Trampoline Park

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Dawn's POV

I wake up and look around. Where am I? I then walk out of my room and head downstairs. I hear noise in the kitchen and peek in. There's Tom. Then I remember what happened. I am still in pjs which are just sweat pants and a hoodie. I decide not to get changed and just eat first.

"Morning Dad." I say.

"Good morning darling." Tom responds. He's making breakfast that smells amazing.

"What's for breakfast?" I ask as I pour myself some milk.


"You mean croissants?"

"Same difference." He answers as we sit down. We start eating and talk about how today is gonna play out. Tom says that Harrison is coming too.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"My best friend."


"Oh, and I was thinking that since we are both gymnasts, we could have a little competition. And Haz can judge." 

"Oooooh, I like that idea. Let's do it." I exclaim as we put our dishes in the dishwasher. "What should I wear?" 

"Some athletic clothes." Tom answers. I head up stairs and pick out what I'm gonna wear. I then find this nice outfit.

 I then find this nice outfit

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Once I finish picking out my outfit, I go to my bathroom and do two french braids

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Once I finish picking out my outfit, I go to my bathroom and do two french braids. Then I apply simple mascara and put my tennis shoes on. I head to Tom's room to see if he's ready. I knock twice and hear 'just a minute'. The door opens and I see Tom just wearing sweat pants. 

"You ready to go?" I ask.

"Ya let me just finish getting dressed." He grabs a shirt from his closet and puts it on. "Ok, let's go."

We get in the car and begin to drive. We stop at Harrison's house to pick him up.

"Hey!" Tom says as Haz gets in the car. Haz turns towards me.

"Hey, I'm Harrison."

"I'm Dawn." 

"Now that you two have formally met, let's get this show on the road." Tom says as he drives. We get to the trampoline park and check in. Then they give us these special socks and we begin to bounce. First I stretch so I don't pull a muscle. Unlike Tom, I am very flexible. Once we are all warmed up the competition begins. We claim a couple of trampolines and begin. The first competition is doing skills on a single trampoline. Tom begins by doing a back flip. 

Adopted By Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now