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You faced off against Nessa, water type gym leader. As much as you didn't like or liked puzzles it was surely a struggle for you. You still gained your water gym badge, about to head to the next gym.

You were about to head to Galar Mine when you were suddenly reminded about earlier.

"Right...! I better go see the Chairman before his assistant yells at me.. I won't get the end of her complaining..." You sighed and headed to the restaurant.

There wasn't much people, you assumed since Chairman Rose was a special case that they told people to stay away. A waitress walked up to you.

"You are... Ah Y/N L/N?" The waitress asked.

You nodded.

"Hey Y/N, didn't expect you to be here too." You heard Sonia's voice.

"The Chairman awaits you both... Come now." The waitress leads you to Chairman Rose.

"Ah, Y/N! Sonia! Take a seat if you may." Chairman Rose pulls out his chair and sits down.

You pull out a chair for Sonia and yourself. You sit down feeling a bit nervous, this was the famous Chairman out of all people you're sitting with.

"I would've brought Bede but it seems that he has walked his own path somewhere else... It's like raising kids." Chairman Rose laughed.

You laughed alongside the Chairman to make him feel like he wasn't alone on his joke. He talked to Sonia more which made you space out a little. You grew bored and distracted just being here.

You pulled out your Rotomphone from under the table to not seem rude in front of them. You had messages from Hop.

"Hey, where are you??" Hop's message asked.

You typed while trying to look at Sonia and the Chairman.

"Chairman Rose, we must be going now. We have a lot to do." Oleana said.

"What! Man time flies by really quickly, you never even know what happened.. I really wanted to talk to Y/N a lot more." Chairman Rose sighed.

If he wanted to talk to you more couldn't he at least have you engage into the conversation more or had said something to you to bring attention..?

Chairman Rose got up from his seat, he waved goodbye to you and left with his assistant leaving you alone with Sonia.

"Hey Y/N, did you think about anything in particular when Chairman Rose was talking?" Sonia asked.

You didn't really think of anything so you tried lying to her.

"Yeah well, I thought about how much responsibilities the Chairman has. So much so that he's probably almost never free." You looked at Sonia.

"Leon is almost never free too." Sonia sighed.

You laughed a little.

Sonia checked her phone.

"Hey Y/N, I'll see you again soon. Something just went up with Leon and he wants me to be there." Sonia said.

"What is it...? Is he okay?" You asked.

"He stumbled upon a mysterious sighting with a pokemon. See you, gotta go!" Sonia ran out.

Since you were left alone you started walking ahead to the next part of the Galar Mine. You looked around and noticed up ahead Bede. He was passing through.

You walked past him feeling a little bit of wind breeze between you two. He paused a little and so did you.

"Bede, what brings you here?" You asked.

"I'm just passing by, I don't have time for useless trainers like you. Out of my way or I'll make things difficult for you." Bede frowned.

Guess he was back to being that same person he always is.

"Hah, you think you're stronger than me? Let's have a battle here and now!" You looked at Bede with a smirk.

You saw that he looked a little pissed at what you said. Usually it's him that always seems to be the cocky one but you were the one testing him now.

You both had a battle between who was the stronger one. Once you won you had proven to be stronger then Bede.

Bede looked angry as he admitted defeat to you.

"I... I hate you... I can just never beat you...!" Bede slammed his hand against the wall.

You put your hand on Bede's shoulder.

"That's because I tend to care for my pokemon. If you don't show them any kind of love during battle or even love at all it's even possible that you won't even win." You looked Bede straight in the eyes.

Bede looked away in anger.

"Y-Yeah right...! As if I'd listen to you!" Bede stormed off out of anger.

You laughed a little to yourself continued walking ahead. You found two Team Yell grunt's bothering a pokemon. You were about to pick a fight with them when you heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Y/N! Having fun without me?!" You can hear Hop's voice echo in the cave.

"Nope, I wasn't going to have fun without you." You smirked.

The two of you battled alongside each other. Once you defeated the trainers they were speechless as to what happened. They ran off to look for Marnie.

"That was amazing Y/N!" Hop gave you a high five.

"You were amazing too Hop!" You pat Hop on the head.

"We make a good team ya know?" Hop put his arm around your shoulder.

~~Bede's pov~~

I was watching from a distance, those two seem awfully close. They're like close friends to the point where it looks like what they do the both are okay with it.

"Are they... Dating..?" I questioned myself.

"Pfft! Hah why would I care..?! Y/N is nothing but someone I fight with!" I thought.

But... I can't help but feel like spying on the two. Those two are like a string attached to an object. It doesn't let go unless you untie it.

"Maybe just a little more... Then I'll go my own way." I looked at them and noticed how Hop grabbed Y/N's hand and ran out of the cave with her.

"H-How...?!" My face turned pink a little.

"Maybe her hands are soft... Wait what am I thinking...?!" My face turned red. I have no time to think about this...!

I snuck around to spy on the two for long.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now