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A/N: Here's the next chapter. Please go vote for the baby names in the announcement chapter! 

Thanks, @tom_haz for helping/ requesting this chapter!

Dawn's POV

It's 3 am and I'm studying for midterms. So far, it's not going well, I'm more confused than I was before I started. I eventually go to sleep at 4 am, only getting 2 hours of sleep. 
My alarm sounds and I groan, not wanting to get up. I hear Milo's little bark. I get up and pick him up, setting him on the bed with me.

"Ugh. Milo, I don't want to go to school!" I groan. "If I fail midterms Tom won't be too happy. And I can't tell him that I stayed up, cuz I already told him that I studied," I get up and go get dressed, Milo follows me. I pick out a simple outfit and put it on.

I do my hair and head to the kitchen with Milo

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I do my hair and head to the kitchen with Milo. I see him scared to go down the stairs. I help him and slowly he moves step by step. We finally make it down the stairs and walk into the kitchen. Milo rushes over to Tessa and I rush over to the coffee machine. 

"Good morning to you too." Tom states.

"Sorry, I'm just really tired," I say, starting to make my coffee. I get some toast and slather butter on it. I grab my coffee and eat my toast. 

"You ready for midterms?" Isabel asks.

No. "Yeah, I feel pretty good." I lie. 

"Well, if you studied then you'll do great," Tom says. I finish my breakfast and head out, saying bye to Milo and my parents. I walk to the bus stop and see Paddy. 

"Hey Dawn how- Woah, you look like a zombie. Did you sleep?" He asks.

I shake my head. "I'm running on 2 hours and 5 minutes of sleep." 

"What were you doing?"

"Studying. A lot."

"Didn't you study before?"

"Not really. I had to pull an all-nighter. And I didn't even do that. I fell asleep at 4."

"Oof. Well, did you at least understand more?"

"Nope. I'm even more confused." I say, getting on the bus. We get to school and I get out of the bus. Today all we're doing is the tests. I go to my designated classroom and get ready for the first test. History. Not too bad, those questions aren't that hard. After about 1 hour I finish the test and wait. Everyone else finishes and I go to my second classroom to take the Science test. That one was easy, I like science. So far so good. Then, English. English is one of those subjects that's really easy, but you don't feel like studying for it. Then, Math. Ugh! Why does math have to exist! I hate it!! You will never have to 'find x' in real life!  I take the test, thinking I did horrible when I hit the submit button. Finally, physics. The test I've been dreading most. I take it, but whenever I read the questions it feels like I'm reading a foreign language. Eventually, I turn it in. Stupid Dawn! Why couldn't you have studied instead of watching a bunch of TikToks?

I go to my locker and grab my lunch. I'm not even hungry. I just feel sad and mad that I did bad. I haven't even gotten my score back and I know I did horrible. I walk to the cafeteria and sit down. I eat in silence, not wanting to talk. But, when Milo comes into the conversation I speak.

"He's adorable," Addison says, as I show a picture of him. We all gush about Milo and Daisy (Dallas's dog).  We finish lunch and we're free to do whatever for the rest of the day, as long as we stay in school. We decide to play bowling in the hallway. We all grab our water bottles and a small ball. We play a few rounds, teachers coming to tell us to be quieter. We end the game and I for one, didn't win. Adam did. We chill and make TikToks in the hallways. Soon, the bell rings and we all grab our stuff. I catch up to Paddy and yank him towards me.

"Woah! What the heck Dawn?" 

"Not a word about my all-nighter to Tom," I whisper.


"Because, I had told him that I studied. And if he knows about the all-nighter he would know that I didn't use my time wisely and all that. And, if my scores are crap, it'll just prove more. So not. a. word."

"Ok geez." Paddy states. We walk and get into the car. Soon, we'll be 18 and we'll be able to drive on our own. But for now, Tom Holland the chauffeur is at our service.

"How was school?" Tom asks.

"Good. After the tests we played bowling with water bottles." I answer.

"Cool. How were the tests?"

"Good. I think I did well." Paddy states.

"Same." I lie. We drop Paddy off. I get out of the car and open the door. Milo runs with his little legs. I pick him up and give him a kiss. I head upstairs and relax. I don't have any homework since we took midterms today. We're getting our scores back on Friday. It's currently Tuesday.

I'm dreading Friday.

A/N: I hope you liked the chapter. Please comment on what you want to happen in the next chapter.


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