|The Hangout|

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You prepared yourself to make sure you at least looked nice before you'd meet up with Sonia. You took the Corviknight cab back to Motostoke where you met up with Sonia.

Sonia was dressed in her usual attire, she was using her Rotomphone until she noticed you.

"Y/N! That was quick!" Sonia said with a smile on her face.

"Come on, let's go!" Sonia grabbed your hand. She took you to the clothes store in Motostoke in where she began to try on many dresses and outfits.

She made you decide which one was the better one's. You weren't really good with fashion ideas and such but you wanted to be a help so you chose outfits for her too.

"It's your turn Y/N!" Sonia smiled.

"Huh? Why me?" You asked.

"Well I didn't bring you here without buying you something in exchange. I want to make sure you look nice in front of that person you mentioned is cute!" Sonia laughed a little.

You pouted a little.

Sonia made you try on many outfits and dresses, no matter what she said all of them looked cute on you.

"Choose, I don't really want a lot." You sighed.

Sonia ended up going with a ruffled blouse and some jeans to go along with it. They both looked very beautiful, too beautiful for someone like you to wear. She ended up paying for it and gave you the bag.

"Well...! That was fun! Feels like I haven't been out of that lab in a while." Sonia smiled.

"You don't really go out of the lab?" You asked.

"I do, for short strolls around and such but other than that I'm a bit of a shut in. I'd want to go out more but professor duties come first." Sonia looked at you.

"We should have invited Nessa...!" Sonia looked upset.

"Nessa... Isn't that the water type gym leader?" You titled your head.

"Yeah! She's great at fashion, she's also a model and an old friend. We go wayyyy back when I was just a trainer taking on the gym challenge." Sonia added.

"Nessa seems like a very nice person." You smiled.

"Of course she is! Nessa is the sweetest! If you meet her she'll be very nice to you unless she loses a battle. She gets upset over that." Sonia nervously smiled.

She ended up taking you to a restaurant in Motosoke. You ordered food and Sonia did so too.

"So who's that boy you were saying you found cute? It's not Hop is it?" Sonia was curious.

"N-No...! Don't get the wrong idea Hop is just a friend!" You dismissed the accusations.

"Oh come on you two make a good couple! Trainers and rivals, not to mention childhood friends... It's a perfect love story! The two of you fall deep in love with each other the more kind you are to each other." Sonia continued.

"You're way into these love stories aren't you Sonia?" You laughed.

"Sure am! I've been keeping track of these love stories. I read one in which a girl wrote old love letters the all the boys she's loved before. She had a crush on her sister's ex boyfriend even though he was a friend to her and started a fake relationship with someone. They ended up dating in the end." Sonia fangirled(yes this is a reference to a book)

"That sounds like too much to keep up with, how many books are there?" You asked.

"About 3 of them, there's movies too but the books are better. You know what they say, whenever a book gets a movie adaption the book is always better because it explains more to the story." Sonia added.

"You may be right about that." You agreed.

After the two of you ate and finished your food you spent a little bit of the time you had left with Sonia.

"You know... I had fun today with you Y/N, it's sad how we have to return back to what we were doing." Sonia sighed.

"I'm ready to continue the gym challenge otherwise Hop will complain that I'm slow once again." You laughed.

"Next time we go out we can invite Nessa!" Sonia smiled.

You called over the Corviknight cab and took the ride back to Hulbury. You hoped you weren't late and kept Nessa waiting for too long. It was until you noticed Chairman Rose and a woman standing besides him. He was talking to Bede.

Once Bede left you were headed to the gym until Chairman Rose stopped you.

"Why if it isn't the endorsed trainer! How's it going? Any progress?" Chairman Rose asked.

"I have my first gym badge do far, I'm about to make more progress soon." You said.

"Good good! That's what I like to hear endorsed trainer!" Chairman Rose smiled.

The lady came up to Chairman Rose and whispered in his ear.

"Oh right! Hey Y/N how about you take on the water gym and after that meet us at the restaurant! We'll be waiting for you." Chairman Rose walked away.

The lady stood still and stared at you.

"I am Oleana, chairman Rose's assistant. I only ask that you complete the gym challenge. Do not keep the chairman waiting for long." Oleana left.

You agreed to go right away to the gym but Nessa wasn't there. Apparently she was taking a stroll outside so you went to go look for her.

You found her standing by a fence staring at the ocean and a light house. You walked up to her.

"Ah yes, you were waiting?" Nessa turned around.

"Yeah... I was." You nodded.

"Came to challenge me to a battle for the badge have you?" Nessa smiled.

You nodded once again.

"I'll be waiting, let's go." Nessa walks off.

You follow her all the way back to the gym. Nessa seems kind as to how Sonia described her as. Maybe sometime you would all be able to hang out. As for now you've got to keep up with Hop.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now