Wedding part 2

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A/N: Hi. I'm back. Here's the next chapter. I hope you like it. The next chapter is the honeymoon. lemme know what you want Tom and Isabel to do during the honeymoon.

Thanks, @tom_haz for helping.

Isabel's POV

The ceremony ends and the bridal party goes take pictures. The bridal party includes: Bride, Groom, Bridesmaids, Groomsmen, Flower girl, and Ringbearer. Tom, Harrison, Harry, Sam, Ella, Zendaya, Elysia, Paddy, Dawn, and I go take some pictures with the glorious sunset. First, Tom and I take some pictures holding hands, kissing, and bridal carry. Next, all the bridesmaids and the bride take some pictures, then the groomsmen and the groom. After that, I take a picture with Dawn and Tom, and one with all the Hollands and I. I take one with the groomsmen and Tom. Dawn and Paddy take a nice picture together. Sam and Elysia take a picture together, super cute! Finally, we take one with everyone. Meanwhile we are taking pictures, the guests are going to the reception venue. We go back to the venue and everyone besides Tom and I enter the venue. As Tom and I enter the venue the Avengers theme starts playing. I look at Tom and he smirks. We reach our seats and sit down.

"Welcome everyone! This is a very special day for our two love birds. Now, before we begin the speeches, let's raise a glass to the new couple." The MC exclaims. Everyone raises their glass. "To Isabel and Tom, may this next chapter be amazing." Now, it was time for speeches. Harrison is up first, he's the best man and as we all know, Haz sometimes has a tendency to roast Tom so here we go.

"Hello everyone, for those of you who don't know me I'm Harrison, also known as Mr. Holland's assistant or Tom's best friend. Tom, you are so lucky. You will leave today with a wife who is kind, funny, caring, and fun. As for you Isabel, you're leaving with a beautiful dress." Everyone laughs. "I've known Tom for years, and we've traveled the world, mainly because he had to work. But, I wish you and Isabel a happy and fun life together." We toast and Harrison sits down. Up next is my sister Ella.

"Hi everyone. I'm Ella, Isabel's older sister, typically the one who gives her good advice. I remember when I first found out about Tom. It was 4:00 in the morning, and Isabel called me. I grabbed my phone and answered it. On the other side of the line, Isabel was screaming and shouting, barely able to make out a word. She finally calmed down and told me about Tom. At first, I was very suspicious, but later on when I met him I knew Isabel made the right choice. I hope your life with Tom is just how you want it to be." Ella finished her speech. Next, is Dawn. She stands up.

"Hi everyone. I am Dawn, Isabel and Tom's daughter. We all know that Tom is horrible at keeping secrets. And just as expected, he was face timing Isabel and that's how I found out they were dating. Since then, I always secretly wanted Tom and Isabel to end up together. And now that it's official, I couldn't be happier for them. Welcome to the family mum." Dawn finishes and sits down. The main course is served and we eat. Later, desserts are served and conversation comes about.

Once everyone finishes eating. It's time for the first dance. Tom and I enter the dance floor and Perfect by Ed Sheeran begins to play, it's our song. 

Play song now.

Tom and I begin to dance, swaying back and forth. We do a little square dance, stepping backward, forwards, and side to side. I take the moment in and look into Tom's eyes. I love how his eyes sparkle when light hits them. I love how his hair falls perfectly into place every time. And his nose, it's been through so much pain and trauma, but it makes him look a hundred times cuter. His I love how his laughter echos across the room. And his smile lights up a room when he walks in. And his personality, how he makes people feel loved even if he's thousands of miles away, and how selfless he is. How he doesn't care what you look like, or what gender you like as long as you feel happy. I love how he touches people with his work. I love how he follows his dreams and accomplishes them. I love him and everything attached. 
We keep dancing and Tom spins me slowly. Our eyes meet and it feels like I fall in love all over again. 

Tom's POV

I look at Isabel, she looks perfect tonight. Everything about her amazes me. I love how her eyes are the perfect mix between brown and green, how her hair always looks gorgeous no matter what time it is. I love how her laugh is so unique and it explains a lot about her, her smile is always real and kind. I love how determine she is, how she doesn't let anyone or anything stop her. I love how unique she is and how she persists no matter what. I love how she speaks her mind and doesn't let other's opinions get in her way. I love how kind she is and how big of a dreamer she is. She looks at something and goes get it, no matter how hard it may be. I love her she's perfect for me.
We finish dancing and kiss. Butterflies erupt in my stomach.

Isabel's POV

Everyone joins us on the dance floor and we dance. Later, it's time for the bouquet toss. But, this is gonna be different. Tom recently told me that Sam wants to propose to Elysia but he doesn't know how. That's when I had this idea. I'm gonna pretend to throw the bouquet, but I'll walk over and hand it to her. I'll tell her to turn around and Sam will be there, on one knee, with the ring. I'm happy to share my day with one of my best friends.

Elysia's POV

It's time for the bouquet toss. I'm so excited. I get into the middle of the gaggle of girls. Isabel gets ready to throw the bouquet. "3 2 1!" She counts, but she doesn't throw it. She turns around and walks towards me. All the other girls move to the side. She hands me the bouquet and tells me to turn around. I turn and see Sam, on one knee.

"Will you marry me?" He asks. I can't make out words, I just nod. He smiles, puts the ring on my finger, and stands up. I kiss him.

Isabel's POV

It's time to cut the cake. Tom and I walk over to a tall, three-tiered, white cake. The inside is Red velvet Tom and I's favorite. We cut the cake together. I grab a bit of frosting and plop it on his nose. He laughs and does the same to me. We eat the frosting and everyone gets cake. 

It's around 1 am and it's time to leave. Tom and I thank everyone for coming and head out. The Avengers theme song (from endgame) plays as we leave. This was the best day fo my life. I am now officially married to the love of my life and couldn't be happier. Now time for our honeymoon to Greece. 

"I love you Tom Holland," I say as Tom is driving.

"I love you too Isabel Holland." He grabs me hand. Holland that sounds nice.

A/N: I can't tell you how many tears I shed writing these 2 chapters. Tomorrow it will be 1 year that I am in love with Tom. That may not be much, but it's felt like forever and I love him. 

Lemme know what you want to happen during the honeymoon in the comments.

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