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"Aren't you going to sleep young lady?" The lady asked.

"Not sure.. I'm worried about a friend." You sighed.

"Why not give them a call?" The lady asked.

You tried to reach for your pockets and felt nothing but emptiness. Now you were seriously going to worry Hop more to the fact that he might bring Leon involved. Surely you wouldn't want to interrupt Leon out of all people.

You opened the door to the daycare but saw that it was raining hard.

"Damn it...!" You clenched your fist and closed the door. You couldn't possibly go out on bad weather like this but you left your phone behind.

You opened the door again and hoped for the better but felt a hand reach for your shoulder.

"Don't" You heard Bede say.

"I have to get my phone back...! It's now or never. Hop could be worried about me by now..!" You tried to go off but Bede grabbed your arm.

"Don't be stupid! If you run out in the rain like that you'll catch a cold for sure..!  Bede frowned.

You struggled to get free from Bede's strong grip on you but all of a sudden Bede fell. You quickly caught him in your arms, holding him close to you.

"Bede...! Are you alright...?!" You looked at Bede with concern in your eyes.

"I-I'm fine... Let go of me." Bede mumbled. Something about him seemed off.

You put your hand on to Bede's face and eventually on his head. You felt his face heat up.

"Bede... You have a fever." You told him.

"I'll be fine..! It's just a small fever..!" Bede said trying to break free of your grasp.

You wouldn't let go of him, instead you grabbed his arm and took him to a room. You pushed him on the bed.

"Stay here, I'll be back." You said.

"N-No way...! I won't...!"

You shut the door on Bede before he can say anything else. You grabbed a towel and wet the towel, once you wet the towel you walked over to the room Bede was. He was still awake.

"Bede, I'm going to put this towel over your head. Don't take it off." You said as you placed the towel on his head.

He didn't say anything but just stare.

You walked out of the room when the daycare lady was quick to stop you.

"Oh my, is he okay?" The daycare lady asked.

"He's got a fever, he keeps denying it but I want to help him.." You said.

"I'm making some vegetable soup, maybe that would help?" The lady smiled.

You instead ended up helping the lady make vegetable soup. You had a bit of soup yourself since you were hungry.

You walked into the room you saw Bede with his eyes closed. He was breathing in a little heavily.

You put your hand gently on his face so he wouldn't wake up. His face kept heating up, it was almost as hot as a fire type pokemon's temperature of fire.

"He's... He's a little cute... Dang it no..! Why am I saying this?! We're rivals! We don't like each other! We fight!" You thought in your head, you kept shaking your head and feeling disappointed in yourself.

You saw Bede open his eyes slowly and look at you.

"U-Um...! I'm sorry..! I hope I didn't bother you or anything..!" You backed away from Bede.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now