Learning to Drive

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A/N: Please don't attack me if I get the driving age in the UK wrong. I googled it and it said you can apply when you're 16 and start real driving when you're 17. So that's what I'm going with.

Tom's POV

Today may as well be the day I die, because I'm teaching Dawn to drive. (Please don't die, Tom) I have no clue how this is going to go, but I'm gonna try to act calm. I call Dawn downstairs so we can get going. She comes wearing some sweatpants and someone's hoodie. 

"Who's hoodie is that?" I ask curiously.

"Alan's. He gave it to me yesterday." Dawn answers. I nod. 

"You're gonna get really hot in those clothes," I state.

"We're not going anywhere today." 

"Yeah. I'm taking you driving remember?" 

"Oh right. Lemme change." Dawn speeds to her room. She comes back wearing this.

She runs back downstairs and we get into the car

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She runs back downstairs and we get into the car. I hop into the driver's seat. I see Dawn knock on the window. I roll it down.

"Um. I thought I was driving." Dawn states. I laugh and switch to the passenger seat. Dawn gets in. "Ok what do I do?"

"First you need to put your seatbelt on darling." 

"Oh right." 

Dawn turns the car on and we back up out of the driveway. Dawn is slowly driving around the neighborhood. She stops in front of the stop sign. 

"Ok so we're gonna turn left so turn your blinker on," I command. She does that and we keep driving. "Dawn slow down a bit, you're going too fast."

"Ok." We meet another stop sign, but instead of pressing on the break Dawn smashes her foot on it. The impact makes us lean forward.

"You ok?" I ask. She nods worriedly. "Don't smash on the breaks next time." 

"Ok. I'll try not to." We keep driving and the worst happens, there's an animal on the road. Dawn hits on the breaks once again, and so do the cars behind us. The squirrel just stands in the middle of the road looking at me with its dark, evil, eyes. Dawn honks the horn and the squirrel flees. 

Dawn's POV

After the animal incident, I keep driving calmly. My favorite song starts playing on the radio and I begin to sing at the top of my lungs. 

"Dawn turn right." I hear Tom say but I don't pay attention. He repeats it and I snap out of my own world and make a sharp turn. The car abruptly turns to the left and the car's tail almost hit someone's mailbox. 

"Oh my god," I whisper. "Sorry." 

Tom sighs in relief. "It's ok. No one got hurt, but next time you wanna drive, ask one of your uncles," I joke. 

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