|Name I've Heard Before|

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You rang the door bell to your house feeling a bit nervous, after all this was your mum that you haven't seen ever since you started your journey.

"Coming!" You heard your mum's voice as she opened the door. She looked at you in surprise.

"Y/N... I never expected you to come back? What's wrong? Did you quit the gym challenge?" Your mum asked.

"No mum! In fact it's different, well I wanted to stop by and visit you because you're my mum and I haven't seen you in a long time." You smiled.

Your mum looked over at Hop with a wide smile on her face.

"Oh Hop, look how you've grown so far...! You look so strong but you've got that baby face of yours just like when you and Y/N were just kids! And I remember you used to say things how you weren't going to have that baby face fore-"

"Mrs. L/N can we not talk about that." Hop's face turned a bit red.

"Hey Y/N, and you... I'm going to go visit my mum I'll be right back." Hop ran off.

"And who could this young man be?" Your mum looked at Bede.

Bede did his elegant pose he did before towards you.

"Good afternoon Mrs. L/N.. I'm... I'm uh..." Bede looked a bit nervous.

"Oh, come right in young gentleman. We can talk inside." Your mum allowed you and Bede to walk inside.

"Man it feels like I haven't been in here forever...! Mum I'm going upstairs to my room!" You ran up to your room.

~~Bede's pov~~

Alone with Mrs. L/N... Well this is awkward, we don't even know each other...

I stared at Mrs. L/N who seemed to be preparing something. I looked closely and saw she was making tea but was having a bit of trouble. I just remembered I kept a small bag of my favorite tea in case I ever want it. My favorite aroma, lavender tea.

I walked up to Mrs. L/N and brought up the little tea bags I brought.

"Are you an expert? Who taught you about such amazing tea like this?" Mrs. L/N asked.

"O-Oh um... You see the one cares for me Lady Opal taught me how.." I muttered.

"Lady Opal as in Opal the fairy type gym leader?! Just who are you...?!" Mrs. L/N looked at me with an amazed look on her face.

"My name is Bede, I'm a.... friend of your daughter." I lied.

What am I thinking not telling the truth like that?! I'm just lying to her! I can't lie to her mum out of all people like this. Y/N isn't my friend she's my... My...

"Bede huh? Oh, my sweet little Y/N talks about you so much! I never thought I'd see you in person!" Her mom was quick to give me a hug.

"Y/N says the most sweetest things about you! She talks about you being so cute whenever you're mad or flustered but most importantly she talks about how much she loves you. That girl just won't stop bragging to me about you." Mrs. L/N laughed.

My eyes widened

S-She loves me... O-Oh boy she l-loves me... Y/N loves me so much she talks about it with her mother

My face turned completely red as I felt my face heat up as well.

"P-Please Mrs. L/N! I need to know! What kind of things does she say about how she loves me?!" I was curious.

"Well Y/N really loves it when you smile. She calls you an angel from beneath the heavens or a blessing." Mrs. L/N smiled.

An angel from beneath the heavens huh...? Complete opposite, she seems more of an angel like me.

Mrs. L/N and I kept on having a nice conversation over tea.

~~Y/N's pov~~

You walked down stairs and saw that Bede seemed to be laughing. Your heart raced.

He's laughing...! Laughing!! Why is this truly a blessing?!

You put your hand on your chest and screamed in the inside just seeing Bede laugh. You came down stairs and tried to look at your mum and Bede with a normal look.

"You two seem to be having fun." You said.

"Y/N I...!" Bede rushed up to you and pulled you into his arms.

"That took too long, you almost left me embarrassed here with your mum. You know how uneasy I get whenever I'm left with someone alone and you're not there with me!" Bede looked upset.

Uneasy without me...? Does he mean that he doesn't seem to be comfortable unless I'm around... That's... Cute...

Your face turned a little pink.

"I'm here now, you don't have to feel like you're not alone." You nodded.

Bede didn't let go of you.

"Bede, you're still clinged on to me." You said.

Bede didn't say a word.

"Psst, Y/N your boyfriend fell asleep." Your mum whispered.

Your eyes widened as you checked to see Bede had fallen asleep...? Was it the too much training that he just wasn't getting enough sleep.

"Poor you Bede... Here I'll get you some blankets." You walked Bede to the couch and sat him down but he still had his arms wrapped around you not letting go.

"No... Don't go.." Bede mumbled.

Your face turned red.

"Don't worry Y/N, I've got the blankets." Your mum walked off.

Since Bede wouldn't let go of you, you decided to give in and sleep in his arms. You felt a blanket wrap around you and Bede.

Comfortable... Is it weird that I've always wanted Bede to hold me in his arms like this and just never let go? Whenever I'm in his arms I feel like all the stress I've ever had in my life has just been lifted all because of Bede either hugging me or saying how much he loves me.. I truly do love him too.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now