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You were up against Hop who the two of you promised that you'd have a battle together. From rivals to now soon to be champion the two of you had a blast of a battle.


You ended up winning against Hop who felt sad about it but you encouraged him once again. You told him the same thing you told him before about how he shouldn't be upset over it and accept it otherwise he'll go back to where Bede destroyed his confidence.

You left your battle in pause and saw that Hop was waiting outside for you.

"Man I can't believe you beat me fair and square. I'm impressed Y/N." Hop smiled.

"I just can't believe I'm still continuing on." You nodded.

"Maybe you were destined to be chosen as champion. You seem better than me." Hop sighed.

"That's not true, don't be foolish silly!" You heard that voice from before.

It was Leon coming towards the both of you.

"Hop look, you did your best. At the end you still ended up where you are now. You can take this opportunity to train." Leon smiled.

"Easy for you to say Lee... Now I'm just a failure." Hop looked down.

Marnie came towards the both of you.

"That was pretty impressive of you two. The way I saw you battle Hop...! You did amazing!" Marnie cheered on for Hop.

"I-Is that so...?? Well... I um-" Hop's face turned a bit red in embarrassment.

You elbowed Hop to go hang out with Marnie and do he did. You were now left alone with Leon.

"I guess that leaves the two of us. Well I was going to order dinner for all of us. How about it?" Leon asked.

"Sure, I could go for some food." You smiled.

"Just wait for my meeting with the chairman to end. I'll be back quick before you know it." Leon gave you a thumbs up.

Leon walked you over to the hotel in Wyndon and had you wait inside there. You took the time to sit down and received a phone call from Bede.

You answered it.

"Good job on your battle Y/N." Bede somehow sounded happier.

"Thank you." You felt a smile form on your face.

"By the way, I bought you a gift. I had it delivered to the hotel so you should be getting it pretty soon." Bede said.

"What gift is it?" You asked.

"I wouldn't want to ruin it." Bede said and hung up.

You waited for a while to the gift to be delivered but nothing was coming yet. You saw Hop enter the hotel.

"Hey Y/N, didn't go eat with Lee?" Hop asked.

"Nope, I've been waiting here for about an hour already. He said he was going to have a quick meeting with the chairman and come back soon." You said.

"Odd, did he get lost or what? I say we crash over and see what they're up to. Lee hides too much secrets." Hop smirked.

"You little trouble makers." You heard a familiar voice.

Piers walked towards the both of you.

"If you two are going to have fun at least count me in. The chairman has been a suspicious individual for way too long." Piers said.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now