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A/N: Here is the next chapter. I hope you like it. Thanks @tom_haz for helping with this chapter.

Dawn's POV

It's was finally Christmas, my favorite time of the year. It's the morning of December 24th. I wake up and get dressed. 

This is what I'm wearing before Christmas Eve tonight

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This is what I'm wearing before Christmas Eve tonight. I finish getting ready and head downstairs, I see Tom and Isabel in the kitchen. Isabel munching Doritos. 

"Morning!" I greet.

"Good morning, darling," Tom says.

"Good morning sweety. You look nice." Isabel complements.

"Why thank you." I sit down in the breakfast bar and eat my breakfast. 

"Are you going to go give Lucas the gift today?" Tom asks.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go give it to him now." I finish eating and head out.

I walk to Lucas' house. I get there and ring the doorbell. The door opens and I see Mrs. Galanis.

"Hi Mrs. Galanis, is Lucas here?" I ask.

"Hi Dawn, yeah Lucas is here." She calls his name and he comes down. He comes out to the porch and closes the door behind him.

"Hey." He greets.

"I got you something." We say at the same time.

"You go first," I insist. He hands me this.

"Thank you," I say, he helps put it on me

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"Thank you," I say, he helps put it on me. "Ironically, I got you this."


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