|A Vow|

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The train stopped and suddenly you found yourself being pushed to wake up by Hop.

"Wake up!" Hop dragged you out of your bed all the way into the snow.

"Rude... I was still tired." You frowned.

"Well we have a place to be, we can't stay in the train forever." Hop said.

He was right yet you still wanted some sleep.

"My phone! My phone!" You pulled out your phone and saw a message from Bede.

"Sorry, I hope you're doing well. Hope I'm not bothering you or anything." Bede responded.

You quickly typed "Not at all...! In fact it was right for you to text me!" You felt your heart flutter a little.

"Are you going to keep texting your boyfriend or what? We need to head out soon." Hop sighed.

"R-Right...!" You responded.

You walked with Hop through the snow. You shivered a little.

"Hey if you're cold I could let you borrow my jacket." Hop said.

"Nope! I've got a better idea!" You reaches out to your bag and pulled out Bede's jacket.

"Just the comfort I needed." You smiled.

"No fair, that one covers your whole body! It probably feels comfortable!" Hop frowned.

You teased Hop wearing Bede's jacket did make you feel at ease a little.

You walked around with Hop and encountered a lot of trainers by the snow.

"Seriously?! How are these trainers not even cold!" Hop complained.

"I could agree on the same thing except I'm wearing a comfortable jacket so I really don't mind." You smiled.

"Again with the making fun of me? Okay Y/N I get it." Hop looked down.

There was still more to go through, more trainers and more piles of snow just lying around.

"Hey Y/N let's camp out here. I can't handle this.... All this snow and everything is just making me tired..." Hop sighed.

"I agree, too much snow." You helped Hop set up two tents, both yours and his.

The two of you sat back a log and relaxed.

"So how do you feel about this journey coming to an end soon?" Hop asked.

"I mean it was fun while it lasted. It went by quickly I can't even tell what chapter we're on anymore." You responded.

"Chapter 25, we're on chapter 25.... Wait, Y/N stop mentioning stuff like this." Hop said.

"You're right... How do you feel about this Hop?" You asked.

"Well I'm a bit nervous but excited! My life is about to change once I battle against Lee...! Soon you'll be looking at your future champion!" Hop cheered on.

"Don't be so cocky... Last time you were, your confidence was destroyed by Bede and I had to comfort y-"

"Shut up, don't mention that." Hop looked away in embarrassment.

"Oh come on, it's okay to cry sometimes." You smiled.

"I-I guess so...." Hop said.

"Hey Y/N I was thinking once I win the championship maybe just MAYBE I'll ask out Marnie. It can't be that bad can it?" Hop smiled.

"You should just go for it no matter what." You said.

"Y-Yeah but I need to show her I have succeeded in a high remark so i can impress her otherwise she won't be impressed by what I've done." Hop said.

"You can still impress her even without winning." You teased.

"You don't understand, I need to win or prove my victory over something or she'll never understand how strong I am!" Hop sighed.

"Sometimes impressing a girl isn't by winning but rather doing something special for her that she won't forget." You nodded.

"So you're telling me if I get into constant fights and hate her just like you hated Bede I can get into a relationship with her?" Hop asked.

"Of course not! Love is something that finds you!" You frowned.

Hop got up and looked around.

"Y/N look! Look at this!" Hop yelled.

You came towards Hop but he threw a snowball to you.

"Gotcha!" Hop laughed.

"Oh you...! Get over here!" You threw a snowball at Hop.

~~Bede's pov~~

"Lady Opal, I somehow feel my jealousy sensation tingling through me." I frowned.

"What's wrong?" Opal asked.

"I don't know why but I feel like Y/N is somehow having fun without me..." I clenched my fist.

I continued training my pokemon while still feeling that jealous sensation coursing through me.

Before I knew it I grabbed my phone and started to call Y/N.

I hope she doesn't find me annoying at this time...

~~Y/N's pov~~

You threw a snowball at Hop and heard your phone ring.

"Time out Hop, let me answer this call." You grabbed your phone and saw it was from Bede.

You jumped and quickly answered the call.

"Bede! I feel like it's been a long time since we've seen each other. Man did I really want to hear you again." You smiled.

"R-Really....? You wanted to hear me...?" Bede answered.

"Of course! I'm really missing you right now! I'm wearing the jacket you lended to me even as a sign of how much I miss you." You nodded.

"That really.... That melts my heart...." You heard Bede mumble.

Hop threw another snow ball at your direction.

"Hop! What's the big deal?!" You yelled.

"My bad." Hop laughed.

"Sorry Bede, me and Hop were in a snowball fight." You laughed.

"Is that so? The two of you must be having so much fun right now." Bede sounded angry.

"Huh? It's nothing like that! I swear!" You answered.

"You know this distance from us has been very upsetting. I long to see you again soon, I can't wait for that day." Bede said.

Your face turned pink.

"Y-Yeah me too..." You were now nervous.

"Once this championship thing is over I'll finally be able to see you again. We'll have some nice dinner and celebrate." You laughed.

"That sounds wonderful, cant wait." Bede cheerfully said.

Bede said goodbye to you and hung up.

No fair...! I wanted to talk just a while longer...!

You stopped having a snowball fight with Hop and slept in your tent. A day when the championship is finally over huh....

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now