|Incident At Slumbering Weald|

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You released all your pokemon to have fun outside and play around in the fields meanwhile you worked around the fields to plant some fruits and vegetables around the soil.

"Hey Y/N, what are you up to now?" Bede asked.

"Just helping around, wanna help?" You asked.

"I don't know I've never really touched soil to even know how to do this. I'm not really the type to get my clothes dirty." Bede frowned.

You walked up to Bede and grabbed his hand with dirt in your hands.

"Oh come on, it's not tht bad. I used to do this all the time with my mum!" You laughed.

"Is that so? Well I wouldn't mind holding your hand even if you had dirt in your hands." Bede smiled.

Your face turned pink as you faced away.

Hmmph, he always seems so good at getting to my heart. It's like he knows what he's doing.

You continued to work around the fields and noticed Bede pointing at the blocked up place near Slumbering Weald.

"Hey Y/N, what's this place and why is it covered up?" Bede asked.

"D-Don't go in there...!" You grabbed Bede from behind preventing him from opening up that area.

Bede's face flushed a little.

"I wasn't going to go in, I was just curious." Bede looked away.

"How about I help you? I don't want you to be doing this work all by yourself." Bede asked.

"Really? Thank you I would need help from you." You smiled and lead Bede to the field. You taught him the basics in what you know.

Bede seemed to understand a lot better and helped you out.

"Hey Bede can you go do me a favor and stop by Sonia's lab in the next town? I need you to pick something up from her place." You asked.

Bede nodded and walked ahead.

You continued on what you were doing until you noticed a pokemon wandering inside Slumbering Weald.

"Oh no... Not this again... Last time I went inside there with Hop we passed out and heard a good scolding from Leon..." You sighed. 

Guess it wouldn't hurt to go back in there...

You were brave enough to enter on your own without any accompany from your pokemon. You searched around and saw the fog thicken.

Is it me or has this place gotten more creepier as of lately? Sure it's been a long time since I've been in here but gosh does this place have the creepy vibes of some sort of horror game, I might we well see some tall creature with no face here.(haha lol a reference)

You made sure to not make much sounds when stepping on the grass or a wild pokemon would go out and attack you.

This was a bad idea, I should've at least brought Inteleon with me...!

You looked around and saw the place was getting more foggier each time. When you arrived and found the small pokemon it happened to be a lost Eevee.

"Hey little guy, since when did a small cutie like you come here? Come with me." You kneeled down to the Eevee.

The Eevee seemed scared but ran into your arms.

You saw a silhouette of a pokemon approach you. It was the same one you saw before.

"Zacian.... That's you isn't it?" You asked.

You reached out to Zacian to touch it but it only seemed to stare at you with a look. A look as if it knows you well. It has seen you before when you were here with Hop once.

"Y/N!!!" You heard someone's voice shout.

Zacian turned around and started to walk away.

You got up from your knees and felt a bit weak. In front of you, you noticed Bede with his pokemon, Hatterene.

He rushed up to you hugged you.

"You had me worried sick! What were you thinking rushing inside this place?!" Bede yelled.

"I'm sorry... This Eevee here was lost and well I wanted to go save it." You sighed.

"Never mind that, you injured your leg! You shouldn't be walking or standing that much like that." Bede looked at you with concern.

Bede puts his arms around you and picked you up bridal style.

"H-Huh...?! Bede what are you doing?!" Your face turned red.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I wouldn't want you to walk back to your house in pain." Bede frowned.

"No, it's fine.. I can walk on my own." You insisted.

"How can I let my girlfriend with an injured leg walk back like this?" Bede looked at you.

My heart.... He just called me his girlfriend... I'm screaming-

"F-Fine..." You pouted.

Bede nodded and carried you back home. He placed you on the couch and began to bandage up your wounds.

"O-Ow...!" You groaned in pain a little.

Bede looked up at you and gave you his hand. You were confused.

"Hold on to my hand." Bede said.

You placed your hand on top of Bede's hand as he continued on treating your wounds. You felt less pain and felt more of relief near him.

"There... Huh I didn't realize you suddenly would stop squirming around once I told you to hold my hand." Bede got up and looked at you.

"I'm embarrassed... I know." You looked down.

"It's okay to feel that way Y/N. I'm just glad I was able to find you." Bede smiled.

A little girl entered in to your house and saw the Eevee you had rescued.

"My Eevee...!" She ran towards the Eevee and hugged it.

"Thank you very much sir!" The girl thanked Bede.

"Well don't thank me, thank my girlfriend. She was the one who put her life at sake for this Eevee here." Bede laughed.

The little girl thanked you and left.

You looked at Bede who seemed to be smiling.

"If there's one thing I noticed from the old way you used to act is that you started to smile more." You teased Bede.

"D-Don't start jumping to conclusions! You're the reason why I've become this way around you." Bede frowned.

You hugged Bede from behind.

"And I've probably changed ever since you came into my life." You laughed.

A/N: Please stop skipping chapters y'all cheaters >:((

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now