Welcome to the Holland Family

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A/N: Hi everyone. Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I was super busy with Tom's birthday. Here's the next chapter.  Thanks, @tom_haz for helping.

Dawn's POV

It's March 16th, It's been a while since my birthday. A lot has happened. Isabel is due really soon, I took my finals and Aced them. School is almost done. And Tom noticed my hickey. 
My mind flashed back to that day.


I'm sitting on my bed, scrolling through TikTok. The makeup is gone, unmasking a purple spot on the side of my neck. At this point, I'm just hoping Tom doesn't notice, but that's really unlikely. Right on cue, Tom opens the door. I look up and meet his eyes. I panic, not knowing what to do.

"Hey, Dawn-"  He begins, but his eyes move and he sees the hickey. "What's that on your neck?" 

"A...hickey?" I question, not knowing what to say.

"Did Lucas do it?" He asks sternly, folding his arms.

"...Yeah." I mumble, looking down at the floor.

"Ok, I think it's time you and I had 'the talk'." He states, pulling a chair over.

I groan. "Dad I've had 'the talk' a thousand times. From mum, the school, Elysia, even Harry, Sam, and Harrison talked to me about it."

"But did you two, you know..."

"Do it?" I interrupt him. "No, we didn't. I know what happens and I'm really careful. We were just kissing."

"Fine. But no more hickeys. And if you do, tell Lucas to make them where you can't see them." He says, soon realizing what he said. "You know what, just forget I said that."

I laugh. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Oh and, I'm not having a friendly chat with Lucas." 

"Tom, honey, let them be. They're teenagers." Isabel pokes her head in.

"But-" Tom says. Isabel gives him a look. "Fine." He sighs in defeat.

Flashback ends.

I get up and go get dressed. 

We have a plan for when Isabel needs to go to the hospital

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We have a plan for when Isabel needs to go to the hospital. Tom will drive her to the hospital and Harrison will come over to stay with me. It's currently around 4 o'clock and if you're wondering why I am getting dressed at 4 in the afternoon, it's Saturday. I finish getting ready and lay back on my bed. 

Isabel's POV

 I'm sitting on the couch watching a movie with Tom, cuddling next to him. I feel liquid go down my leg. My eyes grow wide, knowing what this means.

"Are you ok, darling?" Tom asks looking over at me.

"Tom... my water broke," I whisper. His eyes grow wide and he immediately calls Haz.

"Come, on. Pick up, pick up." Tom mumbles. 

"Hey, Tom, what's up?" Harrison answers the call.

"Haz get your butt over here, Isabel is in labor." Tom states.

"On my way." He says and hangs up. I groan in pain, the contractions are horrible. Tom panics, not knowing what to do next. 

"Tom," I call his name, he looks at me. "Tom, calm down. Run upstairs and tell Dawn we're leaving." I order. Tom nods and does as he's asked. He comes back downstairs and picks me up. He gets to the car and helps me get in. We see Harrison's car pull up and head to the hospital. We get there and Tom storms in, he gets some nurses and they take me to a room. My contractions are killing me, I'm holding Tom's hand for dear life. The doctor comes and I begin pushing. After a little bit, the doctor says "One last push." I push and out comes Brooke. Halfway done. After a little more pushing, blood, sweat, and tears, Liam comes out. I sigh and look up at Tom, he also has tears in his eyes. The nurse hands me the babies. I look down at them, Brooke has hazel eyes just like me, and Liam has pure brown eyes just like Tom. I give Brooke to Tom, he takes her and sways her.

"Hi Brooke, I'm your daddy." Tom coos, a tear falling out of his eye. "You're beautiful."

"Hi, Liam. I'm mommy. I love you." I whisper. I hand Tom Liam and he hands me, Brooke.

"You're gonna change the world, Brooke," I state. I look into her beautiful eyes.

"Hi, Liam. I'll take care of you. I love you." Tom whispers.

"What are the babies' names?" The nurse asks.

"Brooke Nicola Holland, and Liam Dominic Holland." We both say. Tom hands me Liam and we look at them, amazed. "Welcome to the Holland family." 

A/N: I hope you liked the chapter!! Please let me know what you want to see for the sequel

1. Tom and Isabel with the twins as toddlers. With Lucas and Dawn coming every now and then.

2. Lucas and Dawn together with Isabel and Tom coming in every now and then.

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