|Getting along|

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You decided to leave Bede and Hop alone so they'd take the time to get along or at least know each other better so you continued on your gym challenge, riding your bike to the next gym.

~~Hop's pov~~

Great, I'm stuck with this guy out of everyone in the world. I really hate this guy, if it wasn't for Y/N I wouldn't be doing this but she's my friend and I have to stick with this until I at least somewhat know this guy well.

~~Bede's pov~~

I really don't like this guy at all, he's annoying and so snobbish. He brings his name down alongside Leon, hard to believe this guy is a trainer if he keeps on losing to a lot of trainers. What a loser.

"You." I said.

"Y-Yeah me...?! What about me?!" Hop asked.

"I don't like you, there's nothing I see in you that is likeable. You are rubbish, unlikeable." I repeated myself.

"Well guess what bub, I don't like you either. We're in the same situation here. So um-" Hop said.

"Yet I can't leave because I have to stay here with you until I know you somewhat better otherwise Y/N will be disappointed in me." I looked down, clenching my fist.

"You seem to care about Y/N a lot." Hop said.

"Huh? Of course I do, don't think I'm just dating her out of pity! My feelings are real! Although... I've never really shown this side of me to a girl before. Not even anyone.." I sighed.

"Really? You mean that's not how you usually act?" Hop asked.

"Yeah you see, I've never really been able to get along with anyone. I was raised in an orphanage always picking fights with other kids. It wasn't until Chairman Rose gave me a pokemon that it had completely changed my life." I explained.

~~Hop's pov~~

The more curious I was starting to get about this guy. I don't know why but just hearing him not yell at me or calling me lame names is actually pretty soothing.

"I continued to work hard and train to get into the gym challenge. It wasn't until I also met Y/N that my feelings would change. Never have I ever opened up my feelings to a girl or anyone ever except for Chairman Rose, he was the only one who knew me well." Bede added.

"Sounds like your feelings are actually real and not some scam. Thought some idiot like you were only using her to a gym challenge advantage." I frowned.

"Of course not, why would I do that? Only a fool would do that, to think I'd do something so horrible like that! I'd never forgive myself if I were to use her for my advantage. After all she's the one who got me to fall in love with her, I hated feeling this way towards her but now I've embraced it." Bede slightly smiled.

"Hey pal, you're smiling. Is that a rare occasion or?" I asked.

"W-What?! Huh...." Bede began to laugh a little.

"I never really expected me to smile over telling some story to someone." Bede tried to wipe that smile off his face.

"Sometimes I think you're a bad person but seeing you smile like this is a rare feeling. I like it when you smile." I nodded.

"Y-You...?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WRONG THAT CAME OUT!" Bede yelled at me.



"I'm sorry..! Jeez don't get so worked up on me." I frowned.

"So Hop, how come you're close to Y/N?" Bede asked.

"You jealous or?" I looked at him with a smirk.

"I'm not jealous, I know her feelings were clear to me when I told her how I felt." Bede nodded.

Damn it this guy is good... I wanted to tease him to see if he'd get jealous if I told him that.

"Me and Y/N live near each other, we also knew each other since kids. We used to play a lot together and look after each other. Ever since then we've been really good friends. Always keeping an a close eye on each other." I smiled.

"Oh speaking of which, have you met Y/N's mum? She's really really sweet! She also is a great cook! But most importantly Y/N's mom is a very loveable person and accepts anyone in open arms. You should meet her soon and explain who you are." I laughed.

"Is that so...? I'm curious, I'd like to meet her mum too. She's probably as sweet as Y/N herself." Bede smiled.

"I swear you need to start smiling more! You look some angel that fell out of the heavens and blessed us here with a smile!" I said.

"Oh shut it, you need to work on showing more anger. You're always so happy and never seem to show any negative emotions." Bede said.

"That's because when I was a little kid I used to be such a cry baby but ever since then I started smiling more because Y/N wanted me to smile more. I kept my word and here I am smiling, even at my losses." I sighed.

"Then... Do you think I should smile more often for her?" Bede asked.

"Well that's up to you.... If you really do love her, show her a smile every once in awhile. She'll probably appreciate it considering how you're her boyfriend and everything." I nodded.

"Maybe I should...." Bede nodded.

"Anyways I have to get going, I got to travel to get my next badges. After all Y/N is my rival and we both aim to be the champion." I smirked.

"Don't get too cocky, you're still bad at battles." Bede grinned.

"Oh you idiot! I swear I'm going to kick your butt in a pokemon battle just you wait Bede!" I pointed at him.

"Really now? I'll be waiting for that then. Get stronger and face me soon, we might as well compete soon. After all you still need to get back at me for beatin-"

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" I covered my ears and ran off.

On to the gym challenge I go, I still need to train and catch up to Y/N after all.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now