|Marnie's brother?|

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You headed to Spikemuth for your next gym badge although you don't ever recall meeting the dark type gym leader. He/She didn't show up in the grand opening ceremony so you had no clue what they specifically looked like.

"I wonder who the gym leader is going to be..." You thought to yourself.

When you arrived, Spikemuth was closed down and there was a lot of gym challengers waiting outside to challenge the dark type gym leader.

"What's going on...?" You asked around for answers.

"The dark type gym leader closed down the town! We don't know why but he said he didn't want anything to do with us challengers!" Some trainers said.

"Hey Y/N! Over here!" You heard a familiar voice.

You looked over to the side and saw Marnie, she was calling you over to come follow her.

You ran towards Marnie and followed her to a secret passageway to get inside Spikemuth.

"I know a secret way in since the gym leader here happens to be my big bro and all." Marnie explained.

"What?! The gym leader is your big brother?!" You were shocked.

Marnie nodded.

"I find it hard to believe big bro Piers doesn' wanna battle anyone. Guess cuz music's more important to him then anything." Marnie sighed.

"Do you two look alike? I'm curious now?" You smiled.

"Well, I guess you can say so.." Marnie said.

"If you want to get past me and challenge my big bro for yourself your gonna have to battle me. I won't take no for an answer." Marnie smiled.

"I wasn't planning on saying no anyways." You smiled.

The two of you engaged into a pokemon battle and to her surprise you defeated Marnie.

"You're strong Y/N, you'll make an interesting opponent for my big bro! Just wait for me Y/N, during the finals of the elite four I will challenge you and I will be victorious!" Marnie seemed motivated.

"I'll be looking forward to that too!" You smiled.

The two of you walked inside the secret passageway of Spikemuth.

Jeez... How long do I have to go for this gym challenge? I just want to see Bede again, I really want to hug him in open arms and see him smile.

You sighed and continued on with your gym challenge. You passed a lot of trainers defeating them. Who knew they'd be Team Yell.

I wonder if Hop and Bede somehow got along, I'd figure those two would probably give up on each other considering how they hate each other's guts and refuse to be around each other.

Once you reached the end of Spikemuth you saw Marnie's big bro singing to the crowd and putting on a show for them.

You walked up ahead and joined in the crowd.

"Woo! You go! You're an amazing singer!" You clapped.

The crowd looked at you and so did the gym leader.

"A challenger already? I wanted to have my fun a little before I can battle anyone. I guess we'll battle right now. Make room everybody, Piers is comin'." The gym leader known as Piers stepped off the stage and took his poke balls out.

"Challenger, you face Piers! The dark type gym leader! Let's enjoy ourselves a good time!" Piers said, using his microphone.

The two of you engaged into a pokemon battle.

I'd have to admit... Piers is pretty strong.

You somehow managed to beat Piers with only one pokemon left on your team. He was a tough opponent but you couldn't possibly imagine how Raihan would be next. Probably the most strongest trainers out of all of them.

"Welp, I lost..." Piers sighed.

You heard footsteps and saw that Marnie came.

"Lil sis, what are you doin' here?" Piers asked.

"I saw your battle against Y/N, big bro. I'm proud of you. The way you battled was amazing!" Marnie clapped for Piers.

Piers seemed to be a little down until Marnie told him that.

"Marnie, I'm going to hand over the gym to you soon as the new gym leader. I'm retirin'." Piers said.

"No, I'm not going to become the gym leader to this gym. You see I want to grow stronger and compete in the finals and once I win I'll become champion." Marnie nodded.

You were about to leave when Piers stopped you on the way.

"Hey kid, take this." Piers handed you the gym badge for his gym.

"Good luck on where the road takes you or whatever. Good luck on Raihan, he's a tough one to battle. As tough as a boulder." Piers said.

"Thank you." You smiled and ran off.

You noticed the entrace to Spikemuth was now open to the public in which everyone went inside now. You ran out and saw Leon himself waiting outside.

"Hey Y/N, how's it been? Feels like it's been forever since I've see you." Leon smiled.

"I'm doing great so far." You smiled.

You heard the sounds that sounded like an earthquake happening and people screaming.

"Another gigamax pokemon?! Sorry Y/N, I've gotta go.. Please continue on your journey, don't let this get to you and earn your badges! I'll be waiting!" Leon ran off.

You saw Hop arrive at the same time Leon just ran off.

"Hey Y/N! What's up?" Hop asked.

"I'm worried about your brother, he seemed to have run off once some earthquake happened." You said.

"Really? Don't worry about him Y/N, he's the champion. Lee can handle any situation." Hop smiled.

You received a message from Bede on your phone with him saying that he was being trained by Lady Opal again.

You couldn't help but laugh thinking about what acting she makes him go through.

You missed Bede a little but he still had to go through all that training because he's gonna be the soon Fairy Type gym leader.

I wish he was here... I could give him a big hug and everything right now....

You sighed and continued on your journey, on to the last gym badge. Facing against the one and only dragon type gym leader Raihan.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now