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After the day you helped the little boy out with Hop you couldn't help but think about Bede. His face would always pop up in your head.

"Should I... Should I invite him to hang out with us..?" You muttered to yourself.

"Invite who?" Hop asked.

"Agh egh, it's not important.." You smiled a little.

"Is that so?" Hop asked.

You nodded and kept quiet to yourself.

"Hey Hop, I'm going to train and catch more pokemon. I'll catch up to you soon." You ran off.

"Try not to run into the ugly mutt!" Hop yelled from behind.

You ran off, you looked around Motostoke for Bede wondering where he was. You found him talking to a police officer about something. You quickly ran up to them.

"What seems to be the problem?" You asked.

"A-Ack..! Y/N, i-it's none of your business don't even try to butt in...!" Bede frowned.

"The boy here lost one of his pokemon, he said he was on his way to the gym when all of a sudden he lost his pokemon." The police officer said.

You saw sweat come down Bede's head. He didn't want you to know at all about this.

"Lost pokemon? We can find it together Bede!" You smiled.

"N-No... I refuse..." Bede sighed.

You grabbed his hand.

"Come on! Let's go!" You ran with him.

The two of you ended up out of Motostoke and around the wild place.

"Do you remember where your pokemon ran off to?" You questioned Bede.

Bede brushed your hand away from yours.

"No.." Is all he answered.

You walked up to Bede and put your hand on his cheek.

"Bede look, I know you hate me and I'm okay with it and whatever because sooner or later we'll go back to being nothing but rivals fighting against each other and I get it but right now I really want to help you." You nodded.

"And why are you doing this...?" Bede looked at your eyes.

"Because... Because helping out people is nice." You gave Bede a thumbs up.

"Last time I remember, it wandered around the wild area.. I'm not sure where it went off to but.." Bede seemed upset.

You looked up the sky and noticed how it looked like it was going to rain. You still wanted to help Bede so you both even went towards the wild area near Hammerlocke.

You looked around with Bede until you felt a small rain drop on your skin. More rain drops began to drop down causing the two of you to panick a little.

You saw Bede without his jacket as he placed it around you.

"Take shelter Y/N!" Bede seemed more worried about you then himself.

Your face turned a little pink.

Bede took your hand and ran looking for shelter. It was until he found a  pokemon day care center that he brought you in.

Bede was completely soaked with water while you were a little soaked but still okay.

"Bede you're..." You mumbled.

"It's okay, a little rain won't hurt anyone." Bede looked at you.

The daycare couple came up to the both of you. Luckily they were kind enough to let the two of you crash in until it stopped raining.

You sat down and sighed, Hop will probably be worried about you and wonder where you left off to.

"Hey, you okay?" Bede walked up to you with a new change of clothes. The clothes looked big on him but he didn't really mind it at all.

You nodded.

"Hold up, since when did you care about me?" You asked.

"D-Don't be stupid..! It's just a question!" Bede frowned and looked away.

"Bede... I'm sorry." You looked down.

"You better be..!" Bede yelled.

"No I mean, I'm sorry for not finding your Hatenna... We tried so hard yet... Yet I just got in your way." You sighed.

"Y/N." Bede said.

"Yeah?" You nodded.

Bede slammed his hand against the wall. You were caught off guard and looks like he took advantage of you while he could.

"None of this is your fault, don't blame yourself. Hatenna is probably still around but for now don't blame yourself." Bede was acting differently.

Your heart raced a little.

"Mhmm.." You agreed.

"Hey Bede." You said.

"What?" Bede asked.

"I just realized you're being kind to me. You usually aren't." You smiled a little.

Bede frowned but didn't say a word. He walked away and ignored what you said.

The wife of the day care owner came up to you with a grin on her face.

"Who is he?" She asked.

You didn't really know what to say, since Bede and you aren't really considered friends or close mutuals. You instead decided to lie to the lady.

"He's my friend." You nodded.

"Are you sure? The two of you seem close. You two seem like you can be lovers." The lady teased you.

"N-No way...! Bede is just a friend! I wouldn't think of him that way or another..!!" Your face turned red.

"That's what I used to say about my husband, now look at us! We're happily married together, running our own daycare for pokemon." The lady laughed.

"What are you two talking about?" You heard Bede say.

You jumped a little.

"Bede! Way to get into a lady conversation..!" You made up an excuse.

"I don't care what you two talk about, there's no need to be shy." Bede shook his head. 

"This young lady over here was just talking about how cute you are!" The lady jokingly said.

"N-No I didn't...!" You tried to dismiss the accusations.

"Hmph, is that so?" Bede looked away.

"Is there any beds here? I'm going to take a nap." Bede sighed.

The lady escorted him to a room.

Once the lady came back she looked upset.

"Or maybe not, he doesn't seem bothered by it." The lady nodded.

~~Bede's pov~~

Damn it...! What was I thinking..?! Was that lady joking around or not?? I can't even tell what's real or fake anymore...

~~Y/N'S pov~~

You began to play with your pokemon. The more the rain fell the more worried you began to get that Hop could be looking for you.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now