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"Hey Y/N, you awake yet?" You heard a faint voice.

Who can it be...? Why and how...?

You began to open your eyes slowly.

"Maybe I shouldn't have tried waking you up, your sleep is important. Forget it." The voice said.


You opened your eyes a little and pictured that same blue jacket with a bit of fluff.

"Hop... Is that..." You mumbled.

You opened your eyes fully.

"Hop? What are you talking about? It's me, Raihan!" You saw the dragon type gym leader in front of you.

"Ah, um...!" You quickly got up from the bed.

"Rise and shine trainer!" Raihan snapped a picture of you and him.

"What in the...! Don't post that!" You tried to grab his phone.

"Already did, sorry kiddo." Raihan shrugged.

You looked at the window and saw that it wasn't raining anymore.

"I should get going." You said.

You were about to leave when Raihan stopped you and grabbed your arm.

"Leaving so soon? I was going to show you something." Raihan said.

"Well..." You muttered.

Guess it wouldn't hurt sticking with someone as tall as this dude for a while.

You followed Raihan in which he lead you the outside of the castle and ended up buying you something to eat.

"Figured you were hungry, you looked like you haven't eaten a proper meal." Raihan laughed.

You frowned.

"Good luck on your journey kiddo." Raihan waved you goodbye and left you alone.

Where was I...? Oh, I'm going to fight Bea or something.

You headed towards the next gym, facing many obstacles and of course pokemon trainers. Looking at ancient artifacts and stuff wasn't so bad...

You finally arrived to the next gym in which you saw a familiar person standing up ahead of you. Hop looked upset and tired.

"Hop...!" You called out to Hop.

Hop turned to face you with a slight smile.

"Hey Y/N, good to see you." Hop's tone sounded off and not like the usual Hop he was.

"Have you passed any gyms yet?" You asked Hop.

"Well... I was planning to challenge the next gym. I just got my badge for battling against the ghost type gym leader." Hop nodded.

He looks upset... I hope he isn't.

You reached towards Hop and placed your hand on his shoulder.

"Hop." You said.

"Hmm? Yeah..?" Hop seemed a bit off.

You put both your hands on Hop's cheeks and slapped both his cheeks hard.

"O-Ow...! Hey Y/N, what's the big deal?! Did you have to hit me that hard...?!" Hop looked upset.

"I had to smack you otherwise you'll never learn. Hop look at me straight in the eyes." You said.

Hop was a little hesitant, he put his hands on his cheeks and looked at your eyes.

"So what if you lost to Bede? Will you let that thought conqueror you?" You frowned.

Hop's eyes widened in surprise as if he didn't want you to possibly know what happened between him and Bede.

Hop looked down.

"... So you know." Hop mumbled.

"It's just a battle Y/N, it's not like it effected me or-"

"You say that but yet you don't look okay...!" You raised your voice.

Hop looked vulnerable right now.

"Hop, so what if you lost one battle?! Are you going to let that battle over come you! You're stronger than that, I know it! The Hop I know wouldn't give in easily and quit the gym challenge! He'd want to grow stronger and find a way. If he can't do it then he'll try again over and over until he learns!" You yelled.

Hop looked at you.

Hop leaned in and hugged you.

"... Hey Y/N." Hop said.

"Yeah?" You asked.

"I haven't cried in a long time, only when we were little but... This is between me and you... Okay? Can I.... Can I lean on you one more time?" Hop asked.

"Of course you can Hop... You're my friend." You nodded in agreement.

Hop held you in his arms for at least a minute or so before letting you go. Once he did, his face was completely red and so was his eyes.

"You weren't crying, were you?" You asked Hop.

"N-No!! Of course not, the future champion doesn't cry!" Hop frowned.

You laughed a little, seeing Hop made you feel better.

~~Bede's pov~~

I hate how jealous I get just seeing how close these two are. The way they hugged each other... I want her to hug me like that too...!

I frowned.

If I keep being such an idiot around her she's not going to ever accept my true feelings for her...!

~~Y/N's pov~~

You walked to the Pokemon center with Hop. He seemed to at least be somewhat happy.

"Hey hey! The future champion is here...!" Hop laughed.

You smiled a little seeing how happy Hop looked. Maybe that smack and those words of yours did help Hop.

The two decided to crash over at the Pokemon center and stay again since time was wasted but you didn't really mind at all.

Hop was fast asleep in the room he was staying in. You walked around and asked Nurse Joy for any help around the Pokemon center. That was when you saw....

Bede, he stood in front of you with anger in his face. He looked enraged as if something really had ticked him off.

Oh shoot...! Y/N, act like you don't know him...!

You faced the other way with a smile on your face.

"Hey." You heard Bede's voice say.

You felt sweat pour down your head.

I-Is he talking to me...???

You peeked and saw Bede look at you with that glare on his face.

"I-I just remembered I have to go to bed...!" You quickly ran to the room Hop was staying in and hid under the bed.

~~Bede's pov~~

Why did she run away from me...? Does she hate me...? Ugh, not even I know. I just want her to talk to me again, I've started to feel upset and regret stuff ever since she's stopped talking to me.

I sighed deeply.

Maybe I should get her something nice....

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now