|Epilouge: A whole change from the begining.|

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You awoke from your nap to smell the nice aroma of tea and.... Pancakes...?

Who's cooking...?

You seemed curious and got up from the couch, you were greeted to see Bede cooking some pancakes.

"A-Ah...! Y/N! I didn't want you to see me like this...!" Bede looked embarrassed.

"You're cooking food and it shames me because I'm supposed to be cooking for you although I don't mind you playing the wife role and me being the good husband." You teased.

Bede frowned.

"Right, I made us some pancakes so I hope you enjoyed. Your mum sort of taught me how and I'm barely learning. I did my best so please enjoy it, and while you can I made some tea as well." Bede nodded.

If he made this then I have to eat it for sure and try not to leave anything out...! It's Bede's cooking so there's no way I'm going to waste it!

You dug into the pancakes and began to consume it. The pancakes tasted well even for a beginner like Bede.

"These are great...!" You smiled.

"R-Really..?! I mean hah, of course they're great! It's only natural that I Bede cook without such a flaw! As the new fairy type game leader we do it with style!" Bede sparked with joy.

Right... I forgot ever since I've become the champion things have changed. Bede is now the fairy type gym leader, Marnie is now the dark type gym leader, Hop agreed to become an assistant of Sonia's to research pokemon and also train himself to face me, and Leon has now took over position at the former Rose tower and made it into some sort of battle institute. And now you're the champion which you have to play role in your duties as one.

"Hey Y/N? I was thinking about giving that old day care lady a visit? Remember the one from that rainy chapter?" Bede asked.

"I thought you didn't like her after she kept teasing you." You said.

"N-No...! She was just making things hard for me and my feelings for you as well..." Bede looked down in embarrassment.

"Awww, aren't you so cute...?" You kissed Bede on the cheek.

"If there's anyone cute here that would be you." Bede smiled.

And he just pulled out the smile card to me, something I can't handle.

You agreed with Bede and traveled to that old lady's day care center with her husband. You entered in with Bede and saw she was working with pokemon.

"Hello how can I- wait a minute is that you?" The lady looked at you both in surprise.

"Yep! It's been a while since I last saw you!" You smiled.

Bede looked upset.

"Why if it isn't the two love birds, I heard you became the champion now and as for you young trainer you're a gym leader correct?" The lady smiled.

"Yeah well..." Bede struggles with words.

"Remember to keep being you and grow stronger for your girlfriend here, she's going to need you in her life after all." The lady laughed.

"Y-Yeah..." Bede's face turned red.

You saw some trainers enter the daycare center and fan over you as their champion. One of them was even carelessly flirting with you.

Bede grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him.

"Back off, she's mine...!" Bede frowned.

Your face turned a little red as you laughed hysterically.

"Oh Bede...! You're just so cute...! You pinched Bede's cheeks.

"Hey! Would you stop that! I was being serious!" Bede frowned.

"I know you were, and you're mine too." You laughed.

Bede's face turned completely red.

"I-I'm still not used to to these things you tell me.. They all make me nervous..." Bede said in embarrassment.

The two of you said goodbye to the day care lady and headed to Hammerlocke.

Once you did you were quick to spot the sweets store.

"Bede look...! The sweets store we went to once! Let's go!" You grabbed his hand and ran over there with him.

You were recognized and freely welcomed by the owner who treated the both of you kindly. He gave you free sweets and thanked you both for coming.

Once you two left you were happy with yourself.

"Bede he gave us free sweets! Can you believe it?!" You smiled.

"The only sweets I have is you." Bede said.

"What?" Your eyes widened.

Bede looked away.

"Never mind." Bede said in nervousness.

You grabbed Bede's hand as the two of you traveled to the fairy type gym.

"Bede...! I told you to watch the gym! I've retired here and you still don't want to take over for me!" Opal wacked Bede with her umbrella.

"Ow! I'm sorry! What's wrong?" Bede asked.

"You have a young challenger here!" Opal pointed at a young kid that reminded you of the old you.

"Is that the champion...! No way what is she doing here...?!" The kid asked.

He wanted an autograph so you signed his paper.

The kid challenged Bede to a battle and to your surprise the kid lost.

"Hah, I've trained harder. It's only natural that I won." Bede smiled.

The kid looked upset over his loss.

"H-Hey...! Listen kid! Don't cry or anything! I used to be like you back when I was just a normal trainer and well what I did was train more and here I am now. But I couldn't have done most of this if it weren't for support and people who believed in me. Like my girlfriend." Bede smiled.

My heart is racing... oh my god did he really say that...

The kid felt better by Bede's encouragement and ran out to go train some more.

"So I inspire you huh?" You smirked.

"Y-You heard...?!" Bede looked embarrassed.

"Yeah well, you're not good at hiding things." You teased.

"You're not either." Bede smirked.

Bede grabbed your hand and pulled you in for a hug.

"You know if it weren't for you i wouldn't be here now. I'm happy that you came into my life Y/N." Bede smiled.

"I am too." You smiled and agreed.

You spent the rest of the day with Bede by your side talking and taking your time together.

A/N: I want to thank all my readers to this story who've read my story and supported it even during some of my absences. No one rushed me nor did I feel pressured and I thank my supporters for that. I wouldn't have gone far with this story if it weren't for the motivation I got and support from the ones who read this book. Once again thank you all. This story is now done.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now