Home Sweet Home

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 A/N: Pretend there are stairs in the apartment.

Dawn's POV

The car ride is short, and before I know it we are at Tom's apartment in Kingston. I hop out of the car and grab my white backpack. I see Tom getting my suitcase out of the trunk. I turn around and admire the nice tall building in front of me. Tom walks up next to me and leads the way to my new home. We ride up the elevator and Tom tells me that his family are coming to meet me tonight. The doors ding open and Tom instructs me to make a left. He opens the door and I see this cozy looking home with a very modern design. Tom puts my suit case on the couch and tells me to follow him for a tour of the place. We first look at the kitchen with an open view of the couch area. Then he leads me down a hallway where there are a couple doors. The first one is a coat closet, then Tom's room which is spacious and very his style. Then in his room there is a bathroom and a walk-in closet. Then he finally leads me to my room across the hallway from his. We opens the door and I see my room.

 We opens the door and I see my room

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"Oh. My .Gosh! It's amazing! I love it! Thank you so much!" I can't believe this is my room!

"You're welcome Dawn." Tom responds. "Now, I'm getting kinda hungry. Let's go out to eat."

"Where should we go?"

"Have you ever been to Greggs?" Tom asks me.

"Nope. Is it good?"

"It's amazing you'll love it." Tom said as we headed out of my room.
We hop in the car and drive to Greggs. Once we get there we order and sit down with our food. Tom and I both order a sausage rolls.

"So, you like the food?" Tom asks.

"Ya it's really good. No wonder you like this place." I respond while cleaning my hands with a napkin. We finish eating and head back to the car. As soon as I'm in, Tom asks.

"Hey, can I see your phone real quick?"

"Ya sure." I respond, handing him my phone. He looks like he's doing something important, but I don't interfere.

"There you go. I added my number."

"Ok thanks!" I say. We drive back home. Once the car is finally parks Tom informs me the his family is coming at 7:00. I nod and make my way upstairs. I flip onto my bed and open my phone to see what Tom did.

Contact Name: Tom/Dad.
Contact Name changed to Dad.
Dad sounds nice. I then make my way to Instagram, where I decide to follow him.

Tom's POV

Dawn heads up to her room. My phone buzzes and I check it to find a notification saying @Dawn_Holland started following you. I smile down at my phone. It's cute that Dawn changed her last name to Holland (now that it's legal). I immediately follow her back. I then realize that I should probably set some ground rules. Well I mean, now I have a teenager. My mind flies back to the memories of what I did when I was 16. I quickly grab a paper and begin to write.

Adopted By Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now