|Unexpected Discovery|

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You arrived to Hammerlocke with Hop by your side, the two of you saw Oleana waiting out there with a sad look on her face.

"I've got this Y/N go up ahe-"

"You two...! You have to help! The Chairman has gone too far with this!" Oleana said.

Surprisingly she wasn't yelling at the two of you.

"Hold up witch lady, why should we listen to you? You tried to prevent us last time." Hop frowned.


You covered your mouth, trying so hard not to burst into laughter right now.

"Look, I'm not trying to battle you or lying to you I promise. All I'm concerned about is the Chairman and that boy, Bede. I tried to stop him but he went in." Oleana looked like she was being for real.

When she mentioned Bede something triggered inside of you, like some sort of sadness.

You quickly rushed to the elevator leaving Hop behind.

"Y/N, wait...!" You heard Hop yell behind.

You didn't want to wait, being impatient and being driven to measures like these was getting to you. You waited for the elevator to arrive at the exact floor and once it stopped and the door opened you quickly stepped out. Sweat poured down your forehead out of nervousness.

You saw Chairman Rose standing there with confidence in him and a figure lying down. You couldn't really make out who it was.

"I see you've made too, I somehow expected you to be here." Chairman Rose's voice echoed.

"Please, step forth if you may. Don't keep me waiting." Chairman Rose said.

You felt fear in you but what Bede would tell you about not giving up, you walked up to Chairman Rose and finally made out who the figure lying down was.

"B-Bede...!" Your eyes widened.

You rushed up to Bede seeing he was injured.

"Y-You...! Just what did you do to him...!" You yelled.

"He tried getting in my way, what can you say. I really hoped him to join back my side but yet he kept saying how he was going to stop me and protect you. What a shame." Chairman Rose said.

As much as you wanted to punch this guy, violence wasn't the answer. Instead you took out your poke balls and guarded Bede from the chairman.

"You're a horrible person chairman...! I looked up to you and thought you were kind!" You yelled.

Chairman Rose stares at you with a serious look.

The two of you engaged into a Pokémon battle. The chairman was quite the strong one but you battled him until the two of you were left with one Pokémon. You were able to defeat the chairman.

"I'm surprised I lost to a trainer like you... Looks like you've been keeping your training in mi-"

You were quick to give Chairman Rose a smack in the face. No regrets came to you when you did this.

"You...! Going on about this darkest day and all! Why don't you just turn yourself in to authorities?! You're a crazy man! You're just as childish as a kid who wants what they can't get!" You yelled.

Chairman Rose looked at you but then turned around.

You went by Bede's side and put your head to his chest. He was still breathing. You sighed in relief, feeling happy that he was still with you.

You ran up to the roof top to where Leon was to see a Pokémon you've never seen before.

The darkest day.... I never imagined I'd see it in front of me.

You saw how Leon was fighting up against it.

"Stay back Y/N, don't want you getting hurt!" He yelled.

You heard footsteps from behind and saw Hop come to your aid.

He stood by your side.

Leon was trying to catch the huge Pokémon when it broke free and attacked him.

"Lee!" Hop screamed.

The two of you were scared and just as the Pokémon was about to attack you Charizard stood in the way and protected the both of you.

"Charizard!" You saw that Charizard had been injured.

The huge Pokémon looked at you in which you engaged into a battle with it. You were at advantage here but that thing was pretty strong to battle against.

Once you defeated that thing it went into a rage and acquired a different form. It tried to attack you all of a sudden.

"Y/N!!" Hop screamed out your name.

You closed your eyes in fear but felt like something was wrong. You opened them up and saw Bede in front of you.

"Bede...!" You held him close to you.

"I'm... I'm glad I was able to protect you..." Bede smiled.

"Bede...! You show off...!" Hop yelled.

"Y/N, catch!" Hop threw a rusted old sword to you.

This sword...? It's.... glowing...!

The two legendary Pokémon appeared in front of you and assisted you two in defeating that huge Pokémon. Once you defeated it you caught it with a poke ball and kept it as your own Pokémon.


After that whole incident with the Chairman he turned himself in, guess he heard you right instead of refusing. You were rushed to a hospital as well as Hop who kept saying he was okay.

There was not really much wrong with you so they sent you back and also sent Hop by your side. As for Leon and Bede, those two stayed behind at the hospital.

"I'll tell you what, they refused to let me see Bede!" You frowned.

"You'll get a chance to see him tomorrow." Hop said.

You sighed, guess it was for the better.

"We should get some rest, we've got a long day ahead of us ya know." Hop said.

The two of you stayed in a room together with separate beds.

"I'm gonna take a long nap and not get out of bed tomorrow. Goodnight Y/N." Hop was quick to sleep.

You had second thoughts but then took a nap.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now