Spirit Week

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A/N: here's the next chapter. I hope you like it! 


Dawn's POV

Today is Monday and it's the first day of Spirit Week. Today is pajama day. I am wearing the iconic hello kitty PJs from Spiderman Homecoming.

 I am wearing the iconic hello kitty PJs from Spiderman Homecoming

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I get dressed but don't add makeup, just mascara. I slip some flipflops on and head downstairs.

"How do I look?" I ask, walking into the kitchen.

"Woah! You wear those hello kitties better than me!" Tom exclaims.

"Thanks." I grab a piece of toast and eat it. 

"How much money did you guys raise in total at the fundraiser?" Isabel asks.

"Around 200 bucks," I state. I head upstairs and grab my bag, saying bye to Milo and my parents. I walk to the bus stop and see Paddy. 

"Hey!" I greet.

"Hi. Like the PJs." He complements.

"Thanks." We get on the bus and head to school. Once we're there, I hop off and walk into the building. I see Dallas, Claire, Addison, and Briana. They're all wearing cute, plaid pajamas. I am an out-ball, but I don't care. We head to class and I see that everyone is wearing pajamas, even the teachers. People compliment my iconic PJs. In our Gym class, we get to sleep since it's spirit week. It was the most satisfying 45 minutes of my day. I see my phone and get a text from a group chat.

Cool Uncles

Haz🥞: How's pajama day Dawn?

Harry📷: Dude. Dawn's probably at school. Don't text her.

Sam🎵: True. Harrison be a good uncle!

Dawn🌄: No it's cool Haz. I was sleeping

Harry📷: Sleeping?! Young lady, you should be learning not sleeping.

Sam🎵: Dawn. Why were you sleeping?

Haz🥞: Guys relax. It's not like Dawn has gotten in trouble at school.

Harry📷: She got detention multiple times, she skipped school, and got into a fight.

Dawn🌄: Ok hold up. 1. I was ALLOWED to sleep. 2. Everyone chill. 3. The cool uncle award goes to Harrison. 4. Harry how do you know all that?

Harry📷: I just know those things.

Dawn🌄: Well I gotta go. Peace!

It's time for lunch. I head over to the cafeteria and sit down with everyone. 

"Guys, this spirit week has been amazing," I state.

"We've only been at school for like 5 hours." Josh states.

"Don't be a party pooper, Josh." Addison states.

"Fine, fine. I guess today has been pretty good."

We keep talking about Spirit week. Soon, school ends and I get in the car with Tom and Paddy.

"How was spirit week?" Tom asks.

"Amazing!" Paddy states.

"Yeah. But Sam, Harry, and Haz texted me when I was sleeping-" I begin.

"You were sleeping!?" Tom exclaims. Here we go again.

"Play along," I whisper to Paddy. "Yeah, I fell asleep in the middle of math class."

"Really? I heard your teacher was super mad." Paddy says, winking at me.

"Yeah he was. And he gave me detention." 

"If he gave you detention, then why aren't you in detention?" Tom states harshly.

"Because I skipped." I simply lie.

"Seriously Dawn? What the heck?" 

"I don't see what's wrong," I say.

"You know what? I'm gonna drive back to school. You're going to go to detention and stay there!" Tom begins to turn around.

"Wait! Wait!" I exclaim.

"What?" Tom snaps.

"I'm joking. We were allowed to sleep in gym class." I laugh.

"You've got to be kidding me. Dawn! That was not funny! You scared me!"

"It was funny. You have to admit." I say. We drop Paddy off and head home. Tom opens the door.

He walks over to the kitchen where Isabel is. She's eating Doritos again.  

"Your daughter is a real comedian, you know." Tom states.

I laugh. "Come on! It was funny."

"What happened?" Isabel asks. We fill her in and she laughs too.

"You should have seen him! His face was so red." I state. Tom laughs too. I go upstairs and I am attacked by Milo. He knocks me down and licks my face. I finally get up and go start my homework. I finish that and go to TikTok. I get bored so I play some music and dance around with Milo. 

Life is great! It can't get better!

(But it can get worse)😈

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry, the last few have been short. I'm running out of ideas. Please comment on what you want to happen in the next chapter. I need help.

Go vote if you haven't!

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