|Hate is a strong word|

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Sitting on the bed, staring at a glass window with streams of rain you watched the rain flow by. You were kind of worried about Hop since he hasn't appeared and only Bede has... Could it be that he lost?

No... That's not possible. Hop is a strong trainer.

You received a text message from Hop.

"Sorry Y/N... I won't be able to make it with you to proceed on. I have to do some deep thinking." -Hop


"What's wrong?" You sent to Hop.

Hop only read your message but didn't respond. You passed by a room and heard the voice of Bede talking.

"I showed that Hop a lesson. That cocky bastard, I crushed all his confidence now. The stupid guy thinks he's meaningless in life now that I did so." Bede laughed.

Your eyes widened in shock as you heard Bede talk about that. But why...?

You didn't know what you were thinking and barged the door open.

"You...! What are you doing in here...?!" Bede jumped a little.

"Why would you bring Hop's confidence down...? How could you Bede.... Just because I was somewhat a friend to you, you should be nice to Hop!" You yelled.

Bede looked at you with a bit of anger in his face.

"Why do you care about that acorn hair so much...!" Bede yelled.

"Why do I care? Because he's my friend! He's been my friend! I've known him for a long time now! Head always been there for me and I love him so much!" You yelled.

Love him... Love him as a friend, wait why didn't I say anything else about that now Bede is going to think I love Hop but I actually love Bede...!!

Bede stared at you.

"Get out of my room." Bede frowned.

"You jerk...! I hate you...! I really do...!" You screamed at Bede and ran away.

You ran back to your room and closed the door, breathing heavily.

No... This isn't right... I can't I... Do I really hate him..?

~~Bede's pov~~

I threw myself on my bed and began to think to myself.

Does she... Does she really hate me..? Is this the end between me and her? The end of me even possibly telling her how I feel..?

I sighed deeply and thought about things. Maybe I was too harsh on the acorn or maybe... Maybe I should act better than I usually do.

~~Y/N's pov~~

You played a little with your pokemon inside your room. Playing with them made you forget what happened between you and Bede.

You heard a knock on your door.

"It's open, come in." You said.

Sonia came into your room, she brought some snacks to eat up and greeted you with a warm welcoming smile.

"Hey Y/N, Leon wanted me to talk to you since I figured we're both girls and you know... Girls feel more comfortable talking to other girls." Sonia smiled as she sat besides you.

".... You're not wrong.." You felt a little smile form on your face as your pokemon played around with each other.

"Leon said you were going through some teen romance thing or whatever. I knew it...! You do love someone...! Who is it??" Sonia beamed with joy.

"That's um..." You mumbled.

"Come on, we're having a girl to girl talk. I'm not going to tell Leon about this." Sonia gave you a thumbs up.

"You know that trainer endorsed by Chairman Rose?" You said.

"What?! Him?? I thought you were going to fall for Hop out of all people..! Hop's got that adorable little face just like his brother." Sonia laughed.

You stared at Sonia.

"O-Oh um... Sorry! Do go on!" Sonia nervously smiled.

"I really like Bede... I don't know I just do. He is a jerk and very stubborn sometimes but I suddenly found myself going crazy over him." You said.

Sonia looked at you.

"Sounds like you're head over heels for him!" Sonia smiled.

"Y-Yeah well..." Your face turned pink.

"He sometimes acts like a real jerk. Sometimes he acts nice but then after that he's snapping at me then and there." You pouted.

"Ooooh! I've heard of those! It's what they call a tsundere! Where they act very mean and hostile towards the one they like but in reality they're just a big ol softie. Something like that." Sonia smiled

"Where do you get all this knowledge...?" You asked Sonia.

"I have my way with things." She wave her finger at you.

"If you like him, why not pursue him? It's only natural that you chase after the one you love." Sonia said.

"Yeah I do want to the only problem is... Well... Hop is my friend and well the two hate each other." You said.

"Sounds like a rivalry. " Sonia laughed.

"You'll just have to tell Hop one way or another. He is your close friend is he not? Let him know the truth." Sonia got up.

"You're right..." You said.

"Sometimes even your friend has to know the truth. You can't really hide it." Sonia opened the door to your room.

"I'll be seeing you Y/N, I wish you luck on your journey and don't forget your romance of course!" Sonia winked and walked out.

You thought about things but remembered that you yelled at Bede that you hated him.

God dammit...! I didn't mean to tell him I hate him..! I don't hate him...!

You put your hands on your face and felt your face blow up in huge regrets.

Drizzile walked up to you and placed his hand on your shoulder.

"Thanks Drizzile..." You smiled a bit.

You threw yourself on the bed and raised your hand up.

"I wonder what Bede thinks of me Drizzile... Does he feel the same way towards me?" You said.

Drizzile looked at you.

"Hate really is a strong word... I probably said too much to him to scare him off." You sighed.

You closed your eyes and let yourself fall asleep.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now