|It's Boring Without You|

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You took the train with Hop as he used his phone to watch some of Leon's old champion battles.

You on the other hand wore Bede's jacket and tried awaiting a message to appear on your phone.

Oh Bede.... Are you even going to text me?

You sighed deeply.

"What's up with you? You're acting like it's the end of the world and you broke things off with him all of a sudden." Hop looked at you.

"It's not that it's just.... I feel upset without him." You admitted.

"You'll get to see him in a few days. For now be patient and wait." Hop said.

"Easy for you to say no 'girlfriend'. If you had a girlfriend maybe you'd be as deviated as me." You frowned.

Hop looked at you with a sad look on his face.

"Did you really have to bring that up? You're becoming like your boyfriend now." Hop said.

"Sorry about that Hop, I do have to admit I've been lonely ever since we departed." You gave Hop a sad childish look.

"I miss my mum so I'm in the same position as you." Hop said.

"Anyways if you need me I'll be in the room I booked in for us. Good luck being in your little romance world." Hop walked away.

You checked your phone and saw a message from someone, it was from Bede.

"Just checking up on you, you okay?" Bede asked.

"Yes! I couldn't be any better!" You replied back.

"That was quick... Hop here is telling me how you keep bothering him. I don't mind if you were honest and maybe admitted you miss me." Bede typed.

"Maybe a little..." You teased.

"Are you kidding?! Quit teasing me, you'll only make me more upset than you are." Bede replied.

You can tell he was angry.

"Don't worry, I'll be okay. What about yourself?" You texted.

Bede didn't respond.

"Aww man, just when I was starting to feel much better." You sighed.

You ordered some sweets and began to dig in a little.

Maybe Hop's right, I should be patient and wait.  It sort of feels a bit lonely without Bede but I have to grow stronger by this. Still I can't help but wonder what Bede is up to now.

You walked into the room you booked in with Hop seeing he was asleep on one of the beds. You slept on the other bed, having Bede's jacket wrapped around you.

"Be.... Bede... I wonder what you're up to...." You mumbled before slowly closing your eyes and falling asleep.

~~Bede's pov~~

I wonder what Y/N's up to right now.... Damn it no...! I can't text her, I have to continue my training! If I text her I'll get distracted and want to text her more and more.

"Bede dear, isn't it time you headed home?" Opal's voice said.

"What's it to you old lady? Can't you see I'm trying to train?" I answered back.

"Old lady?! Excuse me!" Opal whacked me with her umbrella on the head.

"Ow! Ow! I'm sorry Lady Opal, I guess the training has gotten to much to me..." I sighed.

"It's okay to take a break sometimes when you overwork yourself. I do it too." Opal said.

"Yeah but.... I need to grow strong...! So I can face Y/N in the championship!" I yelled.

"Inside voice, and you need to take a break whether you want to or not." Opal grabbed my hair and pulled it.

"Wait....! Where are we going?!" I asked.

"We're going to go eat somewhere." Opal said.

"I'm not hungry Lady Opal!" I yelled.

I felt my stomach growl.

"Quit lying to yourself, your stomach says it all." Opal laughed.

I'd have to admit Lady Opal is almost like a mother to me, the way she cares about me and never keeps her eye off me whenever she's around reminds me a lot of a mother figure to me. One I've never had before. She's better than Chairman Rose.

Opal and I ended up going to that restaurant in Circhester. That brings back so much memories reminding me of how me and Y/N came here once and Hop as well. When Hop would be loud and I'd get into a fight with him then Y/N would try to prevent us from going further.

"This place brings back many memories...." I smiled.

"Is that so? Do you enjoy this place?" Opal asked.

"W-Well...." I looked down.

"It makes me wonder what she's up to whenever I see this place." I nodded.

"She? Are you cheating on Y/N?!" Opal asked.

"N-No!! Not at all! I'm thinking about her! I could never lay my eyes on another girl unless it was Y/N!" I frowned.

"Was teasing you, looks like you really do love her." Opal laughed.

"That wasn't funny Lady Opal." I frowned.

"Well I thought it was funny..." Opal smiled.

I smiled a little somewhat feeling good about myself but then I kind of thought to myself....

Should I text her back? I'll only keep her waiting and that'll be enough for her to soon forget about me. She's probably worried about me but whenever I text her I feel the urge of wanting to see her back even if she's away.

I hesitated a little grabbing my phone.

"Are you going to do it already or?" Opal asked.

"Hmm??" I looked up at Opal.

"You've been conflicted on whether you should text Y/N or not. If you love her so much why not do it?" Opal asked.

"No Lady Opal.... You don't understand it's just-"

"Just that you don't want to text her because you feel like it'll bring you an urge just to see her even more?" Opal asked.

It's like the old lady can read through my head like a book-

"Yeah...." I mumbled.

"So? Let yourself be consumed by thoughts like that. That's just proving how much you love her. Just do it." Opal smiled.

"If I were far from a lover I'd want the urge to see him every day. Even a text message from him would keep me satisfied." Opal nodded.

I listened to what Opal said and sent a message to Y/N. She really is like a mother to me....

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now