|Hearing you is like music to my ears|

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You headed towards the final gym with a lot of emotions through your head. The main one's being nervousness and a bit of fear. Fear because you didn't really know how strong Raihan could possibly be and the chance of possibly losing to him. Nervousness out of the fact that you could mess up.

You felt sweat pour down your forehead just entering the gym like that.

"I... I can do this... I can... I can-" You breathed heavily.

Why am I feeling this nervous, surely this is a gym just like any other gym. If I defeated any other gym leader I can defeat Raihan too but...

You felt yourself shake a little in fear but can hear Bede's voice in your head.

"Good luck on your gym battle, remember not to give in and do your best." You remember how Bede would give you a thumbs up with a smile on his face.

"I have to do this... It's now or never." You began to walk to the entrance and felt a little nervousness kick in a little.

It wasn't until you received a phone call from someone. It was none other than Bede, talk about a perfect timing.

"Y-Yes...? Hello...?" You picked up the phone.

"Hey Y/N, I figured you'd probably be on the next gym by now." Bede answered.

His voice made you feel at ease, like if he were with you right now giving you a hug and telling you everything was going to be alright.

"Y-Yeah... Why??" You asked nervously.

"Hey Y/N, you're not nervous are you?" Bede asked.

"N-No why...?!" You asked.

Damn it, it's like even through the phone he can read my mind...!

"You're not a good liar you know that. I just want to say even if you're shy right now and you feel like you want to back away from this gym please don't, imagine I'm there with you." Bede said.

You imagined Bede there with you being able to comfort you.

"Now good luck on your gym battle, try not to get too nervous. I'll meet you back after you defeat the gym leader. Oh and one more thing, I um... I.... I love you okay bye-!" Bede hung up quickly.

You couldn't help but laugh a little.

That was cute.

You entered the gym challenge feeling a bit better and more confident about yourself.

"I can do this... I can do this..!" You smiled.

After battling all three of the pokemon trainers you finally won against all of them being left with Raihan who was all fired up to battle.

You felt the nervousness you had before in you suddenly disappear as if you were never nervous in the first place.

You can hear Bede's words of encouragement in your head.

Thank you Bede..... For everything. I probably wouldn't have reached this far without you if you hadn't given me such words. Hearing you is like music to my ears.

After this battle you defeated Raihan for good only being left with one single pokemon left in your team.

Raihan was very strong, I don't think I'd be able to face Leon at all.

You sighed but felt a smirk appear on your face.

"Thanks for that battle Y/N, I was sort of expecting to win here but since you beat me I guess I can give you your badge now." Raihan smiled.

"Although if you want your badge, come and get it kiddo!" Raihan raised his arm up with the badge in his hand.

Oh great, a short joke. What I needed.

You frowned and tried getting your badge from Raihan but he would laugh when ever he'd see you struggle even trying to get the badge.

"Hey Raihan look it's Lee!" You pointed at a direction.

"Huh? Really?" Raihan looked away.

You jumped and took your badge out of Raihan's hand.

"Gotcha!" You laughed.

"Aww man, you've gotta be kidding me. Well I guess that's yours now that you have it. I just wanna say that now that you beat me I guess I've got a new rival now." Raihan smiled.

You walked out of the gym with the final badge in your hands. You saw Hop and Bede waiting outside for you to come out.

"Jeez I don't know how long would I be able to stand this guy if he wouldn't stop talking about how worried he was about you." Hop frowned.

You ran up to Bede and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you Bede..!' You smiled.

"Huh? What for?" He asked.

"When I was feeling nervous to even do this challenge you helped me overcome my fear... Your voice is like music to my ears... I truly do love you too Bede." You laughed.

Bede put his arms around you and said

"Is that so? I really do too." Bede smiled.

"Jeez get a room you two... Do you really have to show off that romance around me when I don't have a girlfriend?" Hop sighed.

"You'll find someone someday." You said.

"Thanks for giving me hope Y/N but I have a feeling I won't be a good boyfriend. Before I know I'll probably be running around circles like a dog chasing after a bone." Hop looked down.

Bede put his hand on Hop's shoulder.

"Surely you'll have luck some time rival." Bede laughed.

"You're cruel-" Hop frowned.

"Hey Y/N, let's have a small break before we head to Wyndon. Surely we'd want to wait before going up ahead." Hop said.

"I agree, I don't want to say goodbye to Bede just yet." You held Bede.

"I wouldn't want to either but I'd have to go back to my training before you enter the championship." Bede looked at you.

You sighed.

You all decided to crash back at your place since you haven't really seen your mum in a long time. It's about time your mum got to know Bede in the flesh rather then just hearing about him.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now