|Hidden Feelings|

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You arrived at Circhester with Hop by your side. The two of you exhausted from all that walking and trainer battles.

"Man...! I could use a break! I'm really tired..." Hop sighed.

"We can always book over at that hotel over there." You pointed towards those two hotel buildings.

"No? You're kidding! This is like one of those cliches where a boy and a girl book a hotel room and, you know what never mind. I won't continue anymore with that." Hop looked away. (Haha funny joke)

Hop ran to the hotel on his own to book a room for the two of you.

"What a surprise to see you here." You heard a familiar voice.

You saw Bede approach you, he wasn't wearing his usual attire but rather the fairy type gym uniform. He approached you with arms crossed.

You couldn't help but sneak a little "pfft" near him.

"Don't go laughing at me now...! The old lady made me wear it to represent pink!" Bede looked down in anger.

"You look adorable in it!" You laughed.

"Y-You look adorable in anything..." You heard Bede mumble.

"Sorry, couldn't hear you?" You teased Bede a little.

Bede didn't say anything

You walked with Bede to the hotel and entered in.

"Bede, I want to hear you say that again." You said.

"Hear me say what?" Bede asked.

"You said I was cute." You smiled.

"N-No such thing...! Bede turned away.

"Come on, there's nothing wrong with calling someone cute." You laughed.

Bede slammed his hand against the wall as he looked down at you.

"You want me to say it again?" Bede asked with a serious look on his face.

Your face turned a bit pink as you stared at Bede.

~~Bede's pov~

"Ms. Opal, I need advice... You see there's a certain girl I really like so much.." I looked at Opal with a determined look on my face.

"Try to be a little bad boy romantic or so... The ladies love bad boys. They'll love it when you act like a bad boy around them." Opal smiled.

~~Y/N's pov~~

You stared at Bede, he seemed to have that angry look on his face.

"What are you trying to accomplish?" You asked.

Bede's eyes widened as he looked away.

"I-I can't do this..." Bede said.

"Do... Do what?" You asked again.

"Ugh, you really are airheaded maybe this will help you understand a lot better." You saw Bede's face come closer to yours.

Your face turned red.

Bede's lips pressed onto yours, feeling that soft feeling. Once Bede pulled away he didn't say a word.

Damn it Bede...?! You always know when to steal a kiss..!

"I guess I should be going, not like I have anything better to do." Bede frowned.

Bede was beginning to walk away from you when you chased after him and grabbed his hand.

"Bede wait...!" You said, clinging on to his hand.

"What? You've got something to say?" Bede's tone changed.

"I.... I... Love you." You mumbled.

You heard Bede gasp.

"... Hang on... Did I hear that right..?" Bede turned around, shocked at what you said.

You nodded, your face being completely red.

"Yeah... I did mean it." You mumbled.

"Speak up, I can't hear you." Bede put his hand on your chin.

"You heard me...!" You furrowed your eye brows.

Bede began to laugh a little which you had never really seen. You've only seen him smile but to think he'd laugh out of all things. This was truly a blessing.

Why is he laughing...?

"Damn it, here you are confessing to me yet I wanted to be the one to do it first." Bede sighed.

"W-We can try again...! Forget I ever said anything about loving you and start ov-"

"I love you too Y/N." Bede said with a smile on his face.

"Are you still leaving?" You asked Bede.

"Well, not that I have a choice otherwise the old lady is going to keep getting worried about me and eventually try to go looking for me on her own." Bede nodded.

"Why don't you stay for a bit..?" You sighed.

Bede put his hand on your head gently as he began to stroke your hair a little.

"I'll be back before you know it I just have to return back to Ms. Opal. For now, good luck on your next gym and stay out of trouble." Bede kissed your forehead.

Right when he was about to walk out the door you called out to him.

"Bede!" You shouted.

"Yeah? What is it?" Bede asked.

"I love you!" You yelled.

"Y-You...! Did you really have to yell that out loud...!" Bede's face turned red as he walked away.

You soon found yourself in the room Hop booked. There were two seperate beds as he layed down and began using his phone.

"So how did things go with the ugl- Bede of course." Hop cleared his throat a little.

"It all felt like a dream, I wasn't expecting such a miracle like this to happen. It's almost like I'm in some sort of romantic book." You smiled.

"You are in a romantic book." Hop frowned.

"Hop you said you weren't going to be mad about me and Bede being together." You frowned.

"I am being supportive of you..! I'm sorry it doesn't seem that way please don't hate me." Hop looked down.

You laughed a little.

"I know, I know. I was just teasing." You smiled.

"Why would you tease me that way..!! You know how sensitive my feelings are when it comes to these type of serious talks!" Hop said.

You laughed.

"Hey Y/N, before I let you frolock and kiss your new boyfriend Be-, I can't say his name huh..." Hop clenched his fist.

"Go on, continue on." You suggested.

"Promise me you'll be happy." Hop said.

"Of course I will, why do you always say that?" You asked.

"Reasons, wouldn't want a bad boyfriend wouldn't you?" Hop turned around and fell asleep.

He's right, I wouldn't want a bad boyfriend yet I somehow know I can trust Bede. Bede seems rude and somewhat of a jerk but deep down inside he's kind. He just has a hard time expressing how he feels.

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now