|Lost Item|

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The next day you decided you'd go with Hop to challenge the gym. You were feeling somewhat confident in yourself thanks to Hop who would motivate you.

After the gym challenge you faced against Milo, the grass type gym leader. You ended up winning against him getting your first ever gym badge.

Once you defeated Milo you were going to head around route 5. Hop had already left since he wanted to be quicker than you.

You headed towards route 5, battling trainers and looking around for lost items until you saw a familiar trainer up ahead.

Bede, he was standing there looking around. He looked like he was looking for something. You wanted to pass by him without him noticing you otherwise you wouldn't hear the end of it.

When you snuck around trying to get past Bede he heard you.

"Are you trying to sneak attack me? Because it isn't working." Bede frowned.

You sighed and revealed yourself.

"Hah, what I'd expect from you." Bede looked away out of anger.

You were about to walk away to head towards Hulbury.

"W-Wait...!" You heard Bede mumble.

You turned around and faced him.

"Sorry what?" You asked.

"Tch... Never thought I'd ever even ask you for help... Listen I... I'm.." Bede was struggling in his sentences. His face would turn pink from his mistakes.

"You're looking for something?" You corrected Bede.

Bede looked at you with embarrassment in his face and nodded. Somehow he looked a bit nicer this way.

"And you want me to help you?" You looked at Bede.

Bede looked down, you could tell as much as he didn't want to he had no choice. He looked at you and nodded.

"What are you looking for? Maybe I can have my Eevee find it for you." You agreed to help Bede.

Bede pulled down his sleeve from the jacket he wears. You realized his gold watch that he wears was missing.

"... I dropped it here when I was heading towards route 5... This is a precious belonging that chairman Rose gave to me. I don't want to lose this watch please... Please help me find it.." For once Bede was being nice to you.

You threw out your pokemon and called out Eevee. Eevee began sniffing around while you searched with Bede and your Eevee together.

Eevee began to make noises as it ran up to you and dropped an item. It was Bede's golden watch. You pet Eevee and thanked it for it's help having it return to it's pokeball.

You grabbed a napkin and cleaned Bede's watch so he wouldn't complain about it being dirty.

"Give me your hand." You told Bede.

"What...? Why?" Bede looked at you confused.

"Just give me your hand, don't complain." You frowned.

Bede walked closer to you, you pulled up the sleeve from his jacket and touched his hand.

"I-I never gave you consent to start touching me...!" Bede frowned.

"Just stay still would you...?!" You yelled.

You put the golden watch on Bede's hand and made sure it wouldn't fall off again by adjusting it right.

Bede looked up at you.

"I... I want to thank you..." Bede muttered a little.

"What was that? Sorry I can't hear you." You teased Bede.

"Why you?! Don't make me repeat it twice! I said I want to thank you!" Bede yelled at you.

You smirked.

"I don't have anything I could give you... I'd want to but pounds is all I have." Bede sighed.

You pulled Bede's arm towards you and hugged him. You wrapped your arms around him.

"You don't need to give me anything, I'd appreciate a hug better than a gift." You nodded.

"L-Let go of me...!" Bede pushed you away, his face was red.

Sometimes he looks really cute when he's vulnerable and isn't acting like a stuck up jerk to you.

Bede walked away without saying anything after that. You knew he wasn't going to say bye anyways because he still doesn't like you. You passed by and noticed Team Yell bothering someone.

The man said that if you defended him from Team Yell he'd give you a bike. You engaged into a battle with these Team Yell members and defeated them. They ran off to go look for Marnie.

The man thanked you and gave you the bike as a reward. You rode the bike all the way to Hulbury, finally arriving.

The first thing you did was go to the Pokemon center and buy some potions. You also took the time to heal your pokemon and play around with them.

"Should we take a break again? I don't want you guys to feel pressured into battle again." You looked at Sobble and Eevee.

They nodded so you decided you'd take a break before fighting off into the next gym battle.

You played around with Eevee but began to think about Bede all of a sudden. The way he looked at you earlier was different. He didn't seem much of a jerk.

"Hang on... Wait why am I thinking about him??" You questioned yourself.

Your mind went blank a little until Bede once again appeared in your mind.

"He's kind of cute..." You muttered to yourself.

"Who's kind of cute?" You heard a familiar voice.

You jumped a little.

"Relax, it's just me Y/N!" Sonia smiled.

"S-Sonia...! Don't scare me like that.." You muttered.

"Apologies, didn't mean to scare you like that. Anyways what's up Y/N, anything new?" Sonia asked.

"No... Well.." You nodded.

"You mentioned someone cute... Has someone caught your attention?" Sonia looked at you.

"No! Not at all, that's what I believe.." You nervously smiled.

"That's what I used to say when I denied my feelings for someone." Sonia laughed.

"It's the process of young love, you could be developing your feelings now... Man I wish I had my youth back, maybe I'd probably tell him how I felt if I were around your age." Sonia sighed.

"It's not love...!" You frowned.

"Anyways Y/N, want to go shopping with me tomorrow? My treat, I might as well invite you to dinner." Sonia smiled.

You gave her a thumbs up.

"Excellent, I'll be waiting for you." Sonia left the pokemon center.

You decided to crash over at the pokemon center and once again sleep in.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now