|A Battle for us|

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You woke up from your nap and noticed you were alone on the bed.

"Well? Are you going to keep sleeping or what?" Bede asked.

"H-Huh...?! You're the one that dragged me into the bed!" You frowned.

"Lies, I did no such thing." Bede pouted.

Bede reached out his hand to you.

"Are you ready? Don't worry about me but continue your championship. You still have Leon to defeat to determine whether you are the winner." Bede said.

You felt nervous and hesitated a little.

"Seriously? Do I have to do all the work?" Bede grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him. He pulled you in for a hug.

"Don't be scared, believe in yourself. That's what you've always did when taking the gym challenge no?" Bede asked.

"Yeah but back then we didn't like each other." You smiled.

"That doesn't matter...! That's all in the past!" Bede said.

You laughed a little.

Bede called over a Corviknight cab and had you both travel all the way to Wyndon. When you both arrived Bede still held your hand and walked you to the stadium.

"Just so you know, um... good luck. And here." Bede gave you a kiss on the forehead.

"Is this a sign of good luck?" You said.

"Y-Yeah what else do you think it is...?!" Bede looked away.

"If you wanna wish me luck you'll have to do more than that." You teased Bede.

"Y-You...!!" Bede frowned.

You leaned in for the kiss instead of Bede. You decided maybe you'd do the job for him instead since he's usually the one to do every move. You pulled away from him with a grin across your face.

"I never know what you're up to..." Bede sighed.

You both walked in, you saw Leon doing his signature pose as you walked in.

"Just the person I've been waiting for. I'll see you soon." Leon walked away.

You waved goodbye to Bede and entered into the changing room and waited until Leon was ready for his match against you.

"Y/N are you ready? Leon seems to be ready for battle." The receptionist said.

You nodded.

"I couldn't possibly be ready more than anything." You smiled.

You walked into the stadium feeling nervous but yet continued on otherwise Bede would've gotten mad at you and scolded you for running away.

Leon stood there with his arms crossed, he then turned around and faced you.

"I've been looking forward to this, from the moment I endorsed you I can't believe this is finally happening." Leon smiled.

He took off his cape.

"Let the battle begin...!" Leon's cape went flying off.


The two of you had a strong endless battle. You had a tactic in to keep switching out and healing while Leon tried to get rid of most of your pokemon. He seemed more better at you in battles then you've ever been and so far he's really challenging.

It was then that the two of you were left with one pokemon, his Charizard and your Inteleon. Once you both gigamaxed your pokemon your Inteleon had an advantage here and defeated Leon's Charizard.

You saw that once you defeated Leon he lowered his hat and prevented you from seeing his face.

Guess even the champion cries like his younger brother does too.

He threw off his hat and smiled once again.

"Ladies and gentleman...! I have been defeated I quite understand...! But as of now I am no longer your champion! Instead you should be facing Y/N over here!" Leon yelled.

You seem embarrassed that everyone was looking at you, you looked to the side and saw Bede with a smile on his face, Marnie clapping at your victory, Hop cheering on for you and your mum who seemed happy.

"I am stepping down as champion and offering Y/N as the new champion so...! Let's see what she can do! Let's welcome Y/N as our brand new champion!" Leon yelled with a smile on his face.

Everyone yelled out your name and cheered you on as the new champion of Galar. It had been years since Galar's ever gotten a new champion.

You saw someone approaching the two of you, to your surprise it was Bede running up to you and Leon. Your eyes widened as he ran up to you and hugged you.

"I knew you could do it! Yet here you used to say things like you didn't have hope at all." Bede smiled.

You hugged Bede back with a smile on your face.

"What could I say? That good luck charm of yours must've worked because I sure did feel better from all that encouragement." You laughed.

"Is that so?" Bede nodded.

The two of you walked away from the stadium. You were greeted from adoring fans and even pulled away by a female receptionist who told you to wear your champion uniform. You did so going to the changing room to change into your champion uniform and even wearing the old cape Leon would wear.

"How do I look?" You asked Bede.

"You look exactly like Leon but shorter." Bede teased.

"Hey says you!" You frowned.

"I won't be able to have you for myself for a while so why don't you go hang out with fans of yours?" Bede asked.

You grabbed his arm.

"I know I'm the champion but I'm sort of going to need your help on this." You sighed.

You spent time with Bede signing autographs and taking pictures with fans. He was there to assist you whenever you felt uneasy or so.

"Man this is exhausting... I want to go home." You sighed.

"Let's go to your mum's house." Bede agreed.

The two of you rode the Corviknight cab back home to your mum.

"Ah welcome back my little champion!" Your mum hugged you.

"Thanks mum, hey I'm going to crash here for the night." You said.

"Is that so? Well have a good rest, you're welcome to stay too my little Bede." Your mum messed up Bede's hair with a head pat and walked to her room.

Bede was quick to throw himself on your couch and fall asleep. And so you slept in his arms fast asleep.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now