|I Believe In You|

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You woke up feeling energized, you were ready to face against the other gym leaders in Wyndon Stadium. Seemed Hop wasn't around because he didn't come out.

"Oh well... He's probably out training." You nodded.

You headed to Wyndon Stadium by yourself and entered in to battle the gym leaders. You felt yourself shake a little in fear but entered the stadium. To your surprise you saw Nessa walk in but someone's voice you heard echoed across the stadium.

"Hold up a minute!" The voice yelled loud and clear.

That voice... Can it be...?

You saw Bede walking towards you, he sparkled completely in the stadium.

"I've been waiting for this, Y/N promised me a battle here and now. If I lose I will quit being a trainer...!" Bede confidently said.

Quit...?! Why would he quit...?!

Everyone seemed confused.

Bede looked at you.

"Do you know how I feel Y/N? Feel about all this time? I want to get strong. Please battle me and don't say no. I know we're technically lovers here but I want to prove my strength against you." Bede looked upset.

"Fine." You smiled.

"That's the answer I wanted to hear." Bede smiled.

The two of you constantly battled until you remained victorious.

You looked at Bede and saw utter disappointment across his face. He looked upset that he lost.

"Whatever, I said I promised to quit I would quit-"

You rushed up to Bede and hugged him from behind.

"Y-You...?! What are you doing showing affection here...! Don't face this loser here." Bede said.

"Loser? You're not a loser to me. You're a winner. My winner." You smiled.

Bede turned around, his face was completely red.

"Am I truly your winner?" Bede asked.

You heard people cheering on for you and Bede. Mainly Bede telling him not to quit and continue as the fairy type gym leader.

You saw Bede's face completely flush in redness.

"Bede you can do it... Don't give up. I believe in you." You hugged Bede tightly.

Bede buried his face in your arms. You felt his tears leak a little.

"I don't cry often but.... Please, let's go before anyone notices me tearing up." Bede mumbled.

Everyone still continued cheering on for Bede as you took him to the back room of Wyndon Stadium.

He sat down and still had tears flowing down.

You put your hands on his face.

"Bede... Don't cry... I hate seeing you like this." You looked upse.

Bede looked straight towards your face and pulled you close towards him for a hug.

"This is so embarrassing...." Bede's face turned red.

You laughed.

"It's okay, you're not the only one I've seen cry... I've actually seen Hop cry. In fact this is the first time I've seen you cry." You smiled.

Bede looked a bit better.

"It's strange how even the slightest words of yours makes me feel somewhat better. It's like your some sort of angelic figure that came down from the heavens and had blessed me." Bede said.

"Is that so? Well I'm glad to be an angelic figure to you." You laughed.

You remembered the sweets you got for Bede earlier.

"Oh right, there's something I wanted to give you." Both you and Bede said.

You both stared at each other and laughed a little.

"You go first." Bede nodded.

"No fair! I'm gonna be nervous about this now! I wanted to share this with you before you shared your gift." You pouted.

"Too bad, looks like you're sharing first." Bede crossed his arms.

You grabbed the box with sweets and opened it up.

"I know you don't really like sweets but I sort of got this for you. I wanted to get one for me but well I um-" You looked down.

Bede gently placed his hands upon yours.

He took it off your hands and ripped a piece.

"We can share, it's more important that you try it too." Bede nodded.

You felt your inner fan girl almost about to scream.

The two of you ate it together.

"That was too good...! I'd like to try it again someday!" You smiled.

"So would I." Bede agreed.

"Well I hate hogging you to myself but it looks like you have to continue your battles. After all I was the one who interrupted the whole thing." Bede nodded.

"Noooo! Not yet! I barely got to see you again and this is how it's turning out?" You gave Bede an upset look.

"Don't give me that look, you'll only make me feel bad." Bede sighed.

You continued to stare at him with that sad look in your eyes. You didn't want this to end, not just yet.

"Oh and um I encountered Chairman Rose and he was well talking about you..." You looked down.

Bede turned around staring at you.

"Did he say anything...?" Bede asked.

"Well... It seemed he was asking how I was with you and all... but trust me the chairman is a bit of a jerk." You said.

Bede walked up to you and put his hand on your shoulder.

"Right, I forgot to give you the gift I owe you. Close your eyes, this is a surprise." Bede asked of you.

You agreed and slowly closed your eyes as commanded by Bede. You felt a soft tender touch in between your lips. Was this a kiss??

Your face turned red as you opened your eyes to see Bede facing backwards.

"Good luck on your battles up ahead future champion. Try not to over do it and make sure to heal your Pokémon during your break." Bede walked away.

Damn it...! This was exactly like last time...! He did this same tactic again causing my heart to race.

"Bede um...! Please watch me battle!" You yelled.

Bede paused a little.

"If you do then I'll truly feel like you're around me!" You added.

"I guess I'll make sure to stick by and see you battle." Bede then walked off.

You felt a smile form on your face feeling a bit of excitement.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now