tom. I casually walk into the kitchen and sit on the breakfast bar. Tom looks up and lifts an eyebrow. 

"Ok fine I'll get down." I state hopping off. "Can I go to the mall in about 1 hour?"

"Ya sure. What time will you be back though?" Tom asks concerned.

"I don't know. We are planning to eat there."

"Ok cool. Just let me know when I should pick you up. And remember-"

"Don't stay out past midnight. Yeah, yeah I know." I interrupt and kiss him on the cheek. "I'm gonna go get ready." I run upstairs and shut my door. I open my messy closet. My room is incredibly messy. One of Tom's rules is to have a clean room, and I don't have a clean room, like at all. And I'm definitely not cleaning it . I just have to make sure he doesn't come in cuz he's told me to clean it since last week. I rummage through my clothes and finally find this.

 I rummage through my clothes and finally find this

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I change quickly and do my hair. I finish putting on makeup and head downstairs. I stop in my tracks when I see Tom. He's not gonna like my outfit, I mean my whole left thigh is showing. Oh well, might as well face the 'look' now. I walk into the kitchen, again. I see Tom look up and give me the 'look'. 

"God! I'm not changing. Okay?" I yell. Knowing what he's about to say.

"Dawn. You can't just go to the mall with half of your skin showing." Tom says sternly. 

"Why not?" I ask in a sassy way.

"Just go change." 

"No. I'm done with this BS! I'm wearing whatever I feel like wearing."
(Pretend she said the whole word not BS)

"Ok then, you'll just have to reschedule with your friends, because you're not going to the mall!"

"Ugh! You're so unfair!" I yell and stomp upstairs, slamming my bedroom door. I have to be at the mall in 30 minutes. It's Saturday night, I should be out with my friends, not in my room all alone. That's when the idea hits me. I'll just sneak out and walk 20 minutes to the mall. I grab my phone, lock my door, and hop out the window. I begin to walk. and walk all the way to the mall. 15 minutes later I get there and meet Dallas, Briana, Claire, Addison, Brad, Adam, Josh, Paddy, and Alan in the food court. We all get our food, sit down, and dig in. We're all laughing and having fun. 

"Quick disclaimer. My dad doesn't know I'm here." I state.

"You sneaked out?" Briana asks. I nod proudly. 

"Dang girl! Dawn the rebel." Josh yells. We all laugh. 

"Oh and Paddy, if he calls either decline or say I'm not here." I address to him. 

"Why did you sneak out anyways?" Alan asks.

"Ugh. Because he's being so annoying. I come downstairs wearing this." I stand up and show everyone my outfit. "And he's like 'you can't go to the mall with half of your skin showing'. And then I'm like 'why not.' and he just dodges the question and tells me to go change. At this point I am pissed at him, so I say 'No. I'm done this BS! I'm wearing whatever I feel like wearing!"

"You cussed at him?!" Adam asks surprised.

"Yeah, not my brightest moment but you get where I'm coming from. Then he says I can't go unless I change so that's why I sneaked out." I finish narrating.  Just then my phone rang. I pull it out and see the caller ID: Dad. Oh god.

"Speaking of which..." I show my phone. 

"Answer it." Paddy says. 

"No don't answer." Josh commands.

"If she doesn't respond he'll be suspicious." Paddy makes a point. I walk away from my friends and answer the phone.

"Hi." I mumble.

"Where are you?" Tom asks through gritted teeth. 

"Umm.........I'm at the park?" 

"I know you're at the mall, Dawn. I'm on my way to get you."

"Ok good luck finding me." I hang up and run back to the table. Everyone looks at me. "We gotta run." Everyone gets up and we run across the mall. We go up the escalators and down the elevators. We all run into a big store and I see Tom. We all run out of the mall and plan to go back to my place. We walk and walk until were tired enough and everyone goes their separate ways. It's already 12:30 and Paddy and I are walking home. 

"You sure you don't wanna call him?" Paddy asks for the billionth time.

"No! I don't." We are walking back and Paddy's house is first he says bye and goes inside. I walk back home. I keep walking and this car parks next to me. Me being the stupid person I am, I stop. The guy rolls down the window and I see it's my brother, Max.

"Max? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in jail." I say.

"Hello to you too Dawn." He says creepily. I begin to walk again and he gets out of the car and walks towards me. He grabs my hand and beings to pull me towards the car. 

"Let go of me!" I yell. He opens the back door of the car and pushes me in. Max begins to drive away from the house. Oh god I'm in so much trouble! Sneaking out was such a stupid idea.

A/N: Sorry next chapter is going to be intense.

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