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"Y/N come here...! I want to show you something cool!" Hop called your name over.

The two of you arrived at Motostoke to challenge the fire type gym leader. What a surprise, it seems like you both have started your journey and soon will be ending it.

You watched as Hop ran towards those things that lifts you up when you want to go up. You ran after Hop and arrived to the too floor.

"It's crazy how technology is...!" Hop laughed.

You nodded.

"Hey Y/N, why don't we take a small break for two days and then take the gym challenge. This could be our final  gym before we arrive to Hammerlocke." Hop nodded.

"Sure, I'd like to take a small break before we proceed on." You agreed.

"Let's walk around town! Surely we can probably look for a small job to work at!" Hop ran around.

You heard the cries of a little boy, as much as you didn't like to see people sad you walked up to the little boy. You leaned down to face the little boy.

"What's wrong little one...?" You asked.

"My pokemon...! He ran off..! I don't know where he went but I can't find him! I spent my time looking for him but I had no chance at all...!" The boy cried.

You then thought what if you helped this boy...?

"Do you need help finding your pokemon?" You asked.

"... Y-You'd do that...?!" The boy looked at you.

"Of course." You nodded.

"My pokemon is Minccino! It really loves water and makes a different call then most Minccino's out there! I would appreciate you finding it!" The little boy said.

You saw Hop run besides you.

"What'd you agree to?" Hop asked.

"We're going to look for this little boy's pokemon." You addressed it to Hop.

"Not to worry little one! I, Hop will find your pokemon because that's what heroes do! So sit down and wipe your tears young one!" Hop cheered on.

The boy laughed at what Hop said.

"Now let's go Ms. Hero, we must bring this kid his pokemon! Onward we go!" Hop grabbed your hand.

The two of you spent time looking around for the lost pokemon. You two spilt up to search around. It wasn't until you ran into a familiar person.

"What the...?! Watch where you're going!" The voice sounded familiar.

"I'm sorry.." You looked at the person you bumped into. It was Bede.

You lended your hand over to Bede.

"Here, take my hand." You looked at him.

"As if I would grab your...!" Bede was interrupted.

You grabbed Bede's hand and pulled him up. He tried to shove you away from him but when he did you ended up falling.

Before you knew it Bede caught you in his arms. You were pressed on to Bede. You can feel his heart race.

You looked up and saw Bede's face was red. Your face turned a little pink just looking up at him. He looked cute but... Wait hold on this is Bede you're talking about.

You moved away from Bede quickly before things can get awkward.

"Are you... Are you okay..?" You heard Bede struggle to say such a thing to you. He stuttered at his own words.

"Yeah, I'm okay.. Thanks for catching me though you knight and shining armor. I could've almost injured myself." You teased him a little.

"K-Knight and shining armor...! Are you crazy..!" Bede frowned.

"What are you doing here Bede? I thought you were going your own path." You asked.

"I'm here to challenge the gym, it's not any of your concern.." Bede brushed his hair with his hand a little.

"You could at least try to answer me more nicely..." You looked at Bede.

"As if, you're my rival. Why would be nice to the person I've got to beat?" Bede looked at you with a mad face.

"Did you just call me your rival...? That's... That's adorable...!" You tried to hold in your inner fan girl screams.

"W-What...?! Ugh you're so stupid...!" Bede looked away from you.

Bede pulled out something from his bag.

"H-Here...! I want you to have this...!" Bede handed over some revives.

"Thank you... I needed some." You smiled.

"Oh shut up...!" Bede frowned.

He looks really cute whenever he's flustered.

"Hey Y/N! I just found the pokemon...!" Hop ran over your way.

Hop and Bede had a stare down as if the two boys had a problem with each other.

"Y/N, what's the ugly mutt doing here?" Hop asked, holding on to the pokemon.

Ugly mutt...? You couldn't help but burst into laughter as Hop said that.

"Ugly mutt...?! Speak for yourself acorn hair...! My hair is far way better than yours...!" Bede crossed his arms.

"What did you say...?! I'll have you know I'm endorsed by the champion! I also happen to be this brother!" Hop frowned.

"I was endorsed by the Chairman himself! Beat that acorn hair!" Bede yelled.

The two continued to argue but it wasn't until you broke them up.

"Both of you calm down." You separated them.

"Y/N, tell the ugly mutt to get out of here!" Hop yelled.

"Excuse me acorn hair, I'm here for my gym challenge!" Bede irritatedly said.

"Ugh whatever, it's not like I want to be around you two anyways." Bede walked away.

"Yeah that's right! Stay away ugly mutt! Don't come back unless you want to actually battle!" Hop yelled.

You laughed a little.

"Y/N, let's go. I'm mad." Hop handed the pokemon to you.

The two of you reported back to the boy. You handed over the pokemon.

"Thank you so much..!" The little boy said to you.

"Oh no, you should be thanking Hop. He went through water just to get your pokemon." You laughed.

"Y/N... That's right, I'm the hero of justice. If it weren't by my side kick I wouldn't have found the pokemon!" Hop cheered up.

The boy's mother gave the two of you pounds for helping out. The two of you booked back to the hotel but seperate rooms.

Today was a great yet exhausting day.

~~Bede's pov~~

That boy... Who does he think he is...?! He's quite the stupid one..! Yet I couldn't help but feel jealous.. Jealous that Y/N and him have such a close relationship but... Why?

My heart raced a little when I thought about Y/N being in my arms.

"Get out of my head..." I hit my head against the wall.

And so... Here goes my slow developing feelings.. Romantic feelings for her.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now