|The day we met|

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(Cred to the artist Mika who drew the Bede art)

"Come on Y/N, we'll be late!" Hop yelled.

"Coming!!" You yelled back.

The two of you ran to Motostoke gym. You both had plans to take the gym challenge and in order to do that you had to sign up. Hop was more of a faster runner than you. He arrived quicker than you.

You stepped into the building and opened the door with your starter Sobble on your shoulder. Hop waved over to you calling you over. You ran straight towards him but ended up tripping.

You fell on the ground with Sobble by your side. The climax of you hitting the ground hurt for you.

"Oops..." A cocky voice said.

"Y/N....!" Hop ran up to you and lended a hand.

"Are you okay??" Hop asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." You looked over your side to see a boy that looked around your age. He looked mean.

You took Hop's hand and got up but once you did you glared at the boy with mean looking eyes.

He looked at his watch.

"Are you going to keep staring at me? It's annoying me." The boy frowned.

You picked up Sobble from the ground and ended up signing up to the gym challenge being endorsed by Leon. After you signed up you decided to get back at the boy. You made sure that Sobble used bubble on the boy and quickly ran out as he yelled at you.

You laughed and ran to the hotel.

"You seem awfully happy, what's up?" Hop asked.

"Just got my revenge on that jerk." You smirked.

"Already making enemies... Expect yourself to see that boy often." Hop nodded.

"Oh come on, I'm sure you'd do the same thing if you were in my place." You frowned.

"You have a point." Hop said.

~~Bede's pov~~

"That jerk... Who does she think she is?! I'll have her know that I'm endorsed by Chairman Rose himself!" I frowned out of anger.

I walked out of the gym and headed to the hotel as well. I booked for a room as a trainer and headed to my room. There I saw her again, she seemed to be smiling.

"That stupid girl.." I walked away.

~~Y/N's pov~~

You played around with your Sobble and Eevee, the two of them laughed as you played with them. You then gave them food.

"Alright bed time! We could use some sleep after this!" You smiled.

You placed a small bed for your two pokemon and gave them a little pat on the head before you went to sleep.

Morning came, you grabbed your stuff and everything as well as having your pokemon inside your pokeball. You ran downstairs with Hop and into the gym. There you were given your uniform with your number.

You quickly went to go change into your uniform and got out. The opening ceremony was about to start. You were happy to finally go and see everything. You ended up walking up as you waved to the crowd cheering.

You felt yourself grow excited just by the thought of battling soon.

After the opening ceremony you saw Leon.

"Hey Y/N, what's up! It feels like it's been a while since I last saw you." Leon smiled. (This a reference)

"Is that so?" You smiled.

"Oh, I wanted to introduce you to Chairman Rose." Leon told the chairman to come over.

Chairman Rose walked over to your direction with a warm smile on his face.

"Hi Y/N, I heard a lot about you from Leon!" Chairman Rose held out his hand to you.

You couldn't believe out of all people you were shaking hands with Chairman Rose. You felt yourself beam with joy a little.

"Let me introduce to the trainer I endorsed! I'm sure you two will get along well!" Chairman Rose called out to someone.

"Bede! Come over here!" Chairman Rose shouted.

"Coming Chairman!" The boy named Bede said. It wasn't until he came up close to you that you stared at him with a shocked look.

Leon stood besides you.

"Y/N, I'd like you to meet Bede. I endorsed him as a trainer of my own. I also raised him." Chairman Rose smiled.

You acted like you didn't know who Bede was so you held out your hand to him.

"Nice to meet you." You faked a smile.

"Pfft, you think I'll shake your hand? Pathetic. I'd rather shake a pokemon's hand then think twice about shaking your hand." Bede frowned.

"Bede! Don't be so rude!" Chairman Rose scolded Bede.

"It's fine Chairman, we don't have to shake hands. We already introduced each other." You nodded, acting calmly but inside you were enraged.

After that Chairman Rose left leaving you and Leon alone. You clenched your fist and bit your lip a little.

"Sounds like you two already know each other." Leon looked over at you.

"We do actually, we met but no in a very nice way. That Bede is a jerk I'm telling you." You frowned.

"Making little rivals already? How adorable, reminds me a lot of me." Leon laughed a little.

"Come on, anyone but him. I'd rather battle against Hop then some rude stuck up rich kid like him." You nodded in disagreement.

Leon patted your head.

"Good luck in the gym challenge, I'll look forward it." Leon walked away.

You felt praised by Leon, unfortunately Hop left you early before you can catch up to him so you ended up going with your two pokemon. Inside Galar Mine you go.

You battled constant trainers inside the cave as well as finding lost items. The only thing was where was the exit, this was going to be a confusing and long path.

You asked for directions, one of them told you there was a strong trainer ahead and to be careful. You didn't care, you would battle that trainer and show them who's boss. Little did you know that trainer would end up being someone...

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now