|Can't Stop Thinking About|

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A/N: Fancy fonts are going to be when characters are thinking or when writing a letter.

After that day Hop has become very cautious of where you go. From then and on he keeps a close eye on you so you wouldn't bump into who he calls "ugly mutt".

"Hey Y/N, we should train! You know to determine if we're really ready to go and fight old man Kabu. Just because he's old doesn't mean he isn't going to be strong." Hop said.

"Sure, I could go for a little training with my pokemon." You nodded.

You threw out your pokemon from your pokeball, Drizzile, Corvisquire, and even Eevee.

"No fair...! You evolved your pokemon before me..?!" Hop stared in shock.

You gave him a thumbs up.

The two of you ran outside to train your pokemon by doing a little of exercising and running. You seemed to be growing more closer to your pokemon but something else came to your mind.


You couldn't stop clearing your head over Bede, yesterday when you took care of him and saw a whole different side to him. It was almost like he was opening up his true self to you.

"No... He couldn't possibly... We're not even..." You mumbled.

"We're not even what?" Hop leaned in.

You jumped a little.

"N-Nothing...!" You smiled.

"Hey Y/N, did something happen.. I'm supposed to be your best friend and all and well I was just wondering... I mean hey you don't have to force yourself to answer for me but did something happen during the rainy chapters? You seem to stare off into space too much." Hop looked at you.

Your eyes widened.

Hop was getting on to you but did you really want to tell him...? Did you really want to admit to him what happened? Hop is your best friend and has been since you were little but...

Hop hates Bede, the two don't even get along well. Even one mention of Bede and you feel like Hop is going to get annoyed.

"I think I'm in love." You said.

"W-What...?! With who?! Why?!" Hop asked, his face flushed a little.

"Never mind forget about it...!" You were only going to make things more awkward with Hop.

"Right...! I forgot, we need to get back to training remember Hop..!" You smiled.

The two of you continued tn train but ever since you said you think you were in love Hop seemed to keep his distance a little. Does he think you're in love with him? I mean sure Hop is your friend but you've never really seen him that way.

This is so awkward... I wish I hadn't said anything about being in love... Maybe then Hop would stop keeping his distance from me.

It was until Hop received a call.

"Hey Y/N, I just got a call from Sonia right now so our training ends here. I'll meet back with you again when you defeat old man Kabu..!" Hop ran off.

You ran off back to the hotel and grabbed Bede's jacket.

I have to look for him and return it..

You ran around looking for Bede, it was hard just looking around for the likes of him since the boy always seems to be in his own little world just walking around places.

You wondered if he even found his pokemon that he was looking for. You felt something tug on your shirt.

A small little Hatenna appeared in front of you. It seemed to laugh just seeing you.

"And who do you belong to?" You asked, leaning down towards the Hatenna.

The Hatenna seemed a bit familiar to you. It was as if you knew this Hatenna but... Where from?

"Hatenna...! Hatenna where are you...!" You heard the sounds of a breathless boy coming your way.

"This must be.. The owner's Hatenna. But why did it run off looking for..." You then realized who's Hatenna could this be.

You grabbed the Hatenna and continued to run over to the voice where you kept hearing it. You looked around and yelled

"I'm here...! I have your Hatenna!" You made sure you were loud enough.

You saw Bede running towards you, he was breathless yet came to you quickly.

"Y-You...! Just what are you doing with my pokemon..!" Bede frowned.

Is he seriously back to the way he was again?

"Well it happened to find it's way here to me.." You said.

"I can't believe that after looking for it... We found it.. All that trouble I had to go through just looking for you..!" Bede sighed.

You reached towards Bede to hand over his pokemon but she wouldn't leave your arms that instantly.

"Hang on a minute... I think Hatenna likes you." Bede said.

"H-Huh? What makes you say that..?" Your face turned pink.

"Well she doesn't want to leave your side yet she's my pokemon..." Bede frowned.

"Sorry little Hatenna but you have to return back to Bede. He's your trainer." You handed Hatenna back to Bede.

Hatenna seemed a little down.

"Bede..! Do you not spend time with her?! You frowned.

Bede looked down.

"I told you before right, if you don't bond with your pokemon you'll never be good at battles..!" You gave Bede a little nudge on the head.

"Like I'd take orders from someone below me..!" Bede raised his voice a little.

"Below you...?! You were the one who needed me when you had a fever!" You yelled.

"I have no recollection of that!" Bede's face turned red.

Bede runs off again without saying a goodbye to you as usual.

Your mind went blank as you thought about Bede again.

Out of my head would you..?? Gosh it's like I'm in love with you..

Wait... Love...?

Your eyes widened. All this time had you not realized that you were in love with him? Whenver you think about him you feel a nervous tension of butterflies in your stomach but..

"I really am in love... There's other solution to this... Drizzile...! I'm in love with him out of all people..!" You looked at your Drizzile.

Drizzile looked concerned about you.

And here goes you, suddenly developing feelings for Bede out of all people.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now