|Even without you around me, picture me there by your side|

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"Come on Y/N! We're going to be late! You know how the train stations been acting ever since those Wooloo's covering around the railroads have been! If we don't go we'd have to go tomorrow!" Hop complained.

Ever since your leg healed in just a few days surprisingly, you refused to go continue on your gym challenge considering how you'd leave your sweet boyfriend Bede behind.

"Then I'll just quit! You can become the champion!" You frowned.

"Quit?! Are you serious? Come on, let's go!" Hop grabbed your arm.

"Nooooo, I refuse...!" You frowned.

"Y/N, I insist you go with Hop. Come on." Bede looked down.

You hugged Bede.

"And leave you? No way in earth I'm doing that." You looked at Bede with an upset look.

"Look Y/N, that's sweet. I love you too.. I'll be okay. I want you to continue your journey please." Bede sighed.

You sighed.

"How about we all hang out again one more time yeah? Before we say goodbye and part ways. It really is hard to say goodbye to the person you love." You looked down.

"If that'll get you to come along with me then fine. Where should we hang out?" Hop asked.

"I'm thinking of that sweets store Y/N and I went to last time." Bede's face lightened up.

"I thought you weren't a fan of sweets?" You asked Bede.

"Me? Of course not, sweets are for children." Bede crossed his arms.

"I mean speaking hypothetically you are sort of a kid Bede considering that when you lose and everything and get mad, you throw a fit like some child." Hop laughed.

"You stupid brat! How dare you talk to me like that!" Bede yelled at Hop.

Hop hid behind you and laughed.

"Both of you quit it! I thought you both were getting along well!" You frowned.

"I apologize Y/N, Hop just sometimes gets on my nerves." Bede sighed.

He called him Hop for once.... I'm impressed.

"Hop quit teasing Bede only I can do that." You said.

"Who said you can tease me?! Just because you're my girlfriend don't think I'll let you-"

You threw your arms around Bede with a smile across your face.

"I love you." You nodded.

"W-Why you...?! Forget it-" Bede looked away.

All of you ended up heading to a restaurant in Circhester. The one you previously went to with Sonia.

"This again? This brings back bad memories." Bede frowned.

"Bad memories? What are you talking about?? They sell good food here!" Hop sat down at a table right away saving a seat for both you and Bede.

Bede pulled a chair open for you.

"My lady." Bede smiled.

Your face turned pink as you sat down the chair. Bede sat next to you.

"UM, do you two mind? Remember I don't have a girlfriend here and seeing you two get lovey dovey makes me feel bad." Hop sighed.

"Why not date Marnie?" Bede asked.

"Marnie?! Oh no no no, she's wayyyyy too perfect for me. In fact those team Yell grunts will want to fight me for her. It's a serious fight to the death about one girl." Hop looked away.

"I've never met someone as bad as a liar as you before." Bede said.

"Liar! What are you talking about?! I'm being honest here!" Hop yelled.

"Don't lie about your feelings towards her. I used to lie to myself saying there was no way I had feelings for Y/N at all until I was finally able to realize it myself that I was." Bede bonked Hop on the head.

"Ow...! Hey fine, I'll think about it." Hop frowned.

You laughed a little and enjoyed your dinner with the two of them. You found that even if these dorks don't get along you still seem them somewhat trying to bond with each other.

"Man I'm stuffed! So are we heading back to Hammerlocke or what? I'm tired of waiting, I wanna become champion already." Hop yawned.

"It's not always about becoming the champion, you're not even mature enough to qualify being the champion." Bede said.

"Tough talk for the boy who got eliminated off the gym challenge." Hop mocked Bede.

Bede looked upset.

"Hey, don't make Bede upset! If you do I'll never forgive you!" You frowned.

Hop looked away with sweat coming down his forehead.

"Sorry, my bad." Hop looked upset.

You, Hop, and Bede all finally arrived to Hammerlocke once again. You didn't want to say bye now.

Damn it.... what is this lonely sad feeling going through my chest....?

"Hey we still haven't passed by the sweets store! Bede maybe we can have a Pokemon battle with the owner again? Remember that? Because I sure do." You faked a smile.

"Y/N please.... Please stop stalling and go already." Bede looked at you with a serious look on his face.

"Me stalling? I could've possibly not, surely you got it incorrect. I am just trying to pass by and buy some-"

"If you're saying that then let go of me without any hesitation." Bede said.

You had your arm clinged on to Bede's arm.

I don't want to let go yet.... I want to stay with him...

"I.... I don't want to." You looked upset.

Bede dug into his bag and pulled out an old jacket, the one he put around you during that sick chapter.

"Here... It might not be much but.... This is for you to know that even if we're away from each other for a few days you can have this. Even without me by your side, picture me by your side with this." Bede smiled.

You held back tears and hugged Bede tightly.

"I'm.... I'm gonna miss you..." You muttered.

"I'll meet back with you when I finish a little of my training. I promise." Bede nodded.

You walked ahead with Hop but ran back towards Bede to give him a kiss on the cheek and ran off to board the train.

~~Bede's pov~~

My face turned red as Y/N did that. That was quite unexpected I'll admit. I headed back to the fairy type gym to continue my training.

"I'll catch up to the both of you soon, just you wait." I smiled.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now