|Just watch me go! Or so... i thought|

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You were faced off against Nessa after that small break of yours. Once you defeated Nessa you decided that every time you'd heal your Pokémon at the nearest Pokémon center and even support them.

You noticed Bede watching you from afar which made you happy.

You went to the waiting room and took a small break. All of a sudden someone covered your eyes with their hands.

"Guess who." The voice said.

"I don't know? Who can it be?" You smiled.

"Quit teasing, you know who it is." The voice said.

He removed his hands off your eyes, it was Bede.

"Hey Bede, what's up?" You asked.

Bede hugged you.

"Came to see you... I couldn't contain myself from seeing you." Bede nodded.

You put your hands on Bede's cheeks.

"You're so adorable, you're going to make my heart melt just saying that." You smiled.

Bede's face turned red.

"A-Adorable...?! Where did that come from..?! A guy doesn't like being called adorable!" Bede frowned.

"I'm sorry mr. cutie." You teased.

"If I'm mr. cutie then you must be ms.cutie." Bede smirked.

Your face turned pink.

"H-Huh?! No I'm not...!" You pouted.

Bede put his hand on your chin, gently lifting it up to meet his gaze.

"Don't deny it ms.cutie, my cutie." Bede wrapped his arms behind you.

"Stop that would you!" You frowned.

"I'll stop, oh one thing Y/N." Bede asked.

You looked at Bede.

"Do you think I should see Chairman Rose? He's been asking about me and well I don't know if I'd want to see him again especially after that incident where he disqualified me off the gym challenge." Bede looked upset.

"That's up to you, if you want to see him you should go for it. I worry about you and well if you choose to go then I only hope for your safety." You said.

Bede put his hand on your head and slowly patted your head.

"Thank you for being concerned about me." Bede smiled.

He walked off leaving you off alone to your battles.

You were now up against Bea who was up for a rematch against you. She seemed to have trained harder than before but yet easy to fight against since you had an advantage here.

You won against her but that didn't really matter to you, you saw that Bede was nowhere to be seen.

Strange, I told him to watch my battles.... Why isn't he here? No don't get worked up over this, he's probably running an errand or something. Yeah that's right.

You took another break to have time to breathe and play around with your Pokémon even healing them for their hard work. You felt proud of yourself.

You then faced against Raihan who was able to defeat most of the gym leaders faced up against him. Once you defeated him you looked away and once again noticed Bede wasn't around.

This is the second time he's not here... What happened...?

You took your small break and to yourself, finally awaiting the battle against Leon. You checked your phone and saw no text message from Bede. No "congratulations" or "good luck"

Now I really am concerned....

You sent a message to Bede
"Hey, are you okay?" You sent.

Bede wasn't quick to respond or even take a look at it.

"Message could not go through, try again?"

What is this...? Why is it acting like this? Is his phone off or something.

A message sent back from Bede and said

"You shouldn't worry about it."

Strange, I didn't even send him a message and it's like he knew how I was feeling.

"Is everything alright?" You sent.

"Don't worry." He sent back.

How am I not supposed to worry...? Should I leave now and investigate what's going on with him? Then again I can't back down... I have to...

You walked into the stadium feeling a bit of regret, Bede wasn't around that made you worry even more than how you were feeling now. You saw Leon standing there however the two of you didn't engage into a battle.

"What's that in the tv...!" Someone pointed out.

A broadcast with Chairman Rose was playing, he gave an announcement about the darkest day and everything which had worried everyone and Leon. You also noticed standing by his side was Bede but faced backwards.

Bede no... what are you doing with the chairman of all people...?! Did you plan to go back with him to create the darkest day..?!

You felt an anger tension build up in you as you clenched your first and ran towards the changing room. You were quick to change and even ran past Hop who was waiting for you.

"Y/N! Slow down a little!" Hop yelled from behind.

You couldn't really stop yourself feeling some pain that arched inside of you.

You felt someone grab your arm as you turned to see Hop with a serious look on his face. He put his hands on your cheeks.

"Y/N! Get ahold of yourself! Just look at how you look right now!" Hop showed you his Rotomphone.

You saw an expressionless look on your face, one that consisted in yet anger and hatred as if you wanted to beat someone up. You gasped a little.

"I guess I should calm down... I look insane..." You muttered.

"I was hoping you'd come to your senses.... Y/N I'm sure Bede is okay. I couldn't imagine him possibly joining forces with Chairman Rose. Believe or not I actually think he's better than that." Hop smiled.

You looked at him with a smirk.

"H-Hey not that I know of or anything! He's YOUR boyfriend you should know better than that." Hop hit you on the head a little softly with his hand.

"They say you should never believe in rumors or allegations made against someone else unless you see it for yourself otherwise you'll fall into a rabbit hole of pure lies." Hop said.

You nodded.

The two of you took a Corviknight Cab to Hammerlocke. A little worry still lingering inside you.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now