Meet the Family

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A/N: Here's the next chapter. This is the second to last chapter. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks, @tom_haz for helping.

Dawn's POV

It's been about 24 hours since Isabel and Tom left for the hospital. They should be back soon, according to Harrison.

"Are you excited to meet your new siblings?" Haz asks, sitting on the couch next to me and stealing my chips.

"Yeah, but I'm also nervous," I answer.

"How come?" 

"I don't know, what if they don't like me?"

"Dawn, they're babies, the only thing they like is sleep and food. You'll be fine."

"You're a good uncle, Haz." 

"Thanks, I mean, I am your godfather." He smirks. I laugh and steal back my chips. "So, what are you gonna teach the twins when they are older?"

"How to sneak out." I simply say, eating a chip. 

"No, you're not." 

"I'm kidding, I'll teach them how to throw a party behind their parents' back." 

"Dawn..." Harrison says.

"Fine, I won't." I laugh. Just then, the door opens. 

"We're home!" Tom exclaims. I jump up and rush to my parents.

"Hi!" I greet, hugging the two of them.

"Hey, Dawn. Wanna meet your new baby brother and sister?" Isabel asks. I nod and we head to the living room. 

"Hey, Haz." Tom greets. Harrison waves and comes over. I sit down on the couch and Isabel hands me, Brooke. Haz sits down too and Tom gives him Liam. 

"She looks just like you mum," I say, looking into Brooke's little eyes.

"Liam looks like a baby Tom, he is a copy of Tom as a baby." Haz states. Later, Harrison heads out and Harry, Sam, Paddy, and Elysia come over to meet the babies. They all enter and see the babies.

"They're so cute," Elysia says, holing Liam.

"I wonder where they get it from?" Harry jokes. Everyone laughs. Sooner or later, they all leave, now it's just us. 

Tom's POV

I am chilling on my bed when my phone rings, Kevin Feige calls me. 


"Hey, Tom. We're casting for a new untitled Marvel film, and we were looking for someone to play the lead, and we came across Dawn, could you ask her if she's up for being in a Marvel movie?" Kevin explains.

"Yes, of course, I'll ask her," I respond, trying to hold my excitement in

"Great, call me back and let me know." The call ends and I rush over to Dawn's room.

Dawn's POV

I'm on my computer, looking for colleges. What if  Lucas and I don't end up going to the same college? Would we have to break up? I don't want my heart to break again.

Tom rushes into my room, a big smile on his face. "Dawn Dawn Dawn Dawn! Guess who just called?"

"Who?" I ask.

"Kevin Feige. He wants you for a new Marvel movie."

"What?! No way!" I exclaim.

"So is that a yes?" 

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