|A Gentle Person|

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~~Bede's pov~~

Hours and hours of acting and training to become a strong trainer was hard. I was being forced to do this otherwise Lady Opal would drag me back into session and make me start all over again.

"Can't we just take a break Lady Opal?" I asked.

Lady Opal drank her tea and said

"Sure, why not. You've worked hard enough, come over here and drink some tea." She smiled.

I sat down and drank some tea.

I could really go for a walk or a little fresh air... After all, this hard work sure is tiring. I deserve at least more time to have a break.

"Okay, now let's go back to our training." Opal smiled.

I sighed deeply for I know I was about to train this much.

"Lady Opal, there's a visitor out the front of the gym. Should I bring them in?" One of the female trainers said.

"Why yes, have them come in here." Opal nodded.

What I didn't expect is out of all people who'd come here would be Y/N.

~~Y/N's pov~~

"Huh? What are you doing here?" Bede looked at you with a confused look.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here to see the one I love." You smiled.

Bede's face turned pink as he looked away.

"The one you love huh..." Bede mumbled.

You grabbed his hand gently and smiled.

"Of course." You nodded.

Bede faced forward and pulled you close to him giving you a hug. As usual whenever Bede would hug you he'd always feel warm or soft.

"Ooooh! Since when did you two love birds get together?" Opal asked.

"Well.... This is sort of embarrassing to say..." Bede looked away.

"Bede just happened to ask me out at some point." You smiled.

You saw Bede's face turn bright red.

"Oh! How lovely! This reminds me when I was younger. Ooooh how lovely young love is." Opal clapped happily.

"You're free to borrow Bede Y/N. Go on, take him off my hands for now." Opal smiled.

"Really? Thanks Lady Opal, I'll be sure Bede comes back for more of his training." You took Bede's hand.

"Wait! Where are we going?!" Bede asked.

"Come on! We're going to have some fun!" You laughed and ran out with Bede.

You took him to a store where they sell sweets and if you battle the owner you'd get free stuff.

"A sweets store... I'm not a fan of sweets but as long as you like it I could enjoy some too." Bede agreed.

The two of you sat down at a table and began to eat some sweets.

"Hey Bede, I want to challenge the owner of this shop. Want to be my partner?" You asked.

"H-Huh?! W-Well of course...! I haven't really been on your side to battle. I'll prove my strength and show you I've gotten better at battles." Bede smirked.

The two of you walked up to the owner of the shop and challenged him to a pokemon battle. Bede ended up losing most of his pokemon while you won against the owner.

"Damn it...! How can I lose...?!" Bede looked disappointed in himself.

The owner ended up giving you free snacks for both you and your pokemon.

"Hey Bede look! Free snacks we can enjoy!" You smiled.

You looked at Bede who seemed terrible after the battle. Having his pokemon faint just when he was about to prove how strong he was must be a pain.

"I can't believe it! The gym challenger defeated the owner! And the other is supposed to be strong!" Everyone clapped for you.

"Say... Isn't that the chairman's endorsed trainer? Didn't he get removed off the challenge? What is he doing here?" Everyone began to whisper about Bede which made him feel upset.

"Hey listen! Gym challenger or not you don't have any right to treat him like he doesn't belong here! Bede is a very nice guy deep down inside! He isn't a jerk as who he was! Bede is a sweetheart!" You yelled.

Bede looked at you in surprise.

You took Bede's hand and stormed out of the place. You took him to the pokemon center to heal his pokemon.

"Hey Y/N... You're not mad are you?" Bede asked you.

"I'm not mad at you... I'm mad at the people who decided to make such rumors about you." You frowned.

"You don't have to be, it wasn't your fault anyways." Bede said.

You stood quiet until Bede grabbed his pokeballs and put them away.

Bede walked closer to you and embrace you in his arms tightly.

"H-Hey... What's this for...?!" You asked.

"Thanks... For defending me... You know. I don't know what I could've done if you hadn't stepped in stopped the rumors from getting to me." Bede slightly smiled.

You hugged Bede back with a smile.

"Bede I know you're stronger than this... Just because you lost it doesn't mean you didn't learn from it. You can continue to grow stronger from it and train until you reach a limit. For the mean time you can care for your pokemon and grow stronger." You smiled.

Inteleon came out of it's pokeball.

"The reason Inteleon and I are a strong duo is because we train a lot and also have this deep bond with each other. The more close you get with your pokemon the more you'll get stronger." You nodded.

"Right... I'll do what you do. But promise me something." Bede asked.

"What is it? I'll keep a promise with you if you want but you have to keep yours." You agreed.

"During the league I want you to have a one on one battle with me. To prove if I truly have gotten stronger. The two of us will compete against each other despite being lovers. I want you to go hard on me with everything you've got." Bede looked at you with a serious look.

"Then... Don't hold back either." You smiled.

"Good, I'll be awaiting that chance to battle you once again." Bede gave you a thumbs up.

The two of you returned back to the fairy type gym as you left Bede and continued on, going to face Raihan now.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now