Baby Gender

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A/N: The day has come. It's baby namin' time! I will announce the names in the story and in the author's note at the bottom of the chapter. 

Enjoy! Thanks, @tom_haz for helping.

Dawn's POV

It's been a while since Maz died. Isabel is in her 2nd trimester (18 weeks pregnant) and today we are going to find out the baby's gender. And by we, I mean Isabel and Tom. The school's prom is in a couple of days. Right now, Isabel and Tom are heading to the hospital.

Tom's POV

We are driving to the hospital. I can't believe we're finding out the gender of the baby today!

"I'm so excited!" I exclaim.

"Don't get your hopes up that much Tom. There is a chance the doctor won't be able to tell what the gender is in the ultrasound." Isabel states.

"No, he'll definitely see something. Your belly is big." 

"You're right, it is quite big." 

"What if we have twins?!" 

"Tom honey, calm down." Isabel insists.

"Ok, ok. I'm calm." I park the car and we head into the building. "I'm so excited!"

Isabel's POV

 I walk up to the reception desk and check-in. About 40 minutes later, a nurse calls my name. Tom and I follow her to a room. 

"Dr. Owen will be with you soon." The nurse says, closing the door. We wait for a little bit and then Dr. Owen comes in. 

"Hello, how have you guys been?" He asks.

"Good." Tom and I say. I sit on the stretcher and spreads a jelly-like substance on my belly. 

"Ok, it appears that you are pregnant with twins."

My jaw drops. "What?!"

"No way!" Tom exclaims.

"Do you know the gender?" I ask.

"Hmm, let me see." Dr. Owen looks at the screen. "It's a boy and a girl. Perfectly balanced just how Thanos likes it."

Tom laughs. We finish the ultrasound and head out. Tom and I get in the car and drive home. 

"Twins." Tom states. "I called it."

"Fine. You were right." I admit. "I can't believe that we're having twins."

"That's crazy. Well we already know who the godparents will be. Harrison already has Dawn, so Harry and Sam are up next." 

I nod. "We need to start thinking of names." We get home and go upstairs to tell Dawn.

"Knock knock," Tom says, opening the door.

"You're home! What's the gender of the baby?" She asks.

"You should really practice some grammar, Dawn." Tom states. "Because it's babies not baby."

"You're having twins?!" She exclaims.

"Yup! One boy and one girl." I say. Dawn hugs us. Tom goes to our shared room, I follow him. 

"Let start thinking of names." Tom insists excitedly.

"Ok. How about Olivia for a girl." I suggest.

"Hmm, I don't know about that. What about Julie." 

"Maybe.  What about Micheal for a boy."

"Hmmm. Ok what about Liam for a boy name?"

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