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Both you and Hop got ready and headed for the final town the most popular location of all including where Leon's battles would occur in, Wyndon.

"It's so better seeing it in person rather than on Tv!" You shouted.

"Man all this tension makes me really want to challenge Lee right now!" Hop seemed motivated.

"You can go ahead and go without me, there's places I want to discover." You said.

"No way! How can I go without you when I need to battle against you." Hop frowned.

"Let me take my time." You frowned

"Fine fine.... Where are we heading?" Hop asked.

"The sweets store!" You ran ahead of Hop.

"Are you kidding me? What are we going to do here??" Hop asked.

You looked around for sweets and noticed two specially designed well for couples.

"Give me one of these...! You asked.

"And who is it for young lady?" The owner of the sweets store asked.

"To my boyfriend, Bede." You smiled.

"Hey Y/N do you think I should get one for Marnie and I too?" Hop asked.

"You two aren't even a thing." You frowned.

"Yeah yeah, but do you think this will impress her?" Hop asked again.

"Well you can just go for it if you think so." You said.

"Maybe I will..." Hop muttered.

Your special sweets were made quickly, the owner of the shop handing them over to you with a smile on his face.

"Have a nice day young lady." The owner said.

Hop was still in the sweets shop waiting while you walked around.

You received a message from Bede

"Have you arrived yet? And have you arrived safely? I hope so." Bede sent.

"Yeah, I'm almost close on my way to Wyndon Stadium." You replied back.

"Can't wait, I'll be arriving soon. Expect me to be there soon." Bede somewhat seemed determined for something.

"I can't wait too." You sent.

Bede stop responding by now which made you worried about him.

Hop ran out of the sweets store with a bag in his hand.

"You look like you just robbed the sweet store." You laughed.

"I did not! I'm just excited is all!" Hop nodded.

"Hey, we should head to Wyndon stadium and check in you know. I'll be looking forward to our battle!" Hop smiled.

"Me too." You nodded.

I'm looking forward to seeing Bede, I haven't seen him in like days now so it'll only make me happier to finally see him again.

"Well, I'll race you there! Who's ever last isn't the champion!" Hop teased.

"Seriously? Hop that's childish, we're not really kids anymore at this point." You frowned.

Hop ran ahead of you.

Are you kidding me...? If that's what you want I'll go too..!

You started running and caught up by Hop's side. The two of you running like kids being chased by a pokemon.

"You finally decided to catch up with me? Man you're determined!" Hop laughed.

The two of you arrived to Wyndon Stadium at the same time. Both completely tired and breathless.

"That was a great work out! Lee probably does this too!" Hop smirked.

"Not the childish tactic you do though." You frowned.

"Oh come on, every once in a while you got to let in your childish instinct. It was a part of you so why not let it back in? You sound exactly like Mr. Dork." Hop smiled.

"Guess so." You nodded.

The two of you entered Wyndon stadium and up to the counter.

There was people cheering on for both you and Hop.

So this is what it's like to be considered famous... Never expected the day where someone would cheer me on and treat me exactly like a celebrity.

You looked around while Hop got the two of you signed up.

"Hop! Y/N! Man am I glad to see the both of you.!" You heard a familiar voice.

"Lee! It's been a while!" Hop cheered on.

"It sure has been, you know I didn't expect you two to make it that far." Leon said.

"Are you saying you expected us to lose." You answered.

"W-What...! No! I mean sure you two are endorsed trainers of mine but to think you'd both arrive here. How strong, I'll be looking forward to battling one of you. I can hardly contain myself." Leon laughed.

"Yeah, and once I beat everyone else I'll fight against you too Lee!" Hop yelled.

These two are so confident it's almost scary how much they feel towards battling. Wonder how strong Leon is.

You went into your own room in which you changed into your challenger uniform. You felt an adrenaline kick inside you with a bit of fear as well.

Bede's words of encouragement echoed in your head once again.

"Believe in yourself, you can do it."

You went back into the changing room and grabbed Bede's jacket that he lent you. You wrapped it around your waist and slapped your cheeks with both your hands as an encouragement.

"I'll do it...!" You smiled and ran inside the stadium.

You were faced up against Marnie who you both promised will fight here.


You defeated Marnie making yourself victorious against her. Your next opponent was Hop who the battle between you two would determine who's moving on to be the champion.

You saw a message from Bede.

"I was watching you battle Marnie live... You were wearing my jacket weren't you?" Bede asked.

You responded back with

"Yeah, it's a sign of good luck! Whenever I feel uncomfortable to proceed on this jacket of yours seems to comfort me into going back out once again."

"R-Really...? Well that's... cute." Bede responded back.

You could tell he was nervous.

"Well, good luck with your battle against Hop because soon he won't be the only one facing you." Bede said.

You put away your phone and felt a smile form on your face.

"I'm ready for this...!" You also held Bede's jacket around you as you walked into the stadium about to face Hop.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now