|A Victory Celebration|

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You headed for Circhester gym once everything with sleeping in a hotel room went well. You used most of your team out here to fight against Gordie, the rock type gym leader. He wasn't too hard to fight since you had an advantage here but a gym like his was just too complicated.

But whenever you kept battling against a trainer you would always think of the luck Bede would wish you alongside a kiss too.

Damn it....!

Your face would turn red or pink whenever you'd think about Bede. Well at least you had luck by your side now to prevent you from messing up your battles.

You soon walked out of the Circhester gym badge with a badge in your hands. It would seem you had defeated Gordie all because of the luck Bede has given you. The luck hadn't gone to waste and now you just needed two badges left.

"Hey, how'd it go?" You saw Bede stading there with his arms crossed as he walked up to you.

You still couldn't help but laugh a little about his outfit.

"What are you laughing about now...?!" Bede stared at you.

"I'm sorry... I just think it's a bit silly to see you like this." You smiled.

"Should I stop wearing these? Gosh I feel like these clothes aren't good on me." Bede said.

"No no, you are the future fairy type gym leader. It's only natural that you wear the uniform. You look funny in it but no matter what you're amazing." You said.

"I'm.... I'm amazing...?" Bede's face lit up.

"Of course you are." You agreed.

Bede pulled you in for a hug, holding you close to him.

"Thank you..." Bede smiled.

Bede's arms were warm, the same warm arms that held you that time when you were with Bede alone.

My heart is racing....

You put your hands on on Bede's face.

"D-Don't do that...! My face is heating up like crazy..! What is this feeling..." Bede muttered.

"You're happy." You smiled.

"Happy.... That's... That's right... I'm happy. Happy that I have you by my side." Bede held your hand.

"I'm happy too Bede..." You agreed with him.

"Well well, look at the two love birds. Finally got together without telling me a thing?" You heard that voice before.

Sonia crossed her arms with a wide smile across her face.

"Why didn't you tell me he was the one Y/N?? He sure does look adorable." Sonia laughed.

Bede's face turned a bit pink.

"Well I was planning on inviting you to eat with me at the restaurant nearby but I guess two can tag along. Come on! It's on me!" Sonia smiled, running ahead of you.

You grabbed Bede's hand.

"Come on! We should be going!" You laughed.

"H-Hey...! Hold up...!" Bede stuttered.

You pulled Bede with you to the restaurant. Once you opened the door you saw Sonia and Hop in front of you.

"Y/N, he- I see you brought HIM along." Hop frowned.

"Calm down, try not to start a fight you boys. It would be immature of you doing that. Now let's order some food!" Sonia said.

You saw both Bede and Hop glare at each other as if they were about to have a showdown with each other.

"Tell your friend to quit staring at me. It's annoying." Bede's eye brows twitched.

"Y/N, tell your man to stop making eye contact with me." Hop poked you.

"Both of you... Remain calm." You pinched both of their arms.

Surprisingly the two had stayed calm and didn't fight until Bede began talking.

"Ugh I hate the way you eat, it's annoying. You eat like a boar." Bede frowned.

"Well excuse me Mr. Fancy pants, if you don't like how I eat then mind your own business!" Hop yelled.

"I would mind my business if you stopped being loud with the way you chew...!" Bede yelled.

The two argued back and forth but you grabbed Bede's hand and took him outside.

"Bede...! Stop arguing with-"

You were suddenly interrupted by a big unexpected hug from Bede.

"I'm sorry... It's just I get awfully jealous. I know I shouldn't be jealous and know you two are friends but the two of you know a lot more to each other than I know you." Bede looked upset.

"Do you want to get to know Hop better?" You stared at Bede.

"That's not what I'm asking for...!" Bede frowned.

"Hop knows a lot about me so by befriending him you can learn more about me. Although are you sure you're not interested in becoming his friend?" You tilted your head.

Bede looked down.

"I'd rather know about you from you yourself." Bede said.

I just want you and Hop to get along so you both don't have to keep throwing insults at each other like two drama queens fighting over a man.

"Bede just give it one shot to hang out with Hop for once. If you don't like him the first time you don't have to hang out with him again but I'm just telling you." You looked down

"If it's for you... I'll do it." Bede sighed.

Aha...! I somehow managed to convince him... Wait... Did he say it was for me? Oh my god this boy is so kind...!!

You took a look at Bede with your face heating up.

"Okay so, give it a chance." You walked inside the restaurant and had a talk with Hop about it.

"Oh heck no...! Count me out! I don't want part of this!" Hop yelled.

"I'll treat you to some food soon." You smiled.

"Oh you... You know me so well... I guess so." Hop sighed.

He walked out the door besides you.

"Hey idiot, so we're supposed to like get to know each other or whatever." Hop didn't bother making eye contact with Bede.

"Idiot...! Who are you calling idiot you fool!" Bede frowned.

The two were about to fight but held back.

Hop put his arm around Bede.

"Stick with me.... 'buddy'." Hop said.

"Hey I have an idea! The two of you should stay inside the same hotel room." You said.

"What?!" The both of them said.

"Me in a room with this one?! I could never!" Bede said.

"I would rather stay with a pokemon I don't like rather than this!" Hop frowned.

You sighed.

Getting these two to befriend each other sure would be hard....

~Fallen For You~ Pokemon SWSH(Bede x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now