|Stay With Me, Please.|

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It had been days that passed by from the hospital, it had seemed that Leon was released early even if he was badly wounded because he was still awaiting his battle with you. Although you decided to wait sooner because what mattered to you is if Bede was okay. You haven't seen him in days already and it was worrying you.

"Y/N are you literally going to stop the gym challenge just to see Bede?" Hop asked.

"Well what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't show up for the one I love." You frowned.

"I'm sure he doesn't even want visitors coming-"

You were on your way to go even if Hop convinced you to continue the challenge. You headed to the counter in which you told the nurse you were here to see Bede.

"Oh him? I think he's sleeping right now. You might want to wait until he wakes up. Is that okay with you?" The nurse asked.

"Asleep?! Why is he asleep??" You asked.

"Well ever since he arrived here he's been sleeping non stop. He doesn't really eat and preferably drinks water and then he just sleeps." The nurse said.

"He doesn't eat?" You asked.

"No unfortunately, we've tried asking him to eat or even ask why he doesn't instead he just grunts and doesn't really say anything." The nurse looked worried.

You thought maybe this could be a chance to test up your cooking skills. You went back to your mum riding a Corviknight cab. Once you knocked on the door she answered right away.

"Y/N? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be continuing the championship?" Your mum.

"Well yeah I'll get back to that later but I need your help. You see Bede went through an accident and well I wanted to borrow the kitchen to cook something up for him since he's at the hospital." You said.

"Oh my, I hope he's okay. You're free to use the kitchen if you want and give him this pack of tea." Your mum gave you a bag of tea.

"Isn't that his favorite type of aroma tea?" You asked.

She nodded with a smile on her face.

You began to cook some curry learning step by step of how to make some in your kitchen. Well you sort of knew how to cook curry since you cook for your pokemon a lot.

You made some curry and left some for your mum since she would probably be hungry too. You took a Corviknight cab back to the hospital and saw the same nurse still there.

"Sorry he's still asleep, not sure why but he just sleeps like this for a long time and doesn't wake up." She said.

You frowned.

"That's fine, I'll just have to wake him up myself." You said.

You walked to Bede's hospital room and grabbed a tea pot and set everything up. You then prepared his favorite kind of tea and walked into his room.

You heard him mumble in his sleep.

"That tea aroma.... Isn't that..." he mumbled.

You saw him slightly opening his eyes a little.

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." You smiled.

"Huh...? Y/N what are you doing here?" Bede asked.

"It's only natural that I'd visit you here. I care about you." You laughed.

"Thanks...." Bede's face turned pink.

"Oh, I've prepared some tea. Would you like to drink some?" You asked.

"Sure." Bede nodded.

Bede began to drink the tea you served him.

"My favorite..." Bede smiled.

"Hey Bede, how come you haven't been eating. The nurse told me you haven't eaten anything since the day you've arrived here. If you don't eat I'll have to start coming here and scolding you to eat." You frowned.

"Not hungry." Bede said.

You pulled out the curry wrapped in plastic and took it out.

"Eat this, I cooked it myself so it's only natural that you start eating properly." You insisted.

"You made it yourself...?" Bede asked.

You nodded in embarrassment.

"I guess I'll eat it, it won't hurt if I try to." Bede dug into the curry and it seemed like he was enjoying this.

"How is it?" You asked.

"I love it! I've never tasted something so good like this curry!" Bede smiled.

He continued to eat the curry until there was no more.

"Now I can tell the nurse you finally ate." You sighed in relief.

"Hey Y/N do you think I'm weak?" Bede asked out of nowhere.

"No? Why?" You asked.

"Ever since that incident with the darkest day I've felt weak and sorry for myself. Sorry that I wasn't able to protect you, sorry that I was too weak..." Bede looked upset.

"You're not weak Bede, you tried all that you can. In the end you protected me from that pokemon about to attack me. You really are a hero." You smiled.

Bede looked at you in surprise and grabbed your hand.

He pulled you in close and hugged you.

"That makes me... Happy... Happy to hear that from you...." Bede said.

You laughed.

"Well I'd love to have a moment and keep you all to myself but unfortunately I have to go. Visiting hours are about to end and well I wouldn't want to bother your sleep." You said.

Bede wouldn't let go of you.

"Bede, uh you should let go of me now." You said.

"No." Bede said.

"Huh...?! Bede I can't stay here any longer...! I have to go-" You tried to break free but his grasp was too tight.

"I'm not letting you go." Bede said.

"Not again..." Bede mumbled.

You were sort of now lying down next to him, your face completely red.

"Now I can finally sleep peacefully.... No more nightmares because your here." Bede mumbled.

You saw that he closed his eyes and fell asleep. He wouldn't let go of you so you really didn't have a choice.

"I'm happy to be by your side too Bede." You said.

You eventually gave in and closed your eyes and slept.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now